DHS to seize control of the elections

Nothing wrong can happen now.:palm:

.....As-long-as you do WHAT YOU'RE TOLD!!!


Have a nice day!!


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Paranoia R' US!!
Can only hope the states say "no" to this.
People are too stupid to realize that putting a political appointee in charge of the ballot box is a problem.
of by and for the people

why do you tards hate the founders and this country?

better that people should drown waiting for government rescue than to band together and be independent, saving each other......right?


Of course, the government doesn’t want citizens to realize that they are perfectly capable of rescuing themselves. If people realize that they can perform independently and that it is much better than performing within the strictures of government regulations, they will be a heck of a lot harder to control.

So, they stepped in and uttered the scariest words ever.

“We’re from the government and we’re here to help.”

Like a horde of modern-day carpetbaggers, they began “helping” by forcing people who were struggling to rebuild to purchase permits. That’s right. They forced people to ask for permission for the right to repair their own property.

Considering the daunting expense of rebuilding in itself, those State permission slips may make reconstruction cost-prohibitive for some, while others — given the strict regulations pertaining to the floodplain and more — may not be allowed to rebuild on their own property at all.

“We haven’t suspended any or our requirements for permitting,” Justin Dupuy, building official for Baton Rouge and East Baton Rouge, told Reason in an interview. “Before they start making any repairs, they just need to call in and check with us to see what they need.”

Really? These people who are about to undertake a repair have no idea what they need unless they ask the government?

Fortunately, in a small act of grace pointed out byReason, fees for reconstruction permits have been waived by local officials — though the permits, themselves, are still mandatory, as permission to repair some of the 20,000 flood-ravaged buildings in East Baton Rouge might not be given at all.

How very kind.
But that isn’t the worst of it.

They also decided to charge fees to the Cajun Navy before they were “allowed” to continue rescuing people.

I couldn’t make this up.

The Libertarian Republic reported:

No good deed goes unpunished. The Cajun Navy is a group of volunteers that operates at its own expense to rescue people trapped in flooded areas in Louisiana. They use their own boats. They risk their lives. And now that people have noticed that they are far more effective than government rescue efforts, there are plans to require them to pay a fee before they are allowed to do any good. “Don’t worry. It’s just a small fee,” legislators explain. “Maybe only fifty dollars. That would be worth it to put authority behind the Cajun Navy, wouldn’t it?”

When the Cajun Navy members said, “No thanks” to the government who wanted to train them to do what the government wasn’t even able or willing to do, they were treated like criminals.

That’s right. The government deployed the police to prevent these good Samaritans that we all wish now were our own neighbors from continuing with their efforts.

Louisiana State Senator Jonathan Perry is the engineer of the licensing requirements.

“Perry said that if members of the Cajun Navy continue on without his legislation, they will be stopped by law enforcement officials from rescuing residents past police barricades…

Under current state law, citizens who cross police perimeters are breaking the law and could face punishment.”
This is just a guess, but......you were never an English Major, right

i guess you're one of those individuals that requires proper grammar and complete sentences.....that doesn't have the common sense ability to understand basic concepts, like a continuation of an unsaid statement like 'independent of government interference'......am I right?