DOJ declines to prosecute Garland after House Republicans pass contempt resolution

The last time this happened was in the Obama administration where Eric Holder, likewise, refused to honor a congressional subpoena and 'ran the clock out' on it. It is simple lawlessness on the part of the administration. Garland is doing the same thing. It demonstrates a willful arrogance on the part of the executive branch to refuse to work with their peers. That in turn, describes a dictatorship.
But the exact same case against Trump is worth prosecuting... Got it.
According to the authorities, he was asked for the documents and didn't give them all back. They asked again for the documents which trump denied having but got caught moving said documents to different locations. This prompted the raid at mar a lago. Not at all the same situation.
According to the authorities, he was asked for the documents and didn't give them all back. They asked again for the documents which trump denied having but got caught moving said documents to different locations. This prompted the raid at mar a lago. Not at all the same situation.
Irrelevant. Possession is sufficient for prosecution. The fact--FACT--that Biden took documents, stored them in unauthorized places, showed them to unauthorized persons (he admitted to showing them to his ghost writer for example), is sufficient for prosecution. Biden didn't voluntarily return anything. He got caught having them and gave them up. He didn't happen to go out in his garage and see a box of classified documents and say, 'Oh! These are classified. I should call the FBI and return them.' He is every bit as culpable and chargeable as Trump.
According to the authorities, he was asked for the documents and didn't give them all back. They asked again for the documents which trump denied having but got caught moving said documents to different locations. This prompted the raid at mar a lago. Not at all the same situation.
In fact, it's clear Biden did the exact same thing Trump did with classified documents.

Could it be fact and that is why they aren't bringing a case against biden? yes? hello?

lololol good grief
No, Hur recognized that you don't go after a sitting president, or top powerful politicians--like the Hildabeast--on something like this. You let it slide. The stupidity is the TDS / hate Trump, get him at any cost bunch that are quite literally starting the US down a path to being a Turd World banana republic.
Apparently you can't..

saying the evidence did not establish Biden’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt
And then cited complete bullshit about him as a defendant. He had docs from when he was IN THE SENATE =- "guilt beyond a reasonable doubt."

As I said: the KGB never prosecutes the Politburo; this is a prime example of that Stalinist principle in practice with the current Administration.