Do Trumppers even know what a marxist is?

Go read the history of the word you badly educated Russian shit hole
I am not Russian.

The word 'democracy' first appeared in the English lexicon around the 14th century, stemming from the Latin 'democratia' and the Greek 'demokratia'. BOTH mean government by popular vote. There is no constitution. There are no representatives. That meaning has never changed, even from the Greek and Latin words that 'democracy' itself stems from.

A democracy is an unstable form of government. It is literally 'mob rule'. As soon as one faction gains the majority, that faction tends to essentially and progressively 'vote out democracy' in favor of them staying in power. This is why democracies usually dissolve into an oligarchy or dictatorship fairly quickly. Athens dissolved into a dictatorship.

I have explained all this to you before, moron.

Listen you thinking those that support Trump know anything outside of Fake Noise and Trump bs, know what a Marxist is, let alone can spell it. When they call them low IQ voters and Trump calls them the poorly educated....there's a reason why.​

Jarod (The Pretender) doesn't support Trump.
Marxism is anyone that supports the arguments made in the writings of Karl Marx. It's really pretty simple.

Both you and Jarod are Marxists. Both of you support socialism.

Mantra 1a. Lame.
Jarod (The Pretender) doesn't support Trump.
Marxism is anyone that supports the arguments made in the writings of Karl Marx. It's really pretty simple.

Both you and Jarod are Marxists. Both of you support socialism.

Mantra 1a. Lame.

Listen...just make sure you give back all that disability money your living on and when mother nature comes knocking at your house any bad season, DON'T HAVE YOUR FUCKIN HAND OUT FOR THAT SOCIALISM MONEY...DEAL?​
