Leftist Vermin
It appears that Scott has left the building. What was the whole purpose of this nonsense, anyways?
I looked at it.The fact that they came to this conclusion from data taken from the largest excess mortality study to date has something to do with it. Why not take a look at the article itself?
How many other articles or research have you looked at regarding deaths from vaccines?
You can ofcourse make this claim, and perhaps it's even true, who knows. If you bring no evidence to back up your assertion, however, it means very little. You may have noticed that when I make assertions, I tend to have articles to back them up. So, do you have an article with a study suggesting that VAERS is "constantly misused by conspiracy theorists"?You brought up VAERS, which is constantly misused by conspiracy theorists
The VAERs database is not a good way to figure out what is caused by vaccines since it allows for self reporting of side effects. For instance the Covid vaccine was recorded in the VAERs database as causing birth defects and miscarriages in women over 70. Cherry picking a few self reported side effects doesn't really show anything about the vaccine.Recently, there was some discussion of the fact that the FDA cancelled a meeting to select flu Strains for next season’s flu Vaccine in a thread on whether or not the bird flu was fake. I thought the subject deserved its own thread, so I'm making this one and we'll see how it goes. I found what I believe was quite a good article on the subject from Children's Health Defense, which can be seen here:
FDA Calls Off Meeting to Select Flu Strains for Next Season’s Flu Vaccine
The FDA on Monday sent members of its vaccine advisory committee an email canceling the meeting. The agency told CNN that it will “make public its recommendations to manufacturers in time for updated vaccines to be available for the 2025-2026 influenza season.”
I should say from the get go that I no longer believe that biological viruses exist, so based on that alone, I think that at best, any flu vaccines are useless. From what I've read of vaccines, I strongly believe that they're actually quite harmful. Children's Health Defense takes the mainstream view that biological viruses -do- exist, but still has a lot of issues with the flu vaccines. Quoting some parts of the article below:
Door to Freedom founder Dr. Meryl Nass, who follows FDA and CDC vaccine advisory meetings and often blogs about them, welcomed the meeting’s cancellation and expressed skepticism about flu vaccines.
According to CNBC, the cancellation comes during a “particularly brutal flu season in the U.S.” that, according to CDC data, has resulted in up to 910,000 hospitalizations since October 2024.
But Nass said those claims are overstated. She said that contrary to CDC claims of up to 52,000 flu deaths annually in the U.S., data from death certificates indicate “only about 2,000 Americans per year die from influenza.”
“I worked for many years as a hospitalist and yet it is hard for me to think of anyone who died of influenza in the hospital. They may have died of a secondary bacterial infection,” Nass said.
Albert Benavides, founder of and an expert on the U.S. government-run Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), said a discussion of deaths caused by the flu vaccines has been missing from the mainstream narrative.
“There are currently 2,652 deaths associated with flu vaccines in VAERS back to 1990,” Benavides said. He noted that 697 of these deaths have been received and published in the VAERS database since January 2021, calling this development “concerning.”
Benavides said the data showed that “many elderly flu deaths are comingled with COVID-19, Pneumovax, Shingrix, Zostavax and now even some RSV and Monkeypox vaccines and in every combination,” suggesting that interactions between the vaccines may be deadly for some people.
A study published in October 2024 in the journal Scientific Reports found that 17 vaccines, including flu vaccines, were associated with Guillain-Barré syndrome, a rare condition that attacks the peripheral nervous system.
Nass questioned the U.S. spending of “billions of dollars” yearly. “Other countries don’t do this,” she said.
VRBPAC members ‘often team up with industry’
According to the Times, Kennedy has “repeatedly warned of ‘regulatory capture’ — the idea that federal regulators are captive to industry.”
In an interview with Fox News earlier this month, Kennedy said several public health agency panels that develop policies such as vaccine guidelines are composed of “outside experts,” almost all of whom “have severe … conflicts of interest.”
The Times acknowledged that the members of committees like VRBPAC “often team up with industry,” citing the example of Offit, “an inventor of a rotavirus vaccine that was later developed by the pharmaceutical giant Merck.”
Parks said she thinks it’s “good that VRBPAC meetings have been put on ice until the members of these advisory committees are actually properly vetted and determined not to have conflicts of interest. Currently, it appears that many members are there to rubber-stamp the agenda of vaccine manufacturers.”
The cancellation of the VRBPAC meeting came just days after HHS announced the end of the CDC’s “Wild to Mild” advertising campaign promoting flu vaccines. HHS called on the CDC to instead develop “advertisements that promote the idea of ‘informed consent’ in vaccine decision-making.”
“I am hopeful that better data on the flu and flu vaccines will help Americans make truly informed choices about whether to get flu vaccines,” Nass said.
The VAERs database is not a good way to figure out what is caused by vaccines
And you just repeat the same garbage that you posted earlier and can't defend it when errors are pointed out.I agree in part, in that doctors and hospitals seldom use the thing. A good quote from an article from Megan Redshaw published on Children's Health Defense way back in 2021:
Under-reporting to VAERS
The Defender asked the CDC if there is any mechanism in place to confirm whether healthcare providers are reporting to VAERS, or if the agency has any education initiatives in place to improve the rate and quality of reporting.
According to the CDC’s website and the U.S Food and Drug Administration’s EUA approval materials, healthcare providers are required by law to report certain adverse events to VAERS.
Yet according to a 2013 survey in “Vaccine,” 37% of healthcare providers had identified an adverse event following immunization, yet only 17% of those indicated they had ever reported to VAERS. Factors associated with healthcare providers not reporting included: unfamiliarity with how to file a paper VAERS report; type of practice; and the provider being unfamiliar versus very familiar with the requirements for filing a VAERS report.
64 Days and Counting — Why Won’t the CDC Answer Our Questions?
The Defender first reached out to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on March 8 with a list of questions about COVID vaccine injury reports in VAERS, including ongoing investigations into reported deaths. Our questions remain
Let's look at how silly the arguments are in that article.I agree in part, in that doctors and hospitals seldom use the thing. A good quote from an article from Megan Redshaw published on Children's Health Defense way back in 2021:
Under-reporting to VAERS
The Defender asked the CDC if there is any mechanism in place to confirm whether healthcare providers are reporting to VAERS, or if the agency has any education initiatives in place to improve the rate and quality of reporting.
According to the CDC’s website and the U.S Food and Drug Administration’s EUA approval materials, healthcare providers are required by law to report certain adverse events to VAERS.
Yet according to a 2013 survey in “Vaccine,” 37% of healthcare providers had identified an adverse event following immunization, yet only 17% of those indicated they had ever reported to VAERS. Factors associated with healthcare providers not reporting included: unfamiliarity with how to file a paper VAERS report; type of practice; and the provider being unfamiliar versus very familiar with the requirements for filing a VAERS report.
64 Days and Counting — Why Won’t the CDC Answer Our Questions?
The Defender first reached out to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on March 8 with a list of questions about COVID vaccine injury reports in VAERS, including ongoing investigations into reported deaths. Our questions remain
I, like you, was around during the COVID pandemic. I heard/read the claims about deaths caused by the COVID vaccine and those claims were almost always supported by references to the VAERS database.You can ofcourse make this claim, and perhaps it's even true, who knows. If you bring no evidence to back up your assertion, however, it means very little. You may have noticed that when I make assertions, I tend to have articles to back them up. So, do you have an article with a study suggesting that VAERS is "constantly misused by conspiracy theorists"?
The COVID pandemic sent many people down the vaccine, conspiracy theory/disinformation rabbit hole. As I mentioned earlier, Tucker Carlson claimed at one point that over 3000 people had died from the...I fully admit that at present, I don't know how to verify this claim. That being said, I have already initiated requests for help in this endeavour in the comments section of the article itself, as well as in a message at, as the man who made the statement is the founder of that site. I'll let you know if I get a response that allows me to verify the statement.
So, you've looked at info from one source?Did you find any flaws in the article's reasoning?
I'd say a fair amount over the last few years, as Children's Health Defense used to mention the amount of deaths that may have been caused by vaccines in a lot of their articles. As to articles that are focused specifically on the deaths caused by vaccines, I think the one you said you've taken a look at is perhaps the best, certainly in relation to the covid vaccines. But if you'd like more reading material, feel free to peruse the following article that touches on evidence of a link between vaccines and excess deaths:
Vaccines Were Supposed to End the Pandemic. Excess Death Figures Tell a Different Story
The reality is that waves of infection and excess mortality continued after the deployment of the COVID-19 vaccines during 2021, continuing with two severe waves in the U.S., and peaking again at the end of January the following
I find that the following article of a man's death almost 2 years after getting the Covid vaccine is also interesting:
Pfizer Vaccine From ‘Highly Lethal Batch’ Likely Caused Man’s Death 555 Days Later
The 47-year-old had a good medical history and was not taking medication, according to a peer-reviewed study published Feb. 8 in the International Journal of Innovative Research in Medical Science. The authors said the finding is “significant” because it demonstrates that death can occur
One questionable source. The source is a lot like getting an article link from the Flat Earth Society's webpage. It is full of confirmation bias and lacks any mention of thousands of years of the scientific process.So, you've looked at info from one source?
One questionable source that is blatantly, anti-vaccine.One questionable source. The source is a lot like getting an article link from the Flat Earth Society's webpage. It is full of confirmation bias and lacks any mention of thousands of years of the scientific process.
Well yeah. lol. Hence my analogy of getting an article about the flat earth from the flat earth society website.One questionable source that is blatantly, anti-vaccine.