Don't Believe It: What The NAACP Did


One of the current whines of the right when reminded that the NAACP was targeted by Bush's IRS in 2004 is that the NAACP produced a TV commercial critical of Bush. Don't believe them or lies you read on here...

Where is it? Why can't they drag it out?

It doesn't exist.

What did happen is that the NAACP distributed a pamphlet at their 2004 national convention, sharply critical of voter disenfranchisement by the Bush administration. Bush's name isn't even invoked in the flyer, however, NAACP President Julian Bond criticized Bush and his administration[url] for their lackluster record on civil rights and asked for Bush's "ouster":

Sounds like free speech to me, huh?

Why do republicans hate free speech?
One of the current whines of the right when reminded that the NAACP was targeted by Bush's IRS in 2004 is that the NAACP produced a TV commercial critical of Bush. Don't believe them or lies you read on here...

Where is it? Why can't they drag it out?

It doesn't exist.

What did happen is that the NAACP distributed a pamphlet at their 2004 national convention, sharply critical of voter disenfranchisement by the Bush administration. Bush's name isn't even invoked in the flyer, however, NAACP President Julian Bond criticized Bush and his administration[url] for their lackluster record on civil rights and asked for Bush's "ouster":

Sounds like free speech to me, huh?

Why do republicans hate free speech?

This is the same outfit that blamed Bush for Katrina and applauded Louie what's his face of the nation of something or other for claiming Bush deliberately tried to drown all the black citizens of New Orleans by blowing up the levees.
There is no source for the lies of an overtly insane racist Howey. Unless you consider pathology a source that is.

Now you republicans and right wingers stay far away from me, the great tailgate party parking lot philosopher himself has spoken who received his humanities degree from LSU and who can't carry himself in a debate and has to resort to personal smears and attacks .. Howey style to shut his enemies up forever and ever.

He'll ruin your social life, he'll ruin your career, he'll break up your marriage, he'll destroy your whole life if you don't listen to Howey and kiss the rings of the morons who run the NAACP.

The same asshats who called the flag of honor, the flag of the southern cross a Nazi flag confirmed by the guy who keeps changing his login name every week and is a "libertarian" and one of the leading "dudes" of the forum.
quoting Howie:Originally Posted by Howey View Post
One of the current whines of the right when reminded that the NAACP was targeted by Bush's IRS in 2004 is that the NAACP produced a TV commercial critical of Bush. Don't believe them or lies you read on here...

Where is it? Why can't they drag it out?

It doesn't exist.

is Howie really pretending the Byrd ad never existed? about historical revision.......
Now you republicans and right wingers stay far away from me, the great tailgate party parking lot philosopher himself has spoken who received his humanities degree from LSU and who can't carry himself in a debate and has to resort to personal smears and attacks .. Howey style to shut his enemies up forever and ever.

He'll ruin your social life, he'll ruin your career, he'll break up your marriage, he'll destroy your whole life if you don't listen to Howey and kiss the rings of the morons who run the NAACP.

The same asshats who called the flag of honor, the flag of the southern cross a Nazi flag confirmed by the guy who keeps changing his login name every week and is a "libertarian" and one of the leading "dudes" of the forum.

You are the first to throw down the "you insulted me gauntlet" and the last to stop insulting others. You virtually attack Howey in every post you make.
We must remember that homosexual radicals need homophobes like the NAACP need racists.

Both will not be empowered and both will go out of business if homophobes and racists are not discovered under every rock and just around the next corner.

We're talking huge amounts of money here friends and that's what's at stake for both outfits.
My crooked bastard isn’t as crooked as your crooked bastard!!!!

That’s the only argument the duopoly has left, huh? It’s like Hitler supporters arguing that he was better than Stalin and vise-versa.

How fucking pathetic is that?????
the republican party is allowed to cheat.

just as the media that is supposed to be all in the hat for the left.

They rarely report these stories