Did Bush cause high gas prices?

Mottley, we don't export nearly as much gasoline as you think we do. Most of the liberal pukes think Just cause we went in to Iraq=Bush caused higher gas price. Thankfully you are one who has detailed knowledge of the business and you know damn well that's not what I'm addressing here.
Mottley, we don't export nearly as much gasoline as you think we do. Most of the liberal pukes think Just cause we went in to Iraq=Bush caused higher gas price. Thankfully you are one who has detailed knowledge of the business and you know damn well that's not what I'm addressing here.

Well true. The link between Iraq and higher oil prices is the fact that Bush borrowed the money from foreign banks to finance the war while increasing our budget deficit/ national debt. It's the resulting destabilization of the dollar that's caused the rise in gas prices and Bush is certainly responsible for that.

I do agree that driling in ANWAR is a bit of a canard. But it's just as much a canard on the wingnut side as it is on the turbolib side.
Hmm why do we both import and export gasoline. I forget the figure on the gas imports but it is substantial. I posted it last week I think.
Hmm why do we both import and export gasoline. I forget the figure on the gas imports but it is substantial. I posted it last week I think.

It probably is, but that's not the point. The point is, is that we import crude oil and export some of the products refined from it. That is to say, we don't consume it all. Though we may be importing some gasoline, we are presently exporting diesel and other refined petroleum products.
you boys are as dumb as a bunch of rednecks at a gun convention.
We export a shitload to latin America, you think all these little shit countries have refineries. LOL