Did Liberals cause the sub-prime crises? (answer, BTW, is n)

This is all completely out of your arse.

Why are conservatives in such denial about EVERYTHING? Is this what it has really come to?

I'm alarmed that a significant portion of my countrymen have lost their minds in their efforts to spin the failures of conservatism & the GOP. This, more than anything else, will be Bush's legacy; a near-insane state of denial for many on the right.
Which part? Sorry the Clinton admin did what I wrote in 1995, you are in denial if you believe otherwise.
Do you have any facts to contradict any of my points or will you just stick to the usual route of accusing me of talking out of my ass while you do exactly that and nothing else.

You are partly right in saying the GOP failed, they could have tried to undo the revisions so that institutions were not FORCED to make so many more risky loans. That doesn't change the fact that the left is more to blame.
Which part? Sorry the Clinton admin did what I wrote in 1995, you are in denial if you believe otherwise.
Do you have any facts to contradict any of my points or will you just stick to the usual route of accusing me of talking out of my ass while you do exactly that and nothing else.

You are partly right in saying the GOP failed, they could have tried to undo the revisions so that institutions were not FORCED to make so many more risky loans. That doesn't change the fact that the left is more to blame.

that was clinton "moving to the center". Deregulation is at home on the conservative right. Stop being a 'tard and accept responibility for you own actions.
that was clinton "moving to the center". Deregulation is at home on the conservative right. Stop being a 'tard and accept responibility for you own actions.
I don't agree, allowing more institutions to involve with CRA loans is not deregulation, it is moving more under the umbrella of that specific government regulation.
Real deregulation implies allowing more of the market to operate in private, not expanding the reach of a (bad) government program to more private entities.

I'd actually thought you'd be against the CRA.
WaterM and Darla.....lol..2 hacks in denial.....

99.9999999998% of America KNOWS the problem was loaning money to folks that would never be able to pay it back to the banks, along with no downpayment house purchases, and sub-prime lending...........
everything the Liberals wanted so that the "poor" could buy homes....the CRA in a nutshell...

Everyone except Water and Darla that is...

I seem to remember a certain Bush, whose cock you like to suck, standing on a stage and procliming that low income minorities need to be given a shot at owning a home. There is enough blame to go around faggot ass.