Does your vote count?

You have an amazing ability to think that because you believe it, it's true. Typical arrogant piece of shit.

I can't help it you bend over and grab your ankles for any Democrat cheater. It's inbred into your kind and only you can do something about changing it. If you don't choose to do so, it's not my fault you continue to spread your BS.

I'll continue to respond with truth despite your failure to acknowledge it. When you can enforce your demand about me not responding, bring some of the Taichi bullshit.

See folks, when directly challenged to provide PROOF of his assertions and allegation, CFM just bluffs, blusters and blows smoke. The OP DOCUMENTS what I say about ALEC.....right wing flunkies like CFM don't like it, but to date neither he or his compatriots can provide either proof that the DEM party has a counter part organization or that ALEC does not do what the OP link shows.

What's really pathetic is CFM's delusion that as long as he denies a fact and claims it's an opinion, HIS personal opinions, suppositions and conjecture become on par (or substitutes) for valid, documented facts! :palm:

I leave CFM to stamp his widdle feet in frustration and spew his childish petulance in vain.
And if this indeed pans out to be true (via contention from the Sanders campaign), then so much better for Sen. Sanders! But, the game is afoot! Check this out:

Now, how does this alter the FACT of the OP, which does NOT depend upon the election?

in other words, the chronology of events tells us "what difference does it make, now!"......Hillary's team has what it wants, why worry about it.......