Let's just move on from your ideas of what is "obvious" and get to the actual argument...
I decided to look at the context of your quoted material. Turns out, you're missing quite a lot of revealing information. For anyone who'd like to follow along with Mike Stone's original article, it's here:
Pasteur's Problems
First of all, his fraudulent method of "infecting" chickens with cholera:
However, when discussing how he studied the disease for vaccination, Pasteur stated that he injected his cultured poison into the pectoral muscles and thighs of chickens.
“I inoculate them in their pectoral muscles or, still better, in the muscle of the thigh, so as to observe with greater ease the effect of the innoculation.”
His use of injections to “prove” the microbe as the causative agent was admitted by Pasteur in his 1881 address An Address on Vaccination in Relation to Chicken Cholera and Splenic Fever where he claimed that he injected the blood and cultured broth of “infected” chickens into the skin of healthy chickens.
“Let us take one of our series of culture preparations-the hundredth or the thousandth, for instance—and compare it in respect to virulence with the blood of a fowl which has died of cholera; in other words, let us inoculate under the skin ten fowls, for instance, each separately with a tiny drop of infectious blood and ten others with a similar quantity of the liquid in which the deposit has first been shaken up. Strange to say, the latter ten fowls will die as quickly and with the same symptoms as the former ten: the blood of all will be found to contain after death the same minute infectious organisms.”
Obviously, feeding chickens diseased muscles from other dead chickens and injecting cultured broth and blood into the pecs, thighs, and skin of healthy chickens are not natural routes of exposure, and thus, this recreation of experimental disease would not be reflective of anything that could be observed in nature. These experiments did not line up with Pasteur's hypothesized natural exposure route of the pus of guinea pigs contaminating the feed. Thus, the proposed hypothesis was never tested in any way that could logically confirm or reject it. Instead, Pasteur employed unnatural methods where chickens cannibalized other chickens or were injected with substances in ways that they would not be subjected to in nature, thus invalidating the evidence presented.
However, this isn't the most damning revelation. In the 1882 paper Pasteur's Experiments by Rollin Gregg, M.D., a fatal flaw was pointed out regarding the assumptions made by Pasteur and other researchers studying chicken cholera and related diseases. They were mistaking coagulated fibrin as living microorganisms.
“This brings us then to one of the most important of all questions, for a better and more scientific understandiug of this subject, and that is: What are these microbes? Prof. Pasteur says they are living organisms, bacteria, or vegetable parasites, and all investigators and writers, not only upon these diseases, but on diphtheria as well, assert the same. But have not all such observers overlooked one ever-present and very important fact in all these and similar cases, and that the fact, that in every instance where blood congests, as the result of their inoculation, the fibrin in the blood of the animal inoculated commences at once, or soon, to coagulate, locally at first, and then more or less throughout the whole system, into minute granules as the result of the poison introduced; and that these minute granules of fibrin have been mistaken by them for living organisms, or vegetable parasites?”
Dr. Gregg went on to say that these fibrin particles appear indistinguishable from the forms of bacteria that had been discovered at the time, and that injecting coagulated fibrin into healthy chickens causes the same coagulation to occur within them leading to disease.
Again, it should be borne in mind, that the molecular granules; the fibrils and spirals of coagulating fibrin, are, in their very appearance, and under all circumstances, precisely like the three classified forms* of bacteria, spherical, rod-like and spiral (the microscope has never pointed out the slightest distinction between them), and that they occupy the same positions and demean themselves in precisely the same manner wherever found.
Therefore, if Prof. Pasteur will repeat his highly important experiments, recently reported in London, and while doing so, keep well in view the foregoing facts, he will no doubt be led to revise his conclusions, from seeing that his microbes, or bacteria, of chicken cholera, and of splenic fever, are simply coagulated particles of fibrin in the blood of the diseased animals, and that those caused in healthy animals by their inoculation with such blood, are also nothing but coagulating particles of the fibrin of their blood—the coagulation thereof being simply induced in the healthy animal by like matter, coagulated fibrin, in the diseased animal’s blood, introduced by the inoculation.”
Dr. Gregg then criticized Pasteur for assuming and asserting the presence of unnatural elements within the blood without proof while ignoring a natural element in fibrin that can be proven easily. He then challenged Pasteur to prove his burden of an unnatural element, or the natural explanation should take its place.
“He assumes and asserts the presence of an unnatural and foreign element, vegetable organism, in the blood, etc, without clear proof that they are such, while we can positively assert and prove the actual presence of a normal element, fibrin, there, but morbidly changed, that is, coagulated into minute particles, by the inoculating poison, or by the inflammation which that excites. Therefore, I repeat, the burden of proof lies wholly with him to make good his unnatural claim, or the natural fact must and should take its place.”
Based upon Dr. Gregg's account, we can see that it was a misinterpretation of what Pasteur witnessed within the blood, as well as the unnatural experimental mode of injection, that led to disease. This had absolutely nothing to do with how a chicken would acquire the disease in nature or Pasteur's hypothesized natural exposure route. Thus, Pasteur's experiments failed as an explanation of an observed relationship of a natural phenomenon. Ironically, even Robert Koch rejected some of Pasteur's experiments as worthless and naive, particularly ridiculing his work with chicken cholera.
I was going to include what you quoted in this post, but it was passing the 12,000 character limit, so I'll do it in my next post.