Donald Trump dreams of an American Fourth Reich — and he's not kidding

Quote Originally Posted by ThatOwlWoman View Post
I wonder how much of this very Hitler-like speech Fox shows its viewers?

why don't you quote these "very Hitler-like words" that you claim you heard....then we can laugh at you some more.......
Donald Trump who is the biggest propriety of democracy and all it allows, has got a lot of nerves, wanting to dismantle it. Free Speech is keeping this moronic simp out of jail, his status is affording him privileges others are denied and tax payers are providing him the security so many of his adversaries for this clown to denigrate and threaten our democratic rules, to constantly attack our laws and enforcers....just angers the fuck out of me. But I don't blame Trump, I blame a system too afraid and cowardly to check this clown and show his ass a prison cell.
fascism is the rejection of individual rights. the left in America are most apt to do this

I wish you knew just how pathetic and lost your dumb ass sound. If anybody is rejecting democracy and freedom, its the GOP right. Johnson, a tax paid servant of the people, took his ass to Florida to kiss the ring of how fucked up is that???
fascism is the rejection of individual rights. the left in America are most apt to do this

That is not fascism. You obviously took no history classes. Look it up. Your premise is so wrong. In America, individual rights are fought for by the left and against by the Repubs.
Fascism is right-wing. Trump is right-wing. The Repub party is right-wing.

I hate to say this, but I kinda hope Trump wins next year.....we have got to end by any means necessary the Trump madness at all costs. Where Biden to win, we'd still have these MAGA morons among us and Trump leading the pack for yet another 4 years then another 4 years....Lets get this nightmare reality show lunatic back in the white house and watch him as did Hitler destroy this nation bit by bit, piece by piece. And the beauty in all this....WHITE TRASH CANS WORSHIPING THIS CLOWN, will be first in line for the kill!! There's a reason Obama got 8 years, bc white trash always always always crawl back to the roost when their votes render them not a gotdamn thing like now.....Please God, let Trump win!!! I would love to see these sorry ass negro's for Trump, coware around racist white people again, fearful of their Barbies, I would love to see the Latino's especially those who are here legally, rounding up and treated like public enemies and the Muslims for Trump, in a state of fear. I would love to see MSM who gave and continues to give Trump life, all banned and in fear, I hope another pandemic ensues, I hope he starts WWIII and I hope all our adversaries join him in complete and utter fascist control of this country. I hope he drains the treasury dry, put all his cronies in charge and completely ruin this country....I'm 65 years old, ain't shit he can do for me or against me....Trump 2024
it is sad you sick fucks feel it is necessary to lie about him constantly....

Dude the bitch in video, he's on tape, LIE??? People like you can not be reached and anybody bored enough to engage clowns like you, need a life....bye you dumb ass piece of shit and I hope you choke on turkey and your boyfriends stupid fuck
That is not fascism. You obviously took no history classes. Look it up. Your premise is so wrong. In America, individual rights are fought for by the left and against by the Repubs.

the left doesn't give a shit about natural rights

you force people to bake cakes against their will, to donate to causes against their will and so on.

You strike so many of the boxes
centralized autocracy
forcible suppression of opposition
subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation or race

I wish you knew just how pathetic and lost your dumb ass sound. If anybody is rejecting democracy and freedom, its the GOP right. Johnson, a tax paid servant of the people, took his ass to Florida to kiss the ring of how fucked up is that???

libertarians always seem to reject you people and you idiots never understand why :laugh:

yeah - real stewards of individual liberty you are

Dude the bitch in video, he's on tape, LIE??? People like you can not be reached and anybody bored enough to engage clowns like you, need a life....bye you dumb ass piece of shit and I hope you choke on turkey and your boyfriends stupid fuck

your large font screams "I'm retarded" :laugh:
Trump does not care if America continues. He wants all the power and protections from the law that he can get. He has terrible plans for anyone who is not an ardent Trumplestilskin. Even those who worked for him in his law-bending gifting 4 years are not safe. If they told the truth in the court or before committees, he will make them suffer bigly. Trump is the law.

He's going to get a lot of his own people killed in a fantasy about a violent takeover of the United States. Independents don't like Pedo Nazis, White Supremacists or other authoritarian assholes.

libertarians always seem to reject you people and you idiots never understand why :laugh:

yeah - real stewards of individual liberty you are
"you people" meaning elderly, Euro-American male losers posing as a sassy Black woman? It's possible he's just another Legion sock. You know who that balless loser is, don'tcha, z? LOL