Disabled Not Welcome!

Advocacy group for voters with disabilities denied passes to RNC​

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- A leading advocacy group for Americans with disabilities says their application for passes to observe the RNC were denied.

The American Association of People with Disabilities says that will prevent them from connecting with disabled Republican voters.

Maria Town is the President and CEO of AAPD. She says it's a missed opportunity.

She said the group requested to attend both parties' conventions this summer. They did receive passes to the DNC, but the passes to the RNC were denied.

Town said, "It prevents an opportunity to see how issues that matter to disabled people are being integrated into platforms and being discussed by one of the nation's primary parties."

Town said disabled people belong anywhere where decisions are made. Which is why the AAPD requested to attend both conventions this summer.
That got treated like normal able bodied people trying to get passes for the convention? :whoa:
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See the liars of the Biden Competency BIG LIE, now lying about handicapped access to the GOP convention, which is more than adequate.

Blocking a leftist agitator group out is not blocking the disabled; it is merely preventing assholes with negative intent out.

But, of course, the World's Greatest Liars will continue lying about it.
It reminds me that trump was the only president elect since the Civil War to refuse to meet with veterans organizations. trump hates veterans and disabled people.