Do you think the world would be a better place in the abscence of weapons?

Do you think the world would be a better place in the abscence of weapons?

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I like the food that things that could be used as weapons bring to our tables.

weapons are tools and tools only. It's the power behind an individual and the intent they have in using that power that is the issue. If you can find a way to remove the intent to control and abuse people out of a persons psyche, only then can you consider a world without weapons.
WM, do you actually believe that the weapons are the problems?

Do you think there was no violence until people had weapons?

I know its an effort, but try not to be an idiot.
I believe his real question is, "Do you think Utopia would be cool?"

My answer is, "No, it would be boring."
I believe his real question is, "Do you think Utopia would be cool?"

My answer is, "No, it would be boring."

Would boring be bad or just 'boring'? I think we could all take some boring, though perhaps not intellectually.
Would boring be bad or just 'boring'? I think we could all take some boring, though perhaps not intellectually.

I could use some boring. But the sort of boring he is talking about would be monotonous boring. And a lifetime of it.
People come in different sizes and women, especially, tend to be in the smaller category. So to ban weapons means putting smaller people at the mercy of larger ones. It also puts smaller populations, or minorities within a population, at a disadvantage.

So along with most kook-liberal ideas this one ignores realities and human nature, thus ending up hurting the very people it claims to want to protect.

Since liberals tend to be smart people and should therefore understand these simple concepts it seems to me not a completely unfair conclusion that Liberals want small people, minorities and women to be at the mercy of large people, majorities and men, respectively. :cof1:
A world without weapons would be wonderful. We'd still be hanging from the trees picking bugs out of each other's hair for a mid day snack. And there is something about chasing down that rabbit to kill it bare handed, then eat it raw by chewing through the hide that really brings on that endorphin high.

And let's not forget that those better capable of fighting (either stronger or craftier or both) would get all the women.
A world without weapons would be wonderful. We'd still be hanging from the trees picking bugs out of each other's hair for a mid day snack. And there is something about chasing down that rabbit to kill it bare handed, then eat it raw by chewing through the hide that really brings on that endorphin high.

And let's not forget that those better capable of fighting (either stronger or craftier or both) would get all the women.

The world would be ten times further along without weapons.
Weapons will be annilhated to create my utopia.

This doors wide open now, it's gonna happen, wheter you like it not! Weapons will be gone! It's gonna happen!