Diversity is our strength!


Well-known member
Can anyone guess where I was when I saw a banner saying this flying in the entrance way?
Can anyone guess where I was when I saw a banner saying this flying in the entrance way?

wherever it was, they are wrong and divisive. Diversity divides us. In this country, you're either American, you desire to be an American, or you're friendly with American business.
Funny, I think diversity, interaction with diverse people, reduces racism, and bigotry.

I wish that I were still young enough to travel.
I wouldn't mind visiting your planet, Jarod.
How's the food? Weather?

Homogeneity precludes racism altogether.
Nothing to reduce.

Diversity is our reality and our challenge.
It's not going away until we interbreed ourselves into completely innocuous mongrels.

Our job is to make it work, not to put unrealistic descriptions to it.
Yes, I believe it is.

OTOH, having it constantly harped on, yammered about and our heads beaten over with, has the exact opposite effect.

It's making some people tired of hearing about it.

How about let's continue to strive for diversity in society while strongly encouraging the media to stop constantly harping on it and couching everything they produce in terms of it.

Take this Caitlin Clark chick, for example.

For weeks on end, especially during March, all I heard about was Caitlin Clark this, Caitlin Clark that, Caitlin Clark, Caitlin Clark, Caitlin Clark ad nauseum :blah:.

Okay, I get it. She's a chick basketball player who was very successful playing against OTHER CHICKS.


Just when I thought we'd finally be getting a break from all the fuss about what a miracle of nature, human achievement and superiority she is, last night on SNL Weekend Update (the only part of that show worth watching anymore), there she was.

The setup was that she was there to give Michael Che a little humorous taste of his own medicine regarding his penchant for making jokes about the lack of popularity of women's sports.

She hit Che with a couple of pretty good zingers that she supposedly wrote herself (which I doubt) and it would have been fine if they'd just left it at that.


Of course they couldn't just be satisfied with her telling a couple of funny put downs of Che and his male chauvinist humor.

They had to give her a platform to lecture us on the ascendance of women to their rightful place of equality to men in all endeavors.

While the empty headed millennials, Gen X and Gen Z dipshits squealed, cheered and clapped like trained seals in response to.

Even though we all know that the best woman's sports team that could ever be assembled, couldn't come close to competing with the worst men's team, no matter what the sport.

Except for maybe breast feeding or wet t-shirts.


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