Did the media do Palin a favor?


I can relate to this one, because I used to race motorcycles a bit. I consider Palin in second place to biden right now in the public eye, only because of the beating she endured so far from the media and marxist interviews that got a lot of air play. In racing, second place is really a good postition to be in if your close enough to strike during the last two or three laps of the race. The pressure is off of you, you are usually more motavated and feel more relaxed to let your individual skills flow well. The catch is---you only have two laps to get the job done. It is do it or your off the top of the podium. This is where racing gets really exciting, and where true heart makes the biggest difference.

I think Palin might be in this position a bit. The media makes her look like a low IQ person. The people that believe that media are not really expecting much from Palin, and with the people skills I know Palin has, that might become a pretty big swing of votes--for good--as the critics may loose some more credibility. The catch---she has to do the debate of her life. The cards will be stacked against her---espically with a lot of time going to forign relations (her only weak qualification as far as exp---but she does the American things for us--so I am not worried). You can bet your bottom dollar (if socialism leaves you that) that Palin is crash coursing forign relations, and will be pretty well armed. I think Palin is a good racer. I think she can pull the rabbit out fo the hat, and make a great showing to the American people against biden. The public is not expecting much, and I think many will see the reason why she has a 80% approval rating in Alaska, and never watch much of the major media again (I hope).

This is a make or break debate for Palin and she knows it.----I expect her double A game that night (this Friday--I think).--She is from Alaska, she is self made, she is tough, she is sharp. I pretty much grew up in a rural area, and I used to race dirt bikes. Her husband races very very grueling cross country snowmobile races, and I know who tuff (a old dirt bike engine building company) that is. She knows how to dig deep and get a job done I think. Do you know what country people have? They have real points, and prefer to see things in a more black and white way (Americans know there is less corruption that way). They have a lot of drive. I think Palin is the pit bull that can rip a piece out of any poiticians ass. The only way I see her of doing poorly is if she does not do her homeowrk on forign relations, and chokes a bit. The problem with that is---the people don't know much about foriegn relations either---and will most might relate easier to Palins strong points on other issues--like energy independance and how our choosen directions will effect the citizens economy.

I predict palin will shift the polls again---but she has to give the best debate of her life by being prepaired, and relaxed if they want to win the war. If she does that---I also predict the media who bashed her to loose ratings also. That would be deserved---for the next two presidential debates---lol McCain sucks that bad, and I wish the VP debate was last. Palin gets him support---then he opens his mouth again.

Soooooooooooooo---to make a short story long, just to ask a question---do you think

1) Palin will be well prepaired, dig deep like nobody in Washington knows how
to do, and hit a home run again?
2) Will choke a bit during the 50% foriegn relations part of the debate, and
confirm the media attacks to the people a bit?
3) She will show what the meda projected on the public, and does poorly on
many issues?
4) Biden will do what some dems advised him to do and ignore her--thus
winning the debate by forfit--I guess.
5) Palin will do the whole debate with toilet paper stuck to her shoe, thus
loosing the debate even if biden said "Hiell Hitler" at the end of his closing

I think I know what kind of person Palin is. I am hoping for 1), and i think she can pull it off if she does her homework well. I think 2) can be the worst she does, and people will shift over again----until McCain speaks again.
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You really may have a point, except that the media did not put her in this position, she put herself in this position.

Have you seen the interview?
They improved the technology For McCains interview.
Got him one of those Japanese jackets with the tech built in.
dont need a jacket for Palin, they can hide all the electronics and a transmission tower in her beehive do.
Does anyone here actually believe that the cons won't cheat? Haven't we learned over the last 8 yrs that they will do and say anything to gain and maintain power? Lie, cheat, steal, its the neo con way.
I think she is going to flop and idiots like you will blame it on the marksist/liberial debate committee.

I think she will do reasonably well only because there will be a voice in her ear telling her what to say and idiots like you will think it's her own words and thoughts.
I think she will do reasonably well only because there will be a voice in her ear telling her what to say and idiots like you will think it's her own words and thoughts.
I think that when debaters come out on to the stage, the moderator should act like a referee in a boxing match, check the ears for receivers, make sure they don't have a PDA or Blackberry or anything that sends them answers and then let them come out fighting.
If I had to bet money, and the longshot bet was that she simply backs out of the debate, I’d take that one, because I think it could pay out.
My best guess is she’s going to debate, and if she flops, they are going to pull her.

Everyone says, oh it’s too late that can’t happen. If she really comes off as the idiot that she is, they will do it. Even now.

If she does anything other than an undeniable complete show of moronic idiocy, she’ll stay on the ticket, and the R machine will come out in the last few weeks with slime and mud. This campaign is going to get very dirty very soon.
Bush was a doofus in the debates, too, but if you talk to some people, he "won" most of them. I was always slack-jawed during the post-debate analysis for Bush-Gore & Bush-Kerry. I was convinced by the end of every one of those debates that commentators would be crying from laughing so hard, and wondering who the GOP candidate would be the next election.

I'm sure that I'm personally going to watch Palin flop, but the media & the populace is a different story...
They cant dump her, even if she flops. She can pull an admiral Stockdale, "who am I and why am I here." and still the McCain camp, along with Dixie and the others, will say she was great, dispite the liberal Commission on Presidental Debates.
marxist interviews? Thats as far as I got. Wanna explain how an interview can be marxist and do you care to point out how any interview she's had so far demonstrates any characteristics of marxism?

Stop blaming everything on socialism, you tard.
You really may have a point, except that the media did not put her in this position, she put herself in this position.

Have you seen the interview?

I did not see what you wanted to believe---I saw a so called reporter in bitch mode, with pop quiz questions. If it is foreign exp you are worried about, Plain has more than obama--and the guy looks to be in pretty good health to last a term.

if obama wins--he has biden for a advisor (and other I am sure)

If McCain wins, they have collected exp--but can always hire biden for a advisor if he really wants to help.

The interview was bogus. The dirt on obama will come out soon by Palin most likely--because the media does not do their job with him---at all.

After the debate--you can switch sides to the McCain/Palin camp. Most people will.

go learn how to be an American---will ya? You do live here ya know.

Go see the movie comming out this Friday (An American Carrol), that will be a good start---commie!