Didn't liberals claim Reagan was too old?

Will it be as amusing as the The Hildebeast of Benghazis' attacks on Barack Obama were in 2007?


Unless there's another Black contender in the next presidential race, she won't get the racist Democrat primary vote, will she?

that's a pretty small slice of MY party..... yours, a bit bigger I feel.

The slice of BOTH parties that she WILL get will be the women....

There are a whole lot of women who would jump at the chance to vote for one of their own gender.
The slice of BOTH parties that she WILL get will be the women....There are a whole lot of women who would jump at the chance to vote for one of their own gender.

Are you suggesting that women automatically vote for women candidates solely because of sex?
The idea to ask if that's what you suggested when you posted this?

that is not what I suggested at all. There will be women, in both the primary AND the general election that will weigh Hillary's gender positively.

Solely? hardly... I am sure that there are vehemently pro life and tea bagger types who, regardless of their gender, will not vote for Hillary. There are many in the center of the bell curve who will view her gender as a good quality to have and will vote accordingly. Do you honestly doubt that?
I am sure that there are vehemently pro life and tea bagger types who, regardless of their gender, will not vote for Hillary. There are many in the center of the bell curve who will view her gender as a good quality to have and will vote accordingly. Do you honestly doubt that?

Nope. Do you think some women will vote for her just because she is a woman?
hope in one hand... shit in the other.

let me know which one fills up faster.

my personal insight on the positions of democratic candidates will inform MY vote in the primary election, which you will not participate in... and, after the primaries, it won't matter... the winning democrat will have my vote because I'd vote for a yellow dog before I'd vote for any republican.