Do you think the world would be a better place in the abscence of weapons?

Do you think the world would be a better place in the abscence of weapons?

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The first weapon ever used by man, was probably a rock. Since then, man has consistently developed better and better weaponry. Unless you live in a fantasy bubble, where rocks are marshmallows, and wooden sticks are cotton candy, there is no way to rid the world of weapons. Even then, someone would undoubtedly find a way to forge marshmallows and cotton candy into a weapon.

Waterhead, I realize, in your fantasy world, things would be better if there were no guns or bombs, but the reality is, these things exist. So the question is, do you simply want to take these from the ethical and honest people who have the best intentions and give them to the evil and dishonest, who don't have good intentions? Any rule or regulation you impose, would certainly be followed by the good and honest, and certainly be ignored by the evil and dishonest. That is just plain old human nature and reality.

Trying to promote peace by eliminating guns, is equivalent to trying to promote security by eliminating locks.
Another stroke of 'brilliance' from the resident idiot!

Damn... I am so tempted to bring back Dixie's Pinhead Quote of the Moment!

Without humans the elves and such could come out of the hollow earth and steart waling right side up for a change.

According to some removing humans from the earth is in Gawds plan.
I think it also involves some re-terraforming too.
My little friend this is the whole point.

For there not to be weapons you would have to change the entire nature of human beings.

Its like asking for a world without sex.

Yep hence my post about it being a better place without humans.
Desh understood.

FYI: When you end a point with "Desh understood" you know you are in serious, serious trouble.

I understand you have been wrong about nearly everything you have championed over the span of years I have known you.

Dixie I will never understand how you persist in thinking yourself some authority on anything when your track record of failure to understand and or predict the outcome of any set of circumstances has been dismal.

You never seem to learn or gain perspective about your own failings.
You are the qunitesential blind American fool that gives us a bad reputation in the world. You hold your country back from making the right choices for our future.

Damn dude , buy a vowel or something.