DOJ says it won't cooperate with Republicans in House

McCarthy's new committees will be nothing but a bad joke.
Doing anything with these, pachys, other than arresting them, is never a good idea.
The DOJ has just said it won't cooperate with the Republicans in likely investigations into Joke, the FBI, and other issues.

DOJ reserves right to not cooperate with certain House GOP requests

The Justice Department is signaling that it has the right to not cooperate with Hill Republicans’ requests to peek into their ongoing investigations, a top official wrote in a letter obtained by POLITICO.

“Consistent with longstanding policy and practice, any oversight requests must be weighed against the Department’s interests in protecting the integrity of its work,” Carlos Uriarte, DOJ’s legislative affairs chief, wrote in the five-page letter. “Longstanding Department policy prevents us from confirming or denying the existence of pending investigations in response to congressional requests or providing non-public information about our investigations.”

Stonewalling worked so well for Eric Holder that he was held in contempt of congress, among other things...

Your own shit tastes bad when you have to eat it yourself, doesn't it? You reap what you sow.
The OP is a bald faced lie. DOJ said exactly the opposite. STFU you Nazi putz. DOJ will hot comment or even confirm ongoing investigations. That is a long standing policy that protects the rights of those who may be subject to investigations. Don't like it? Go fuck yourself.
The DOJ has just said it won't cooperate with the Republicans in likely investigations into Joke, the FBI, and other issues.

DOJ reserves right to not cooperate with certain House GOP requests

The Justice Department is signaling that it has the right to not cooperate with Hill Republicans’ requests to peek into their ongoing investigations, a top official wrote in a letter obtained by POLITICO.

“Consistent with longstanding policy and practice, any oversight requests must be weighed against the Department’s interests in protecting the integrity of its work,” Carlos Uriarte, DOJ’s legislative affairs chief, wrote in the five-page letter. “Longstanding Department policy prevents us from confirming or denying the existence of pending investigations in response to congressional requests or providing non-public information about our investigations.”

Stonewalling worked so well for Eric Holder that he was held in contempt of congress, among other things...

What the House Scumlican is doing is pointless political theater, so why would the DOJ cooperate with them????????????????
So the walls between the branches are gone. Justice now answers to the Trumplestilksins in congress. Kevin is the head of the FBI now. You rightys are so anti-American that it makes one shudder. A tiny majority in one house means they are ruling the country and other branches work for them. You cannot even keep your house working together. Any Repub who wakes up with a hangover can demand a new speaker vote. What a mess you guys have made.
So the walls between the branches are gone. Justice now answers to the Trumplestilksins in congress. Kevin is the head of the FBI now. You rightys are so anti-American that it makes one shudder. A tiny majority in one house means they are ruling the country and other branches work for them. You cannot even keep your house working together. Any Repub who wakes up with a hangover can demand a new speaker vote. What a mess you guys have made.

your supposition is crap. the government, all branches, answer to we the people through our representatives in the house and senate. even DOJ.