Do you want to ban all guns?

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Do you want all guns banned?

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pot has been illegal forever, as usual only the criminals have it

not until the 1930's did it become illegal all over the US

and saying only criminals have it, is wholly incorrect. you can legally have it in WA, other states if you have a medical reason. if you want to say federal criminals, then you are marginally correct.
not until the 1930's did it become illegal all over the US

and saying only criminals have it, is wholly incorrect. you can legally have it in WA, other states if you have a medical reason. if you want to say federal criminals, then you are marginally correct.
I didn't think it was illegal until the 70s
like the founders, i tend to be peacable, until it's time to no longer be peacable. but you wouldn't know anything about that, would you?

So you're all talk.

Let me know when you are ready to take police weapons.
Goody for you, scumwad. I hope one of them goes off in your face while you're jacking off with it.
How come you are so mean spirited and beechy? Also, how come you are a "Senior Member" of this Forum, when your posted join date was May, 2012? Sheet, I joined in 2009, so am I a Senior Member also, if you are?
How come you are so mean spirited and beechy? Also, how come you are a "Senior Member" of this Forum, when your posted join date was May, 2012? Sheet, I joined in 2009, so am I a Senior Member also, if you are?

it's an automatic ranking based on post count
Don't matter bitch. I already own em and have thousands upon thousands of rounds of ammo. All bought with cash.

Can't track what the gubmint don't know about.

So fuck you

Do you fear thousands upon thousands of people trying to kill you or do you plan another major school killing?
You obviously have 'mental health issues', dont you think it would be better to seek help?
Oh .... Yeah. (backs slowly away) shall I go and get you a puppy dog? (smiles and backs out of door)

Like the founders, we tend to be peaceable, until it's time to no longer be peaceable, but you wouldn't know anything about that, would you?
How come you are so mean spirited and beechy? Also, how come you are a "Senior Member" of this Forum, when your posted join date was May, 2012? Sheet, I joined in 2009, so am I a Senior Member also, if you are?

No you act too juvinile to be considered senior.