Dixie, is a gallon of Bleach a WMD?

You haven't proved anything.

In this thread, so far, you have accused someone of being obsessed, foaming at the mouth and declared the thread to be 'plain idiotic'.

As I said, standing on the sidelines, shouting abuse......
Dixie seems to have this effect on certain people. I seem to remember an encounter between he and desh on the FP site........

Dixie is funny.

You can tie him in knots so easily, like the time he stated that god gave him financial advice in the shower......
Dixie's is entertaining, precisely because he's such a mindless partisan. Whatever a democrat says, he'll try to argue the opposite no matter how much the facts are stacked against him.

If a democratic poster says the sun rises in the east, Dixie will say: No, it rises in the west.

He doesn't pick and choose his arguments on facts or logic.
Jarod is obsessed, a dozen posts in the last two days about this subject. All with stupid claims like Bleach is a WMD. If that is not obsessed what is? Complete distortion and disconnect to reality................OBSESSION
I'd quite like the guy if it weren't for his glee over IDF terrorism in Lebanon recently. That was quite sickening.
Jarod is obsessed, a dozen posts in the last two days about this subject. All with stupid claims like Bleach is a WMD. If that is not obsessed what is? Complete distortion and disconnect to reality................OBSESSION

Ha! Ha! Ha!

You are showing what a slow-wit you are here, toby.

He wasn't stating bleach is a WMD, that is the point. He is parodying Dixie's claim that sarin is a WMD. He was doing this by comparing the dangers of the depleted sarin shell with a gallon of bleach in reference to Dixie's supposition scenerio.

Try to keep up toby, or at least ask for help if you are struggling....
Jarod is obsessed, a dozen posts in the last two days about this subject. All with stupid claims like Bleach is a WMD. If that is not obsessed what is? Complete distortion and disconnect to reality................OBSESSION

Ha! Ha! Ha!

You are showing what a slow-wit you are here, toby.

He wasn't stating bleach is a WMD, that is the point. He is parodying Dixie's claim that sarin is a WMD. He was doing this by comparing the dangers of the depleted sarin shell with a gallon of bleach in reference to Dixie's supposition scenerio.

Try to keep up toby, or at least ask for help if you are struggling....

Thank God someone understands.
No you don't get it Any, how many posts on the same lame topic? No bleach in not like poison gas is it? is that what you think too? Do you believe that poison gas and bleach are the same degree of threat to people? How about tacks?
It can kill you if you drink it!

If the terrorists located a gallon of bleach in Iraq, flew it to Nebraska and poured it into kids milk at recess would it not likely cause as much damage as the WMD you claim were found in Iraq?

First of all, I haven't claimed anything other than what was released in the declassified documents, which states that 500 Sarin munitions were found in Iraq. Since this comes from the Pentagon, I think the source is valid.

Secondly, you continue to illustrate how retarded you are, by comparing a chemical nerve agent to common household cleaning products. You then magnify your retardation by likening a chemical weapon attack with a carpet burn or mixing the wrong cleaners together. I don't know why you persist in showing people how ignorant you are, but I guess you have your reasons.

Sarin, also known by its NATO designation of GB (O-Isopropyl methylphosphonofluoridate) is an extremely toxic substance whose sole application is as a nerve agent. As a chemical weapon, it is classified as a weapon of mass destruction by the United Nations according to UN Resolution 687, and its production and stockpiling was outlawed by the Chemical Weapons Convention of 1993. Bleach wasn't.

Household bleach, also known as chlorine bleach, sodium hypochlorite (NaClO), is used in the home for whitening clothes, removing stains, and disinfecting. This is because sodium hypochlorite yields chlorine radicals—oxidizing agents readily reacting with many substances.

Chlorine bleach is often used with laundry detergents and is also commonly used as a disinfectant. Mixing bleach and cleaners containing ammonia, or using bleach to clean up urine can create toxic chloramine gases and an explosive called nitrogen trichloride. However, according to the UN and CWC, bleach is not a WMD, and is not prohibited from stockpiling.

Many elements can potentially be used as a weapon of mass destruction, this is not how a WMD is determined by the CWC or the UN. Subsequently, the UN and CWC will not un-classify something as a WMD because it has reached a certain age, this criteria has nothing to do with whether it's considered a WMD by the UN and CWC.

Here is an interesting tid-bit of information regarding the "shelf-life" of Sarin WMD's....

According to the CIA, nations such as Iraq have tried to overcome the problem of sarin's short shelf life in three ways:

The shelf life of unitary (i.e., pure) sarin may be lengthened by increasing the purity of the precursor and intermediate chemicals and refining the production process.

Incorporating a stabilizer chemical called tributylamine. Later this was replaced by diisopropylcarbodiimide (di-c-di), which allowed for GB nerve agent to be stored in aluminum casings.

Developing binary chemical weapons, where the two precursor chemicals are stored separately in the same shell, and mixed to form the agent immediately before or when the shell is in flight. This approach has the dual benefit of making the issue of shelf life irrelevant and greatly increasing the safety of sarin munitions.

I've highlighted a very crucial point for you to consider. The binary process that we know for a fact Saddam was working on, would render the question of "shelf-life" obsolete. So, the Sarin would not degrade, because the sealed components to create the Sarin, would not mix until the bomb was enabled for detonation.

Now let's take a look at what Sarin can do, that Bleach can't...

Sarin is an extremely potent organophosphate compound that disrupts the nervous system by inhibiting the cholinesterase enzyme by forming a covalent bond with the site of the enzyme where acetylcholine normally undergoes hydrolysis. This allows acetylcholine to build up and continue to act so that any nerve impulses are, in effect, continually transmitted.

Initial symptoms following exposure to sarin (and other nerve agents) are a runny nose, tightness in the chest and contraction of the pupils. Soon after, the victim has difficulty breathing and experiences nausea and drooling. (Jarhead might not recognize these symptoms as abnormal) As the victim continues to lose control of bodily functions, he vomits, defecates and urinates. This phase is followed by twitching and jerking. Ultimately, the victim becomes comatose and suffocates in a series of convulsive spasms.

Sarin is a highly volatile liquid. Inhalation and absorption through the skin pose a great threat. Even vapour concentrations immediately penetrate the skin. People who absorb a nonlethal dose but do not receive immediate appropriate medical treatment may suffer permanent neurological damage.

I realize this is a lot of information for a retarded person to absorb, but I will continue to do my best to help educate the less fortunate, it's my civic duty!
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I am talking about the particular DEGRADED munitions you claim to be WMD... the ones the experts say cant cause any more harm than a rug burn!

Do you have some evidence this particular gas was treated to make shelf life illrelevant?

The DOD has a def. of WMD that is contradictory to yours!!! I think Ill go with the DOD!
I am talking about the particular DEGRADED munitions you claim to be WMD... the ones the experts say cant cause any more harm than a rug burn!

Do you have some evidence this particular gas was treated to make shelf life illrelevant?

The DOD has a def. of WMD that is contradictory to yours!!! I think Ill go with the DOD!

Well, I gave you the evidence, the CIA said Iraq and countries like Iraq, were working on the binary process. Do you have anything to refute the findings? Whether these particular munitions were of that generation, I couldn't tell you, but the fact that they contain Sarin, which is considered a WMD by the UN and CWC, that makes them what they are. WMD's.

Because you can somehow parse the words of the DoD, or make some irrelevant argument comparing WMD's to bleach or rug burns, is not the criteria used by the UN and CWC, and has nothing to do with the facts.
How is showing the entire defination published by the DOD parcing the words of the DOD?

Just because a substance once was Serin or because a munition once had Serin does not make it a WMD, you idiot!
How is showing the entire defination published by the DOD parcing the words of the DOD?

Just because a substance once was Serin or because a munition once had Serin does not make it a WMD, you idiot!

No, the munition has Sarin, not "once had" or "once was" ...it is Sarin, this has been confirmed. We know by your definition, Sarin is a WMD, because Sarin is a chemical weapon. So, I don't really see where you are proving your point, in fact, I see more evidence that you are incorrect. Sorry, Retard.
Where does it say that ALL serin is a WMD... In small doses it clearly is NOT, by the DOD's own defination!

You are being obtuse!
Dixie, you keep lying that these abandoned shells are Sarin.


They were Sarin twenty years ago

...Today, all that remaines are the degraded, chemical breakdown products which are characterisic of a sarin precursor. The sarin itelf doesn't exist anymore, and hasn't for YEARS.

The breakdown products of Sarin are a series of acids and alchohol-based compounds. These are local public health hazards, but as of TODAY, they are no longer SARIN, and are NOT wmd.


Fluoride (as HF)
Methylphosphonic acid, 1Çmethylethyl ester
Methylphosphonic acid

In “Chemistry of Sarin”

Shelf life
Sarin has a relatively short shelf life, and will degrade after a period of several weeks to several months. The shelf life may be greatly shortened by impurities in precursor materials. According to the CIA [1], in 1989 the Iraqis destroyed 40 or more tons of sarin that had decomposed, and that some Iraqi sarin had a shelf life of only a few weeks owing mostly to impure precursors.
