Does anybody here actually get mad about politics and the world?


New member
Serious question here.

You know the Conservatives/Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians and Liberals argue and debate on here and seem to just call it a day...

Its just like an episode of Crossfire, the left and right fight over false outrages for 30 mins and than call it a day while going to a bar together to hit on the hot bartenders...

I wish there was a time where people really cared about others instead of just the fake indignitions on here.

None of us really gives much of a fuck about anybody else who is not in our sphere of relationships...

Even I admit sometimes i dont give a fuck anymore cause the world is way too messed up to get fixed...

As Americans does it even matter to you if a whole city, New Orleans was basically devastated? I mean people will have false outrages about the bad things that Bush did but they really dont care unless they knew somebody down there personally....

Do people actually care that their fellow Americans are getting blown up in Iraq if they dont know them personally? I highly doubt it.

Everybody tends to live in their own bubble, and laugh it off when other people are killed, bombed or starved... And I'm guilt of it just like everybody else. Same thing with the celebrities who go on the PR fueled advocacies....

Take for example Bono, who cares so much about the poor that he foregoes paying taxes with his offshore accounts...

We are all guilt, I think part of the reason is because we see all this murders, bombings, wars, corruptions, etc... on TV, in the media, blah blah....There is a huge disconnect now between people from their fellow kin...

Its like the 3 little pigs story...Too many times crying wolf (not a perfect analogy since its actually real outrages) makes people just develop a thick skin towards these kind of things...

What is altruism? and Where is the love?

No fake indignation here. I cannot play the politics game and have a beerr with someone who supports the war and act buddybuddy with them. Coexisting with them in a business type of environment now is another matter.
I make it a point of not letting it eat me up, but I will not condone seriously opposing actions by buddying up to them.
No fake indignation here. I cannot play the politics game and have a beerr with someone who supports the war and act buddybuddy with them. Coexisting with them in a business type of environment now is another matter.
I make it a point of not letting it eat me up, but I will not condone seriously opposing actions by buddying up to them.

Don't feed the troll.
That's it. No point in allowing frustration to dominate. Just as an aside I post and read on forums to challenge my own ideas and to re-shape them. And it has a practical effect for me.
Maybe i should be more like you guys....Dont get mad at the stupidity of people like Desh....Instead just laugh at her dumb logic....

Maybe i should be more like you guys....Dont get mad at the stupidity of people like Desh....Instead just laugh at her dumb logic....


Nah, if you think about someone's opposing position and can analyse it and respond with a valid critique that's better than just laughing. And you learn from it, which is good.
Clearly to you, families losing their homes due to denials of coverage from insurance companies, is something to laugh at. You’re a sad person.
Oh, and Darla too.

Clearly you don't read and are being dishonest and assumptive of my opinion on health care.

Did you recently get lectured at work or something? What caused this mood to come upon you?
Oh, and Darla too.

Clearly you don't read and are being dishonest and assumptive of my opinion on health care.

Did you recently get lectured at work or something? What caused this mood to come upon you?

You caused it.

I despise people of the "I got mine, too bad about you" mindset. You are destroying this country.

And I have seen your kind get yours. But I have to say, even still, it brought me no satisfaction. Because too many who don't have it coming, "get theirs" under the system you enable.

Let me tell you something about me Damo. My life gets better every day. I think that what you put out there, is what eventually, comes around back to you. And things have been going very well for me.

You think that if I get angry at your kind if apathy about other people, that means I have been lectured at work or am unhappy in some way. YOu couldn't be more wrong.
You caused it.

I despise people of the "I got mine, too bad about you" mindset. You are destroying this country.

And I have seen your kind get yours. But I have to say, even still, it brought me no satisfaction. Because too many who don't have it coming, "get theirs" under the system you enable.

Let me tell you something about me Damo. My life gets better every day. I think that what you put out there, is what eventually, comes around back to you. And things have been going very well for me.

You think that if I get angry at your kind if apathy about other people, that means I have been lectured at work or am unhappy in some way. YOu couldn't be more wrong.
Again, I never expressed that opinion at all, you simply have projected that onto me based solely in your prejudice.

I asked the questions expecting to get an answer, I did not express an opinion because I really wanted to know what type of oversight Oncelor wanted. You did not answer my question because you cannot, you are not Oncelor and do not know his opinion.
Of course. That's what everybody does right Damo?

You are so misunderstood. I wonder why that is.
Because, very often, you assume what my opinion is rather than asking me what it is or even reading what I posted.

You assumed that my questions were an attack, I could see that because of the sarcasm, therefore I changed my tone and repeated. I really was interested in a further explanation of his opinion. Instead all I got was your assumption of my opinion.
Darla, I just have to be me. And me is not mean or very greedy.
If we are not ourselves then we are truely lost.

What has been said about observing the replys of others is good. Just don't let it get to ya or they have won in a small part.
We just have to keep plugging along and be frequently entertained by the assholes tripping over their own arrogance.

The situation of the bushie Republicans is really hillarious, but the sad part is that so many have been hurt by bushistic practices.
And by empirical evidence about 30% of republicans are insane and or stupid, because they still support Bush.
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Darla, I just have to be me. And me is not mean or very greedy.
If we are not ourselves then we are truely lost.

What has been said about observing the replys of others is good. Just don't let it get to ya or they have won in a small part.
We just have to keep plugging along and be frequently entertained by the assholes tripping over their own arrogance.

The situation of the bushie Republicans is really hillarious, but the sad part is that so many have been hurt by bushistic practices.
And by empirical evidence about 30% of republicans are insane and or stupid, because they still support Bush.

Nice "us" vs. "them" attitude.
Darla, I just have to be me. And me is not mean or very greedy.
If we are not ourselves then we are truely lost.

What has been said about observing the replys of others is good. Just don't let it get to ya or they have won in a small part.
We just have to keep plugging along and be frequently entertained by the assholes tripping over their own arrogance.

The situation of the bushie Republicans is really hillarious, but the sad part is that so many have been hurt by bushistic practices.
And by empirical evidence about 30% of republicans are insane and or stupid, because they still support Bush.

I try usc, but sometimes I just don't find them that funny!
Nice "us" vs. "them" attitude.

It is based on thems actions not their political affiliation. It is just an unfortuante fact that most republicans are assholes.

If Bush had done wonderfully or even pretty good for our country I would be voting Republican. But he /they did not so I will vote against them even I am not impressed by the other side very much either.
Obama does show some promise now. Hope he makes it thru the primaries.