Do You Think The Rich Should Be Taxed More?

Hello Quetzalcoatl,

I don't see why they should pay more for the same things but I do believe it is necessary for them to be taxed more on income.
Why or why not.
Yes. For several reasons. One is that progressive taxation is the only fair form of taxation. Mainly because the wealthy, benefit disproportionately from Government program. Historically governments have been kleptocracies that taxed the most productive members of society into poverty and redistribute that wealth to the upper classes. Religions primary social purpose has been to rationalize that kleptocracy to the people. With government primarily redistributing productive wealth upwards (despite the political rhetoric) than progressive taxation is the only truly fair form of taxation.

Secondly for a modern economy to be robust and healthy its currency must be kept in circulation so that it can perform its designed function. The wealthy tend to accumulate wealth then take it out of circulation with the end result the economy of that nation declines and less people have the opportunity to profit. So to keep our monetary system from stagnation higher rates of taxation, on a use it or lose it basis, of those who accumulate vast wealth and take it out of circulation is needed to keep our currency in circulation so it can perform its economic function.
Mott's post is rational and accurate. Capitalist economies are fueled by consumption. If you are hoarding your gold like a dragon in his cave, you are not consuming. When the gold is shared among the lower and middle class, they *do* spend it. The things that they purchase cause production of those things to increase.... which causes creation of jobs for those who create the things. The Republican meme that giving tax breaks to the so-called job creators causes the economy to flourish is wrong. The "job creators" are those who spend money to buy goods and services, not those who park their wealth in banks and investment vehicles.
Under Socialism we wouldn't have to tax the rich more:-)
In theory. In practice socialist nations are traditional kleptocracies that tax the most productive members of society into poverty and redistribute it to an elite political class again despite the pro proletariat rhetoric. Though there are vast differences in economics and politics between socialism, capitalism, Oligarchy and feudal Aristocracy the historical redistribution of wealth by government has historically been upwards to an elite political class. Redistribution down the economic classes has been exceedingly rare and much of that which has occurred has been in recent history and predominantly in democratic republics where the non political elite have significant political power. Which, again, is a relative recent occurrence in human history.
Should they pay more for their water? How about their food?

they do

because they choose to

they should pay what everyone else does when they make so much beyond what it takes to live a decent life

they gain the MOST benefit for being an American so they need to pay the MOST taxes to support this nation
You only mentioned the rich and the poor. Are you envisioning a world without a middle class?
Thats because for most of human history societies had very small middle classes with little political power. Large middle classes have largely been the product of recent industrial liberal democratic republics with market economies which not that long ago were considered radically revolutionary.
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Mott's post is rational and accurate. Capitalist economies are fueled by consumption. If you are hoarding your gold like a dragon in his cave, you are not consuming. When the gold is shared among the lower and middle class, they *do* spend it. The things that they purchase cause production of those things to increase.... which causes creation of jobs for those who create the things. The Republican meme that giving tax breaks to the so-called job creators causes the economy to flourish is wrong. The "job creators" are those who spend money to buy goods and services, not those who park their wealth in banks and investment vehicles.
Not quite true. Someone has to produce those goods and services but consumption does drive the economic engine in modern economies which is why nations with large middle classes are the most powerful economically, politically and militarily.
they do

because they choose to

they should pay what everyone else does when they make so much beyond what it takes to live a decent life

they gain the MOST benefit for being an American so they need to pay the MOST taxes to support this nation

Not an argument