Did Bush cause high gas prices?


No administration is at fault for high fuel prices...this is soley controlled by speculators on wall street,the actual price TMV of crude is between $50, and $80. dollars per barrel..the high price we are seeing is caused by greedy speculators...until and if this is put under control...ie: placing restrictions on excessive profits for basic human needs...this cycle will continue until another great depression takes these a-holes down...more high rise jumpers would be a great thing!

According to the January 2007, Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction (SIGIR) report, Iraq’s petroleum sector faces technical challenges in procuring, transporting and storing crude and refined products, as well as managing pricing controls and imports, fighting smuggling and corruption, improving budget execution, and managing sustainability of operations. Oil production has not recovered to pre-war levels, and parliament and cabinet officials are working to map out investment and ownership rights that will help move the industry forward.
As long as you want to start a thread like this, and "go there," as they say - can you articulate for us exactly what Bush's energy policy has been since he took office?
I didn't accuse him of being responsible for high gas prices.

I'm not defending him, either.

I just wanted to know what evidence could be produced to substantiate Desh's bumper-sticker generalization.

I know as much about US energy policy as Desh does, I dare say.

But since you apparently don't know how a search engine works, here: http://www.whitehouse.gov/infocus/energy/

Noblesse oblige.
I can
He signed the billions of barrells of ethanol bills that pay our farmers instead of Saudi Arabia. He signed the hybrid tax credit that helped to sell a million hybrids and get that segment on its feet.
He faught and lost to have billions of easily drilled barrells here drilled but the turbo-libs can affort to pay $5 gallon so they said no.
There is a war premium on oil because of us invading and occupying Iraq. Thst does figure in to the high cost of gas.

No sign of it being a current factor that I can see.

us cit is comparing the current crisis to that of WWII...when gas was rationed..this is not the case today...fuel prices are being gouged to accomodate Wall Street speculators...nothing more and nothing less!
battle, your the dumbest poster since toby.
Speculators lol, you believe in the boogey man too I bet. LOFL
Average automobile fuel-efficiency sank to a 19-year low under the corrupt Clinton-Gore regime.

Yes, fuel economy performance was more lax during the liberals' fondly-remembered utopian period than they were in the demonized Reagan administration era.

Since then, George W. Bush has presided over more stringent fuel economy standards than BJ Clinton and Nobel-winner Gore.

I guess that's how Bush drove up gas prices...
I can
He signed the billions of barrells of ethanol bills that pay our farmers instead of Saudi Arabia. He signed the hybrid tax credit that helped to sell a million hybrids and get that segment on its feet.
He faught and lost to have billions of easily drilled barrells here drilled but the turbo-libs can affort to pay $5 gallon so they said no.

Aw that's crap Topper. You're not the only one that works for an oil company.

Bush isn't completely to blame for high gas prices but he sure as hell shares one hell of a large part of it.

Topper you know as well as I do that though the US is a net crude oil importer that we are also a net refined petroleum products exporter. In fact we are one of the largest refined petroleum products exporters in the world.

You also know, as well as I do, that US petroleum refineries have been focusing on Diesel production for overseas export because of high demand in Asia and becuase it keeps domectic supply of gasoline below demand thus causing domestic prices to rise substantially for both gasoline and diesel.

You also know, as I do, that the real reason that fuel and oil prices are so high is because of the tumbling value of the dollar which has been falling ever since we invaded Iraq because Bush and the Republican party has mostly financed the Iraqi war by borrowing money thus exploding our national debt and that has destabilized the US Currency causing it to tank abroad.

You also know good and damned well that if they were to open the Arctic reserve to drilling, most of that oil would be refined into petroleum products to be EXPORTED cause the profits are higher abroad. Not that I blame the oil industry for that, hell their a business, their supposed to seek profits.

There's no doubt about it and the evidence is direct and causal. When you see these high prices for gas at the pump and food at the store, they are a fair measure of the failed policies of this administration.

You want to see gas prices drop at the pump? Pull out of Iraq and reinstate "Pay-Go" to balance the Federal Budget. That will stabilize the US dollar cause it to rise in value in international markets and the dollar will be able buy more oil per dollar both at home and abroad.
Average automobile fuel-efficiency sank to a 19-year low under the corrupt Clinton-Gore regime.

Yes, fuel economy performance was more lax during the liberals' fondly-remembered utopian period than they were in the demonized Reagan administration era.

Since then, George W. Bush has presided over more stringent fuel economy standards than BJ Clinton and Nobel-winner Gore.

I guess that's how Bush drove up gas prices...

Hey Topper.....ole Irreputable here can give little willie a run for the money for most ignorant fanatic, can't he?