Do You Think The Rich Should Be Taxed More?

Why does that matter? The other nations instituted universal healthcare and a platform that kept people from starving. We were the richest and did nothing about it.

Sure because the Marshall plan was paid for by Iceland :rolleyes:

Now they are all much happier and secure than we are.

It is arguable how secure they are, certainly without the US.

Fact is FDR started Social Security to end the suffering of our old people who were living terribly.

It was originally primarily unemployment benefits. Something people tend to forget.

He wanted too start universal healthcare but that was too soon after SS. But he was sure America would do the right thing by its people. Obviously he was wrong.

Nope. FDR had universal healthcare provisions drafted into the social security act and then he was the one who elected to have those removed after the AMA objected to compulsory insurance.

Lots of haters like you do not care if segments of our society suffer.

Suffering is an unavoidable part of life.
We can't begin paying down the debt until we tax the rich more.

There is no amount of spending cuts which will balance the budget.

We have to tax the rich more.

The Trump tax cuts were irresponsible.
We can't begin paying down the debt until we tax the rich more.

There is no amount of spending cuts which will balance the budget.

We have to tax the rich more.

The Trump tax cuts were irresponsible.

Not irresponsible at all. They were part of the continuing plan to gut the programs for the poor and middle class. Trump is trying to get another one. This is not an accident. It is the plan the Rich have had since the 80s. Some of the wealthy are trying to create a plutocracy. They really believe they were selected by god to lead the world and run America. Mcconnell has forwarded all their plans . Hopefully a Dem house can slow down the end of America as we have known it.
Hello Nordberg,

Not irresponsible at all. They were part of the continuing plan to gut the programs for the poor and middle class.

Which is just as irresponsible as allowing our GDP/debt ratio become dangerously high.

Trump is trying to get another one. This is not an accident. It is the plan the Rich have had since the 80s. Some of the wealthy are trying to create a plutocracy. They really believe they were selected by god to lead the world and run America. Mcconnell has forwarded all their plans . Hopefully a Dem house can slow down the end of America as we have known it.

Agreed. But the danger is that the Dems simply take the big corporate and super-wealthy campaign money and continue to do their bidding.

The problem is it pretty much takes big money to become elected, and then the payback is expected. If it is not delivered, then the money is cut off and instead routed to an opponent.

No matter how high someone's ideals are, they cannot change the direction of Congress if they are not elected to that powerful position. It's a Catch 22.
Sure because the Marshall plan was paid for by Iceland :rolleyes:

It is arguable how secure they are, certainly without the US.

It was originally primarily unemployment benefits. Something people tend to forget.

Nope. FDR had universal healthcare provisions drafted into the social security act and then he was the one who elected to have those removed after the AMA objected to compulsory insuranc
Exactly as I said, hw was going to attack it later. Irt was not part of SS.
Security is the European nations is very high. They have healthcare and subsidies that make life liveable if things go wrong. They get free education too, which results in a more intelligent populace.
Hello Nordberg,

Nope. FDR had universal healthcare provisions drafted into the social security act and then he was the one who elected to have those removed after the AMA objected to compulsory insuranc
Exactly as I said, hw was going to attack it later. Irt was not part of SS.
Security is the European nations is very high. They have healthcare and subsidies that make life liveable if things go wrong. They get free education too, which results in a more intelligent populace.

He put it in the Second Bill of Rights - a dream he never got to realize due to his death.
Hello Nordberg, But it was covered up.

He put it in the Second Bill of Rights - a dream he never got to realize due to his death.

Damn it, rthe rightys tried to overthrow the government when he committed the crime of trying to save old people. That is how far they went. They should have been jailed in a public trial.
Hello Nordberg,

Damn it, rthe rightys tried to overthrow the government when he committed the crime of trying to save old people. That is how far they went. They should have been jailed in a public trial.

True dat. After all he did for the USA, bringing us through a war which could have ended the country, this is how they show their appreciation.
We can't begin paying down the debt until we tax the rich more.

There is no amount of spending cuts which will balance the budget.

We have to tax the rich more.

The Trump tax cuts were irresponsible.

So fine, let's just soak the rich completely into poverty! There, ya happy now?!?!?!
Do You Think The Rich Should Be Taxed More?

The only thing to do is aim at a fair, sensible rate - 99% of income perhaps.
Hello iolo,

Do You Think The Rich Should Be Taxed More?

The only thing to do is aim at a fair, sensible rate - 99% of income perhaps.


Too funny.

Naturally, that's just silly rubbish, though.

We gotta show 'em some human warmth.

Make it 98.6.

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Hello iolo,

Just for you then, softie! :)


Actually, I think an upper tax rate of around 50% would be enough to wipe out the deficit and begin paying down the debt. But there's no strong desire to do that. The debt actually serves some good purposes as well, so there are reasons to continue having debt. The main thing is the debt to GDP ratio is too high. This can be eased two ways, or a combo of them both. 1) Reduce the debt level. 2) Increase the GDP level. If GDP increase more rapidly than debt, the ratio is reduced. A good thing!

That means it is to our advantage to not necessarily wipe out the deficit entirely, but simply reduce it to a low level where GDP is high, and that will result in Debt/GDP reduction.

Taxes would not have to be raised to 50% to accomplish that. 40% or so would do that.


Our cultures are remixing as a result of the information age.

I was watching BBC News the other evening and the presenter used the term 'rubbish.'

That's not used much in American colloquialism, I figured you would appreciate it, so I used it in a post.