Does altruism exist?

If anyone thinks it’s an opinion and not a fact then give me a single example of an unselfish act and I will show you why it isn’t.

I am here all day and will take on all challengers

Trading your existence for the existence of others is not selfishness

Your brain is just constructed in such a way you see selfishness in every human action

It’s why you are a Republican
It does not.

Every action taken by a human is done out of selfishness.

If a soldier jumps on a grenade to save his platoon he is not doing it for them but for himself.

In the soldiers mind the thing he desires most in that moment is to save his platoon so his action is driven by that desire to get what HE wants.

Every human being on the planet who is capable of rational thought makes every decision based on selfishness.
I have taken on the burden of educating the people on this forum and this thread is part of that.

I require no thanks for my work but simply desire to help people.
Then this is a lie, because you claim every act is selfish, you have no real desire to help others.
Trading your existence for the existence of others is not selfishness

Your brain is just constructed in such a way you see selfishness in every human action

It’s why you are a Republican

More specifically, it's why she's a Trumper. Trumpers believe military personnel are losers and suckers. This is why even ex-military Trumpers demean the United States military.
Trump disparaged US war dead as ‘losers,’ ‘suckers’
A new report details multiple instances of President Donald Trump making disparaging remarks about members of the U.S. military who have been captured or killed, including referring to the American war dead at the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery in France in 2018 as “losers” and “suckers.”
It does not.

Every action taken by a human is done out of selfishness.

If a soldier jumps on a grenade to save his platoon he is not doing it for them but for himself.

In the soldiers mind the thing he desires most in that moment is to save his platoon so his action is driven by that desire to get what HE wants.

Every human being on the planet who is capable of rational thought makes every decision based on selfishness.


Humans only do anything and everything they do for only two reasons or both, TO GAIN SOME KIND OF PLEASURE FROM IT, OR TO PREVENT SOME KIND OF PAIN BY DOING IT.

We could argue this all day, but if you can think of any exceptions to this rule, TRUST ME, I can give you an example that backs up the rule to this phenomena.

Now yes, people are naturally selfish in many ways, but not everything they do, or do not do, are selfish acts.

Many acts come from assuming self-responsibility, through Bravery, Guts, experience, Intelligence, and Conscience, to do the right things, when the right things need to be done.

Many people have a better understanding of responsibility than others. Many people do think of others, and not just themselves, before they make personal decisions about what to do, and what not to do, in any given decision.

A lot of this has to do with how you were raised, and the examples you were influenced by, and followed throughout your life. We have all had both good and bad examples that we personally chose to follow- OR NOT FOLLOW for ourselves.

Not everyone understands what sacrifice even is, the importance of it, or where, or when it needs to be applied. But, in this world, just about everything we do, or do not do, will most always come with some kind of a personal sacrifice. And yes, there are some people that will never sacrifice anything ever for any reason, and that does come from ignorance, selfishness, and FOLLOWING OTHER BAD EXAMPLES.

It also has to do with with personal commitment! Some people can make commitments- and some people refuse to commit to anything, and if they do, it is in their own self-interest.

Weak men only think of themselves- Strong men always think about others first as part of following the Golden Rule!
Weak men do not commit themselves- Strong men do.
Weak men are not willing to make a sacrifice- Strong men are willing to make a sacrifice.
Weak men do not play by the Golden Rule- Strong men are committed to following the Golden Rule.
Weak men do not think or care about the consequences of their actions or non-actions- STRONG MEN ALWAYS DO!

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Then this is a lie, because you claim every act is selfish, you have no real desire to help others.

Either he is committed to an altruistic act (as he says he is)...or there is no such thing as altruism (as he says earlier.)

Both cannot be. So...he slaughtered his own argument.
Either he is committed to an altruistic act (as he says he is)...or there is no such thing as altruism (as he says earlier.)

Both cannot be. So...he slaughtered his own argument.

She. Peach AKA Stretch is female. Agreed her argument is flawed.
Thanks, Doc.

I wish everyone would indicate a gender so appropriate pronouns could be used...such as there are appropriate pronouns anymore.

She did, but it was only one or two posts which I happened to catch.

Plus, like the Victorian age Imitation Game popularized by Alan Turing, I like to identify male and female from cultural cues. This mainly works only with Americans since foreigners, especially Euros, tend to be more effeminate.
In fact, Turing well understood the need for empirical evidence, proposing what has become known as the Turing Test to determine if a machine was capable of thinking. The test was an adaptation of a Victorian-style competition called the imitation game.

It involves secluding a man and woman from an interrogator who has to guess which is which by asking questions and studying written replies.

The man aims to fool the interrogator, while the woman tries to help him.

In the Turing Test, a computer program replaces the man. Turing asked: "Will the interrogator decide wrongly as often when the game is played like this as he does when the game is played between a man and a woman."

Effectively, the test studies whether the interrogator can determine which is computer and which is human (although Turing did not explicitly say that the interrogator should be told that one of the respondents was a computer it seems clear to me from his example questions that this was what he intended).

The idea was that if the questioner could not tell the difference between human and machine, the computer would be considered to be thinking.