
Sol, it's useless.

Yes, I know that. But I am a stubborn type. I have trouble letting go of an argument sometimes. Look at the 5 volume arguments with SouthernMan. lol

Dixie, you say spend MORE on defense and leave the health clinics to struggle. If you cannot see the insanity in that, we are wasting bandwidth arguing.
We are already doing it? Is that why the ERs are full of people with the flu and other shit that should be handled by a family Dr or could be handled by a clinic? Ask any ER Dr what the biggest problem he has and he'll bitch about the place being used for basic healthcare.

Sol, how is building more health clinics going to change this? We already have a facility offering free flu shots, so if the ER's are gummed up with people who have the flu, I would say it's a problem of stupidity rather than not enough health clinics. The same is true with "other shit that could be handled by a family Dr." The local public health clinics are there, and apparently, people aren't using them. How is building more going to help?

I personally think the biggest problem with ER overcrowding, is due to illegal immigrants gumming up the place. Maybe liberals should take their heads out of their ass about that problem, rather than convincing themselves these people are legal immigrants and those of us who oppose them are racists? But no... that's yet another emotive social issue you can glom onto and pretend to be on a moral high horse with, isn't it?

We can cut the military budget without harm coming to us. This "we can't afford for you to be wrong" is just bullshit. I am not wrong and our military is a bloated beauracracy.

As I said, we can't afford for you to be wrong about this. IF we cut military spending, and then we are attacked by our enemies, it's too late to say we should have not cut military spending! I had much rather you bitch and moan and claim it's bullshit, and maintain the strongest military on the planet. That's just my common sense preference with that. I can deal with your whining much better than I can deal with putting my family and country at risk.

And spare me the amateur analysis. You claim to have a degree in psychology and then you try make me sound like a typecast liberal enemy.

Argue the points and spare me what you THINK you know about me.

Truth hurts. I wish you weren't a typecast liberal, I wish you understood that conservatives don't want poor people to die from lack of health care, and I wish you could see the profound foolishness of cutting our military to fund something we are already doing. But you won't, you can't, you have to be a good liberal, and carry the banner of moral outrage for the needy, and let your liberal heart bleed all over the place. It doesn't matter how stupid your ideas are, it's the intentions that matter.
Sol, how is building more health clinics going to change this? We already have a facility offering free flu shots, so if the ER's are gummed up with people who have the flu, I would say it's a problem of stupidity rather than not enough health clinics. The same is true with "other shit that could be handled by a family Dr." The local public health clinics are there, and apparently, people aren't using them. How is building more going to help?

I personally think the biggest problem with ER overcrowding, is due to illegal immigrants gumming up the place. Maybe liberals should take their heads out of their ass about that problem, rather than convincing themselves these people are legal immigrants and those of us who oppose them are racists? But no... that's yet another emotive social issue you can glom onto and pretend to be on a moral high horse with, isn't it?

As I said, we can't afford for you to be wrong about this. IF we cut military spending, and then we are attacked by our enemies, it's too late to say we should have not cut military spending! I had much rather you bitch and moan and claim it's bullshit, and maintain the strongest military on the planet. That's just my common sense preference with that. I can deal with your whining much better than I can deal with putting my family and country at risk.

Truth hurts. I wish you weren't a typecast liberal, I wish you understood that conservatives don't want poor people to die from lack of health care, and I wish you could see the profound foolishness of cutting our military to fund something we are already doing. But you won't, you can't, you have to be a good liberal, and carry the banner of moral outrage for the needy, and let your liberal heart bleed all over the place. It doesn't matter how stupid your ideas are, it's the intentions that matter.

I wish you could see that we already have the greatest military in the world. We bankrupted the USSR getting it there.

Who is going to invade us and conquer us??? There is no one out there who is looking to do this. There are terrorist threats, but that is not going to be effected by what I suggested. We are not going to lose a war because we had only 2,243 F-35s instead of 2,723 of them. And that is what I wanted to cut to save us $8.4 billion.


Interesting article about health care of the poor deteriorating. Now I know you said there is free medical care all over the country, and I am sure there is no way you wouldn't have written something you weren't sure was a fact, but read the article.

Read about the Dr who said they never saw anyone die of cervical cancer until he came to the Bronx. Go read about how the death rate from diabetes is five times higher in Harlem than in wealthier areas.

More facts about this great health clinic system you claim exists.

Newark has had a rise in tuberculosis that was double the national rate.

Los Angeles has had several hundred people hospitalized and 30 have died from a measles outbreak.

The Community Service Society of New York polled 248 primary care doctors in poor neighborhoods. They were looking for the facilities offered 24 hour coverage, had 20 or more regular office hours a week, accepted Medicare, and had admitting pirviledges at a hospital. (this is what the society had defined as minimum components of a decent medical practice) Only 6 of the 248 met the criteria.

They also found that 60% of the doctors providing prenatal care could not actually deliver babies because they had no hospital affiliation.

Study after study has shown profound life problems stemming from minor medical issues.

Kids in the suburbs get ear infections, they get antibiotics and get better. Kids in inner city slums get ear infections, they go untreated, it progresses to a chronic ear problem with serious hearing loss, and the kid has a handicap for life.

The vaccines are costing more and more. In the '70s, the cost of a child's vaccinations was under $5. Now it is several hundred dollars. So that 8% to 10% increase in funding isn't keeping up.

People often have to wait more than one day to be seen.

"Dr. Harold P. Freeman, chief of surgery at Harlem Hospital in New York, caused a stir earlier this year when he reported in the New England Journal of Medicine that a black man in Harlem was less likely to reach 65 years of age than a man in Bangladesh. While violent crime is part of the problem, the paper said high rates of disease were the primary cause."

And don't try and talk to me as if you know me, Dixie. You and I have disagreed on a handful of issues, and you want to try and act like you know me? You egotistical, condescending little prick. You have no idea who I am or how I came to believe the way I do. I not only complain about the problems, I suggest solutions and find the information to back up what I say. And you have the audacity to try and sound like you know who I am? YOu don't like my views on gay marriage, public health issues and whatever else? Fine, dislike where I stand on those issues. But do not pretend you know anything more than that. Because it makes you look even more like the ignorant, racist little redneck you are.
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I added pictures of the Seattle, Chicago, and New York skylines to the Northerners Pwn group. Check it out, its totally bitchin' now!
Wow, Sol... so you are going to jump on the liberal bandwagon of calling me a racist, even though I am partly black? And you think this bolsters your case that you aren't a typecast liberal? I think you just proved you were, if there was any doubt.

Back to the topic of discussion, you gave a litany of health care problems, which I have never stated didn't exist, but I completely fail to see where building or funding more health clinics, is going to suddenly make diabetics in Harlem go get treatment. It doesn't matter how much childhood vaccines have gone up in price, since poor people get these for free at the public health clinics. Again, measles outbreaks, TB, and ear infections, are all treated at statewide public health clinics, so if there are people dying or being disabled by these things, it's not because they can't get treated. Perhaps we need more education on how to go and find a public health clinic? I think this can be done with the resources we have now, no extra money is needed, just information.

As for the military, yes, we have the most powerful military on the planet and no one can beat us, but that is not a reason to dismantle it or not to fund it! Granted, it's an easy 'target' for liberals, just like rich people, and that's why you keep harping on it. You know... every time you decide to cut funding for some piece of military hardware, you put thousands of people out of work, who would have otherwise had a job building the new stuff! So you are costing jobs at the expense of providing something to "the poor" which they already have! It doesn't even make logical sense why you would do that, it's nothing but pure raw emotionalism. You have liberal tunnel vision! You see this one isolated particular social 'injustice' and damn the world, it must be 'fixed!' You don't care that your solution will not fix the problem, you don't care that your idea will waste money, you don't care that your proposals will cost jobs or weaken the national defense, fuck all of that, we MUST help the needy!
Wow, Sol... so you are going to jump on the liberal bandwagon of calling me a racist, even though I am partly black? And you think this bolsters your case that you aren't a typecast liberal? I think you just proved you were, if there was any doubt.

Back to the topic of discussion, you gave a litany of health care problems, which I have never stated didn't exist, but I completely fail to see where building or funding more health clinics, is going to suddenly make diabetics in Harlem go get treatment. It doesn't matter how much childhood vaccines have gone up in price, since poor people get these for free at the public health clinics. Again, measles outbreaks, TB, and ear infections, are all treated at statewide public health clinics, so if there are people dying or being disabled by these things, it's not because they can't get treated. Perhaps we need more education on how to go and find a public health clinic? I think this can be done with the resources we have now, no extra money is needed, just information.

As for the military, yes, we have the most powerful military on the planet and no one can beat us, but that is not a reason to dismantle it or not to fund it! Granted, it's an easy 'target' for liberals, just like rich people, and that's why you keep harping on it. You know... every time you decide to cut funding for some piece of military hardware, you put thousands of people out of work, who would have otherwise had a job building the new stuff! So you are costing jobs at the expense of providing something to "the poor" which they already have! It doesn't even make logical sense why you would do that, it's nothing but pure raw emotionalism. You have liberal tunnel vision! You see this one isolated particular social 'injustice' and damn the world, it must be 'fixed!' You don't care that your solution will not fix the problem, you don't care that your idea will waste money, you don't care that your proposals will cost jobs or weaken the national defense, fuck all of that, we MUST help the needy!

You ignorant little fuck. Have I said ANYTHING about dismantling the military?? I suggesting giving 2,273 of a new fighter aircraft instead of 2,723. Now where in the hell does buying 2,273 new fighter aircraft constitute "dismantling" them?

There is not a single person on these forums that whines more about people putting words in their mouth, and here you do it again and again and again. Try not to make up things as you go along.

And if you think the health facilities for the poor in this country are even CLOSE to adequate, you are demented. Do you REALLY think all those people are dying because they just don't go? Or do you think there are not enough staff to properly care for them? Or that the sick people do not like spending and entire day sitting in a waiting room only to be told to come back the next day??

And the whole reason I gave you that information on the costs of the vaccines was so you would see (as if facts mattered to you) that the cost of vaccinations for the kids (free to them, but the clinics have to buy them, retard) are getting more and more expensive and the increases in tax money have not increased accordingly.

Now you keep talking about the same bullshit, and keep trying to insist what I said, but keep getting what I said wrong. You keep talking about a strong military. I have not disagreed with the need for a strong military, but you act as though we are under threat of imminent attack, and yet the enemies you listed were jokes. Venesuela?? Russian warships? Do you realize we could totally annialate both of those nations with half what we have?

And yes, I called you a racist. I also called you ignorant, which I notice you did not argue with. I have quoted facts and figures from numeous sources. You claimed you have a sister who is a NP and then not much else as far as hard facts. But I am the one using emotional appeals? What a complete fool.

Dixie, you are not only ignorant, you haven't had a creative original thought since I have been on these boards. You are a parrot for the neo-con talk radio nuts spouting the same old garbage without a new thought of your own to add in.
First of all, it is "ignorance" when you believe cutting 500 fighter jets will pay for a massive federal health care initiative on the scope of what Don Q originally suggested. Secondly, it is "ignorance" to argue the problem is lack of health care, when every state has an abundance of state-operated health clinics. Thirdly, it is "ignorance" to believe duplicating health care we already have in place, will somehow cause people to go get preventative treatments they can get now.

You've still not told me what "preventative care" is not currently offered in the state health clinics. Could it be, there really is no preventative care that isn't already being offered? You've not explained how dumping more money into federal programs is going to "fix" the problems you claim we're having. If people are dying from measles, and the state health clinic has measles vaccines readily available, that isn't my fault! If people are contracting TB or ear infections, and not going to the health clinic, that isn't something I can do a damn thing about! I'm sorry that is the case, I wish these people would go to the health clinic in their area and get treated, but I don't see how spending some more of my tax dollars is going to make that happen.

Yes, some clinics are crowded, mostly due to the influx of illegal immigrants stressing the system, but for whatever reason, they are crowded and often run out of vaccines and such. If we need to allocate more tax dollars to insure this doesn't happen as often, that's fine, I can live with some moderate plan to bolster general health care to the public, and we don't have to cut the military budget to do it, but that is a far cry from the liberal wet dream Don is having about nationwide federal clinics staffed with doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners and physicians assistants, and open until 10 p.m. so everyone can go.
First of all, it is "ignorance" when you believe cutting 500 fighter jets will pay for a massive federal health care initiative on the scope of what Don Q originally suggested. Secondly, it is "ignorance" to argue the problem is lack of health care, when every state has an abundance of state-operated health clinics. Thirdly, it is "ignorance" to believe duplicating health care we already have in place, will somehow cause people to go get preventative treatments they can get now.

You've still not told me what "preventative care" is not currently offered in the state health clinics. Could it be, there really is no preventative care that isn't already being offered? You've not explained how dumping more money into federal programs is going to "fix" the problems you claim we're having. If people are dying from measles, and the state health clinic has measles vaccines readily available, that isn't my fault! If people are contracting TB or ear infections, and not going to the health clinic, that isn't something I can do a damn thing about! I'm sorry that is the case, I wish these people would go to the health clinic in their area and get treated, but I don't see how spending some more of my tax dollars is going to make that happen.

Yes, some clinics are crowded, mostly due to the influx of illegal immigrants stressing the system, but for whatever reason, they are crowded and often run out of vaccines and such. If we need to allocate more tax dollars to insure this doesn't happen as often, that's fine, I can live with some moderate plan to bolster general health care to the public, and we don't have to cut the military budget to do it, but that is a far cry from the liberal wet dream Don is having about nationwide federal clinics staffed with doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners and physicians assistants, and open until 10 p.m. so everyone can go.

First of all, it is "ignorance" when you believe cutting 500 fighter jets will pay for a massive federal health care initiative on the scope of what Don Q originally suggested. Secondly, it is "ignorance" to argue the problem is lack of health care, when every state has an abundance of state-operated health clinics. Thirdly, it is "ignorance" to believe duplicating health care we already have in place, will somehow cause people to go get preventative treatments they can get now.

You've still not told me what "preventative care" is not currently offered in the state health clinics. Could it be, there really is no preventative care that isn't already being offered? You've not explained how dumping more money into federal programs is going to "fix" the problems you claim we're having. If people are dying from measles, and the state health clinic has measles vaccines readily available, that isn't my fault! If people are contracting TB or ear infections, and not going to the health clinic, that isn't something I can do a damn thing about! I'm sorry that is the case, I wish these people would go to the health clinic in their area and get treated, but I don't see how spending some more of my tax dollars is going to make that happen.

Yes, some clinics are crowded, mostly due to the influx of illegal immigrants stressing the system, but for whatever reason, they are crowded and often run out of vaccines and such. If we need to allocate more tax dollars to insure this doesn't happen as often, that's fine, I can live with some moderate plan to bolster general health care to the public, and we don't have to cut the military budget to do it, but that is a far cry from the liberal wet dream Don is having about nationwide federal clinics staffed with doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners and physicians assistants, and open until 10 p.m. so everyone can go.

Ok Dixie, maybe its hard for your pea brain to follow, but what Don talked about and what Solitary talked about are two different freaking things. Can you manage to remember who you are posting to?

Next, that you claim there is an abundance of clinics shows your ignorance on the matter.

And you keep talking about duplicating health care. Now I know that it was several hours ago, but your own post talked about federal dollars going to fund state clinics. Now if you are going to keep playing retard, this is even more of a waste of time than I thought it was. Does it not ocurr to you that fewer and fewer people debate you? And those that do only post a few times and then leave the thread? Do you think thats because of your astounding intellect and amazing debate skills? (that was even hard to type) No dixie, its because you keep trying to say what they say, and can't get it right. Hell, you can't even get what YOU said right.

I haven't told you about preventive healthcare? Well, since you have paid attention so well thus far, I am guessing this is a waste of my time, but since you can't remember details from thread to thread, maybe I should feel sorry for you and do my charity work for the day.

Remember the post about the doctor saying they had never seen anyone die of cervical cancer until they started working in the Bronx? Thats because a simple pap smear can diagnose it VERY early.

Dietary considerations are a huge issue. Many kinds of cancer, most heart disease, lots of diabeties (that was mentioned earlier too), many birth defects, ect ect ect (does none of this honestly look familiar?) Because I posted some of the info several days ago. I guess remembering what people say sorta takes the fun out of insulting them, doesn't it, Dix?

Oh, now you can live with a moderate plan to bolster the clinics?? Well damn, ain't that magnanimous of you! Gee thanks, I am sure poor people all over the country will be forever grateful.

Look Dixie, when you have to sit or stand for 10 hours and then get told to come back the next day, you tend to get a little discouraged about the clinics. When they diagnose you and then can't treat you because of lack of dollars, you tend to not think spending time there is worth it. And if you happen to be one of the millions of people who work and need these clinics, it becomes a matter of working or going to the clinic. Care to help them make THAT choice???
Ok Dixie, maybe its hard for your pea brain to follow, but what Don talked about and what Solitary talked about are two different freaking things. Can you manage to remember who you are posting to?

I am aware that your personal position is to the right of Don Q's, but once we start down this road of agreeing to "fix" the problem with new federal clinics, we end up with what Don is proposing and not what you suggest, because liberals don't know how to shut the fuck up and be satisfied! Until we have freakin' 24/7 federal hospitals in every podunk town in America, providing fucking taxi service to and from the facility, there will be some liberal knee-jerk emotionalist out there whining about how we aren't doing enough!

Next, that you claim there is an abundance of clinics shows your ignorance on the matter.

There are state funded health departments in every county in America. There is not one single county in the country that doesn't have a state funded health department.

And you keep talking about duplicating health care. Now I know that it was several hours ago, but your own post talked about federal dollars going to fund state clinics. Now if you are going to keep playing retard, this is even more of a waste of time than I thought it was.

Federal money is allocated to states for operation of health clinics. Our tax dollars are already being spent on "helping the poor" with "preventative medicine" in every county in America. You want to "duplicate" that by cutting defense and using the money for MORE health care. There is nothing "retarded" about my understanding of that.

Does it not ocurr to you that fewer and fewer people debate you? And those that do only post a few times and then leave the thread? Do you think thats because of your astounding intellect and amazing debate skills? (that was even hard to type) No dixie, its because you keep trying to say what they say, and can't get it right. Hell, you can't even get what YOU said right.

I don't really give a shit who likes me or wants to talk to me, I know for you and Waterhead, that is all too important, but for me, I couldn't give a fuck. Few people debate me because they don't want to get slapped around like a little bitch, the way you have been throughout this thread.

I haven't told you about preventive healthcare? Well, since you have paid attention so well thus far, I am guessing this is a waste of my time, but since you can't remember details from thread to thread, maybe I should feel sorry for you and do my charity work for the day.

Remember the post about the doctor saying they had never seen anyone die of cervical cancer until they started working in the Bronx? Thats because a simple pap smear can diagnose it VERY early.

So state funded health clinics don't perform pap smears? Is that what you are saying? Because, I am not a woman, so I can't say for sure, but I am fairly certain this service is offered by any public health clinic in America. If not, we should indeed make sure they are able to do these.

Dietary considerations are a huge issue. Many kinds of cancer, most heart disease, lots of diabeties (that was mentioned earlier too), many birth defects, ect ect ect (does none of this honestly look familiar?) Because I posted some of the info several days ago. I guess remembering what people say sorta takes the fun out of insulting them, doesn't it, Dix?

Again, all of these things are covered in every health clinic in every county in America. You've yet to mention anything we are not already doing with regard to "preventative medicine" on the state level, in every clinic, in every county, across America.

Oh, now you can live with a moderate plan to bolster the clinics?? Well damn, ain't that magnanimous of you! Gee thanks, I am sure poor people all over the country will be forever grateful.

I doubt they will, but it would be nice if liberal pinheads would stop trashing me and making absurd false claims about my position on this.

Look Dixie, when you have to sit or stand for 10 hours and then get told to come back the next day, you tend to get a little discouraged about the clinics. When they diagnose you and then can't treat you because of lack of dollars, you tend to not think spending time there is worth it. And if you happen to be one of the millions of people who work and need these clinics, it becomes a matter of working or going to the clinic. Care to help them make THAT choice???

I'm really sorry if people have to sit or stand for 10 hours to get health care, maybe we should hire federal doctors to go out and make house calls on these poor people, and if they refuse treatment, maybe we should have a law that says it's mandatory because we don't want them to get sick? I'm sorry, but your absurd examples have gotten old, and I have to respond with absurd examples of my own. If someone is truly ill, there is a place they can go and get medical treatment, and if they can't pay, hospitals are mandated by state law to treat them anyway.

This issue reminds me of one from the past annals of liberalism... back in the '70s we had this big push by bleeding heart liberals to serve breakfast to school kids... the poor and working poor couldn't afford or didn't have time to prepare a hot breakfast for their kids, so we were inundated by the same kind of emotional liberal pleas to do something about it! We eventually adopted the Federal School Breakfast Program nationwide. This was provided free for poor kids who couldn't afford it, and at a reduced rate for all others. No longer would there be malnourished poor kids trying to learn on an empty stomach in our schools! Viva la Victory for the Liberals! Right?

This was nearly 40 years ago, and what is currently the real world situation? My ex works as a dietitian for the public schools, and she tells me that 90% of the food they prepare for breakfast, is dumped into the trash daily. Only about 5% of the students EVER eat breakfast at school. Yet, we have this massively funded federal program, which requires the school prepare the food daily and have it available, on the off chance these poor kids up and decide they want a hot breakfast for free one day! IF a conservative dares to even mention cutting the program, liberals scream and cry that we want to starve the school children!

Now, we have the same exact mindset regarding health care, and preventative health care, for the poor and working poor. And we have liberals lining up to whine and pull at our heartstrings over this 'travesty' of inhumanity, that we MUST do something about! It's the same dance, different song... Liberals never change!