Does the media have an obligation to refer to Trump as a fascist?

Editorial policy for the New York Times.
Instead of, "Trump gaining popularity with many saying Biden should drop out...."
This, "Trump, the only person in US history to attempt a violent coup...."

What's it like supporting a moron who is less popular than a 7 time impeached 900 time indicted former president that you imagine attempted a violent coup or what normal people refer to as trespassing?
Editorial policy for the New York Times.
Instead of, "Trump gaining popularity with many saying Biden should drop out...."
This, "Trump, the only person in US history to attempt a violent coup...."

None of that is true. Trump is losing followers. He will lose several court cases with worse ones in the future. He is the worst option for president I can think of. I suspect Santos case came up now so he can be free to be Trump's VP. He has the same ethics and morals as Trump does.
None of that is true. Trump is losing followers. He will lose several court cases with worse ones in the future. He is the worst option for president I can think of. I suspect Santos case came up now so he can be free to be Trump's VP. He has the same ethics and morals as Trump does.

Agree. But NYTimes has taken the lead in bashing Biden, for some reason. They want Trump?!
Agree. But NYTimes has taken the lead in bashing Biden, for some reason. They want Trump?!

If IF they are bashing biden it's probably for the same reason the leader of the RI chapter of BLM is endorsing trump. People are waking up to just how fucking damaged the dumbocrap party has become. As that party moves farther and farther left, people who are normal and decent feel more and more excluded.
None of that is true. Trump is losing followers. He will lose several court cases with worse ones in the future. He is the worst option for president I can think of. I suspect Santos case came up now so he can be free to be Trump's VP. He has the same ethics and morals as Trump does.

he's gaining followers.

you live in a idiot bubble.
No, because empty rhetoric, hyperbole, and misuse of words isn't something the press should be engaged in.

I challenge you to define in specific terms with some examples, what you call a "fascist."

Oh, by my definition, Joe Biden IS an enemy of the United States. He has let upwards of 50% of the illegals in the US in during his term. That's several million at a minimum. That constitutes an invasion of sorts and a complete disregard for his oath of office to protect the US from such invasions.

Then you can toss in his authoritarian and dictatorial attempts to push the whole greentard agenda, force everyone into buying certain products, like EV's, a complete disregard for the market and trying to put in place things like a "disinformation czar" to control what the public can say and hear.

Let's toss in reckless spending, trying to buy votes (like cancelling student debt), and using the mechanisms of government to attack and destroy his opposition.

Don't forget his call for civil war or his supply the enemy with weapons and supplies in time of war (treason), or the graft, or the utter disregard of the Constitution of the United States.
Yes...Biden is an enemy of the United States and so is his handler, Obama.
You have no idea what an incredible level of delusion you are at. Trump is a low level buffoon and is at a level you cannot attain.

That 'buffoon' is a successful real estate developer and was elected President. He's done a hell of a lot more than you, ya buffoon.
Don't forget his call for civil war or his supply the enemy with weapons and supplies in time of war (treason), or the graft, or the utter disregard of the Constitution of the United States.
Yes...Biden is an enemy of the United States and so is his handler, Obama.

Hey, I'm writing a brief post on an internet message board, not the second coming of Gibbon's Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire, unabridged...
Hey, I'm writing a brief post on an internet message board, not the second coming of Gibbon's Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire, unabridged...

Heh. I don't blame you! I just though I'd point out a couple of Biden's acts of treason.
I too like to keep it brief when I can.