Do you know your A..B..C..s ?


Verified User
Yeah, those A, B, Cs stand for 'ANYWHERE BUT CALIFORNIA'

People are leaving in droves from Kalifornicator to relocate in states such as Texas, Florida, Idaho, Tennessee, South Carolina, etc.
Last time I checked all of those states were politically red in color; all leaving a deep blue socialist state.

Anywhere but Kalifornicator due to lurid high taxes, escalating crime, the nation's highest poverty rate, the influx of illegal
immigrants who are given freebies, plus an exploding homeless population, to name a few reasons to leave.
Yeah, those A, B, Cs stand for 'ANYWHERE BUT CALIFORNIA'

People are leaving in droves from Kalifornicator to relocate in states such as Texas, Florida, Idaho, Tennessee, South Carolina, etc.
Last time I checked all of those states were politically red in color; all leaving a deep blue socialist state.

Anywhere but Kalifornicator due to lurid high taxes, escalating crime, the nation's highest poverty rate, the influx of illegal
immigrants who are given freebies, plus an exploding homeless population, to name a few reasons to leave.
But you still live in my precious, Midnight Blue Massachusetts, right?
I'll give Maura your regards the next time I happen to see her.
Yeah, those A, B, Cs stand for 'ANYWHERE BUT CALIFORNIA'

People are leaving in droves from Kalifornicator to relocate in states such as Texas, Florida, Idaho, Tennessee, South Carolina, etc.
Last time I checked all of those states were politically red in color; all leaving a deep blue socialist state.

Anywhere but Kalifornicator due to lurid high taxes, escalating crime, the nation's highest poverty rate, the influx of illegal
immigrants who are given freebies, plus an exploding homeless population, to name a few reasons to leave.
No one gives a shit if you don't like California.
California is not for me, but I am sick of these Anti-Americans running states down because they don't kiss TRUMP's ASS like he does!

He can just go stew in his own SHIT!
Yeah, those A, B, Cs stand for 'ANYWHERE BUT CALIFORNIA'

People are leaving in droves from Kalifornicator to relocate in states such as Texas, Florida, Idaho, Tennessee, South Carolina, etc.
Last time I checked all of those states were politically red in color; all leaving a deep blue socialist state.

Anywhere but Kalifornicator due to lurid high taxes, escalating crime, the nation's highest poverty rate, the influx of illegal
immigrants who are given freebies, plus an exploding homeless population, to name a few reasons to leave.
I see Libhater is here spewing his normal made up bullshit.

In 2022, the last year there is data for state to state flow.
The top 10 states that Californians migrated to are as follows in order of their migration.

Texas, Arizona, Florida, Washington, Nevada, Oregon, New York, Colorado, Idaho, Georgia

Only 3 of those states voted for Trump in the last Presidential election. The others all voted for Biden.
Of those top 10 states. - 180,030 moved to red states and 303,244 moved to Blue or purple states.

The top state that Texans left Texas to move to was California.
102,422 Californians moved to Texas.
42,279 Texans moved to California.
But you still live in my precious, Midnight Blue Massachusetts, right?
I'll give Maura your regards the next time I happen to see her.
Speaking of midnight blue, I got wonderful pictures this morning from Boston...the finish line for the marathon is impressive...and very moving...
No one gives a shit if you don't like California.
Hundreds of thousands of fleeing kalifornicators certainly don't give a shit about leaving that cesspool
of a state being run by awful democrat policies and an awful democrat governor.
But you still live in my precious, Midnight Blue Massachusetts, right?
I'll give Maura your regards the next time I happen to see her.
Your precious midnight blue state? How precious is it now under that dem governor's acceptance to
house and give tax payers welfare to of all those illegals who are taking over swaths of areas all around Boston?
Someone with all the anti American beliefs such as yourself, doesn't surprise me in the least
that you just don't give a shit about Americans or America in general.
No. I said, no one gives a shit what you think about California.
Yeah, those A, B, Cs stand for 'ANYWHERE BUT CALIFORNIA'

People are leaving in droves from Kalifornicator to relocate in states such as Texas, Florida, Idaho, Tennessee, South Carolina, etc.
Last time I checked all of those states were politically red in color; all leaving a deep blue socialist state.

Anywhere but Kalifornicator due to lurid high taxes, escalating crime, the nation's highest poverty rate, the influx of illegal
immigrants who are given freebies, plus an exploding homeless population, to name a few reasons to leave.
That's okay. California is replacing educated, middle class, English speaking, productive citizens with a herd of illiterate, sickly, speaks who-knows-what badly, marginally useful basic laborers from Turd World countries who came here illegally.
That's okay. California is replacing educated, middle class, English speaking, productive citizens with a herd of illiterate, sickly, speaks who-knows-what badly, marginally useful basic laborers from Turd World countries who came here illegally.
Correct, and that's what hume says he doesn't give a fuck about. The dems are trying their best to copy
the culture of these Turd World countries by allowing those type of people to assimilate in their blue
city/states Sanctuary cities and sanctuary states.
no one cares
People in California do, that's why they're leaving.

I see Libhater is here spewing his normal made up bullshit.
I see you're still pretending that there was no Demonkkkrat election fraud coup in 2020.
In 2022, the last year there is data for state to state flow.
The top 10 states that Californians migrated to are as follows in order of their migration.

Voted for Trump.
Faulted due to election fraud. Likely would've voted for Trump had an election been held.
Voted for Trump.
Voted for Demonkkkrats due to numerous decades of leftist infiltration.
Faulted due to election fraud. Likely would've voted for Trump had an election been held.
Voted for Demonkkkrats due to numerous decades of leftist infiltration.
New York,
Voted for Demonkkkrats.
Voted for Demonkkkrats due to a couple decades of leftist infiltration.
Voted for Trump.
Faulted due to election fraud. Likely would've voted for Trump had an election been held.
Only 3 of those states voted for Trump in the last Presidential election. The others all voted for Biden.

3 voted for Trump
3 faulted due to election fraud
4 voted for Demonkkkrats
Of those top 10 states. - 180,030 moved to red states and 303,244 moved to Blue or purple states.
LIE. There is no "red state" or "blue state" or "purple state". People move over time. People change their political views over time. People are born and die every single day.
Correct, and that's what hume says he doesn't give a fuck about. The dems are trying their best to copy
the culture of these Turd World countries by allowing those type of people to assimilate in their blue
city/states Sanctuary cities and sanctuary states.
Well, they're doing a fine job of it in California. They just need bigger slums and barrios. They already have gangs, drug cartels, open looting, and a heavily stratified class structure of haves and have-nots in society with a shrinking middle class, not to mention lots and lots of government corruption.
I see you're still pretending that there was no Demonkkkrat election fraud coup in 2020.

Voted for Trump.

Faulted due to election fraud. Likely would've voted for Trump had an election been held.

Voted for Trump.

Voted for Demonkkkrats due to numerous decades of leftist infiltration.

Faulted due to election fraud. Likely would've voted for Trump had an election been held.

Voted for Demonkkkrats due to numerous decades of leftist infiltration.

Voted for Demonkkkrats.

Voted for Demonkkkrats due to a couple decades of leftist infiltration.

Voted for Trump.

Faulted due to election fraud. Likely would've voted for Trump had an election been held.


3 voted for Trump
3 faulted due to election fraud
4 voted for Demonkkkrats

LIE. There is no "red state" or "blue state" or "purple state". People move over time. People change their political views over time. People are born and die every single day.
gfm proving once again that he is unable to live in reality.