Depression By Monday


That's what John McCain's campaign is now saying. That's the kind of stoic well-reasoned rhetoric we need from out political leaders right now. Jesus Christ these guys are ridiculous. The McCain campaign has two settings: (1) ignore and (2) dramatic overreaction:

They also deny that there is a political calculation in this and say without action the country could slide into a Depression by Monday and added "we'll see 12 percent unemployment" if action is not completed. GOP sources say they believe the current deal is dead on the Hill and reject suggestions that without McCain's vote Democrats would not support a package.

Please keep McCain and any other idiot traveling with him as far, far away from the bailout negotiations as possible. Please.
Also, rumor has it that the deal is 98% done and the the FED and Treasury have capitulated to everything the Democrats have asked for and that drafts are being circulated.

Basically, McCain wants to take credit for a done deal.
I don't mean to be glib but I guess I just try to be more practical when looking at these things or I view the whole political theater from a completely different angle.

Everyone always talks about what's fair, what's right, what's mean/what isn't, what the REAL facts are, what the lies are, blah blah blah.

In the end nothing of that matters because americans are stupid, they'll be tricked and duped over and over, they have short term memories and don't know anything. Facts don't matter, what is or isn't doesn't matter... all that matters is how many dumb people can you trick into voting for you. That's the only thing that matters concerning this election, and people miss it time and time and time and time again.
The only two questions we should be asking everyday is:

How many dumb people did obama gain/lose?
How many dumb people did mccain gain/lose?
That's what John McCain's campaign is now saying. That's the kind of stoic well-reasoned rhetoric we need from out political leaders right now. Jesus Christ these guys are ridiculous. The McCain campaign has two settings: (1) ignore and (2) dramatic overreaction:

Please keep McCain and any other idiot traveling with him as far, far away from the bailout negotiations as possible. Please.

Aheeeem---time for history 101. McCain wanted F&F reforrm a long time ago--years ago. The dems shot it down several times. I seem to think it is Dobbs and Paulson saying they need that 7 bill by Friday.

What you suffer from is called "projection". That is like a guy who cheats on his wife (or boyfriend in your case)--then blames the wife for cheating on him. It is a sign of a mental disorder. Go see a consertative shrink.

McCain is demanding protection for others. Dems are almost 100% responsible for the mess, and a few republicans in there just to make it look like it is some partisan thing.

we have even had a dem congress for two years now--and they have done nothing. project all you want---we know the truth. Right now--the people Dobbs/Paulson etc etc dem dem etc--are th ones to blame--and you think it is OK if they write the new rules by friday?--I would rather see a depression.
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That's what John McCain's campaign is now saying. That's the kind of stoic well-reasoned rhetoric we need from out political leaders right now. Jesus Christ these guys are ridiculous. The McCain campaign has two settings: (1) ignore and (2) dramatic overreaction:

Please keep McCain and any other idiot traveling with him as far, far away from the bailout negotiations as possible. Please.

Palin said the same thing today. I am just wondering what do these two extremely dangerous individuals have to do before people come to the point where they simply cannot support them? It is as if they are trying to create a run on the banks? It's not a joke. This is some of the most irresponsible shit i have ever seen, and I know that people like the Double D's will support them no matter what, one out of dumbness and one out of hate, but people like SF, Cawacko, come on, at least SF , i know deep down there is no way he is not going "shut the hell up you stupid bastards" when he saw this today. Come on now. This has gone way beyond politics. This is dangerous, seriously, seriously dangerous. As are these people.

Country first? We can all admit that's a joke now right?
Its possible I will be depressed by sunday.

Does that mean I am ahead of the curve?
That's what John McCain's campaign is now saying. That's the kind of stoic well-reasoned rhetoric we need from out political leaders right now. Jesus Christ these guys are ridiculous. The McCain campaign has two settings: (1) ignore and (2) dramatic overreaction:

Please keep McCain and any other idiot traveling with him as far, far away from the bailout negotiations as possible. Please.

Give us the Patriot Act or you're all going to die.

Invade Iraq, or face mushroom clouds over your city.

Who's buying this bullshit anymore?

I mean, who besides two-time Bush voters?
Give us the Patriot Act or you're all going to die.

Invade Iraq, or face mushroom clouds over your city.

Who's buying this bullshit anymore?

I mean, who besides two-time Bush voters?

Well I was at dinner tonight with some very smart people who are Obama supporters who don't think our country's financial condition is a political ploy. There was some very high level debate, of which (not surprisingly) I contributed nothing, about the role the government should play but doing nothing was not at the top of the list for any of these gentlemen. (I know they are Obama supporters because a) they stated so b) they ripped on me for being a Republican and c) they are my bosses so of course I smiled and bent over saying thank you sir may I have another)

Even though Democrats, I wish people like the one's I was with tonight were actually in charge instead of politicians who have zero clue about real economics and the economy and aren't grandstanding partisan hacks.
A lot of people are nervous and worried. Things are strange. Whether that is a political ploy or reality is beside the point.

Scared people will do strange things. (Look at the '04 election)
Aheeeem---time for history 101. McCain wanted F&F reforrm a long time ago--years ago. The dems shot it down several times. I seem to think it is Dobbs and Paulson saying they need that 7 bill by Friday.

What you suffer from is called "projection". That is like a guy who cheats on his wife (or boyfriend in your case)--then blames the wife for cheating on him. It is a sign of a mental disorder. Go see a consertative shrink.

McCain is demanding protection for others. Dems are almost 100% responsible for the mess, and a few republicans in there just to make it look like it is some partisan thing.

we have even had a dem congress for two years now--and they have done nothing. project all you want---we know the truth. Right now--the people Dobbs/Paulson etc etc dem dem etc--are th ones to blame--and you think it is OK if they write the new rules by friday?--I would rather see a depression.

and we here from another informed American who listens to Fox News and Rush Limbaugh. Yes indeed. It's the Democrats faults...but isn't it always? [/sarcasm]