Don't Worry... More SPENDulus Coming from Obama!

With all the major events happening in the world the past several days, namely, Michael Jackson and Sarah Palin, you may have missed Obama announcing the consideration of yet another stimulus bill. Trust me, if it weren't something they were fully intending to do, he would have never mentioned it. So we can effectively say, the Democrats plan to ram through another pork-laden spend-fest within the next few months, to "more immediately inject the economy" and get things going again! We will be told that if they don't do this, we will see the return of soup kitchens and bread lines... all cars will turn to jalopies and huge clouds of dust will blanket the Midwest... oh yeah, it's coming if we don't pass another trillion dollar binge of lobbyist payola at the expense of the taxpayers.

Here is the smoke they are trying to blow up our asses now.... The last SPENDulus doesn't really start kicking in until the next few years, so it does nothing to help things now! (incidentally, an argument made constantly by the opposition during the debate over this atrocity!) So, even though the last "stimulus" bill was sold to us as this huge emergency that we had to pass immediately or the nation would surely fall into a depression.... they knew that the money wouldn't make its way into the economy for years! .........And NOW.... they need to pass another "SPENDulous" to cause a more immediate effect--- or, exactly what they told us last time!
I wish he had the balls to do what is right and pass another one, rather than bending over backward for republcitard fascists. We need at least another 300 billion to spare us from the wrath of this conservative-induced recession.
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I wish he had the balls to do what is right and pass another one, rather than bending over backward for republcitard fascists. We need at least another 300 mil or so to spare us from the wrath of this conservative-induced recession.

Watertard has it right. After spending $1.4 trillion between our two most fiscally liberal presidents of all time, another $1 per citizen, a cool "300 mil", will be certain to shore up the failing world economy.

Step aside Krugman, eat crow Friedman, Watertard will now roundly hand you your asses.

Please continue.
Watertard has it right. After spending $1.4 trillion between our two most fiscally liberal presidents of all time, another $1 per citizen, a cool "300 mil", will be certain to shore up the failing world economy.

Step aside Krugman, eat crow Friedman, Watertard will now roundly hand you your asses.

Please continue.

Wait. I meant 300 billion.
I wish he had the balls to do what is right and pass another one, rather than bending over backward for republcitard fascists. We need at least another 300 billion to spare us from the wrath of this conservative-induced recession.

Are you crazy? He has only spent 10% of the lst one and much of that was for Medicaid. This administration doesn't know what the hell they are doing.....completely clueless.
From Onzies link above...

Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said Obama is "not ruling anything out, but at the same time he's not ruling anything in" on another stimulus.....the White House press secretary, speaking to reporters aboard Air Force One, suggested that could change if the country continues to lose jobs.

"We continue to watch what's going on," Gibbs said. "I think the bottom line for the president is, if there are steps that he thinks, and his team thinks, need to be taken to improve our economy, we won't hesitate to do that.

Laura D'Andrea Tyson, an economist who advised Obama during the 2008 campaign and is a member of his economic advisory panel, said on Tuesday that the United States should be planning for a possible second round of fiscal stimulus that focused on infrastructure investment.

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer said on Tuesday that U.S. leaders should be open to a second stimulus...


So they are ALL talking about it... thinking about it.... and laying the groundwork criteria for it... ("If job losses worsen") which we know is highly likely. Yet MSNBC, the partisan left-wing bitches they are, will post a story claiming.... Nooo... don't be ridiculous, they aren't going to do anything like that!! LMFAO!!
From Onzies link above...

Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said Obama is "not ruling anything out, but at the same time he's not ruling anything in" on another stimulus.....the White House press secretary, speaking to reporters aboard Air Force One, suggested that could change if the country continues to lose jobs.

"We continue to watch what's going on," Gibbs said. "I think the bottom line for the president is, if there are steps that he thinks, and his team thinks, need to be taken to improve our economy, we won't hesitate to do that.

Laura D'Andrea Tyson, an economist who advised Obama during the 2008 campaign and is a member of his economic advisory panel, said on Tuesday that the United States should be planning for a possible second round of fiscal stimulus that focused on infrastructure investment.

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer said on Tuesday that U.S. leaders should be open to a second stimulus...


So they are ALL talking about it... thinking about it.... and laying the groundwork criteria for it... ("If job losses worsen") which we know is highly likely. Yet MSNBC, the partisan left-wing bitches they are, will post a story claiming.... Nooo... don't be ridiculous, they aren't going to do anything like that!! LMFAO!!

Just the interest on this would kill us.
Its funny how now, Dixie is particular about spending. I've been bitching for the last 15 years because spending is spending, but now that W, who laid the foundation for this shit is out of office, suddenly Dixie cares. Hmmmmm.

I wonder why?
Beefy, you must not read many of my posts, because I have always maintained, when it comes to fiscal policy, the only difference between Bush and a Liberal is, Bush called himself a "Compassionate Conservative." There are numerous threads by me on this board and others, lambasting Bush for his spending, it was one of the biggest complaints most true conservatives had with Bush. To try and pretend all of a sudden, that we conservatives were "perfectly fine with it" is laughable. As opposed to the grossly negligent fiscal responsibility of the left, Bush was still better than the alternative, at least we did get a little of our money back!
With all the major events happening in the world the past several days, namely, Michael Jackson and Sarah Palin, you may have missed Obama announcing the consideration of yet another stimulus bill. Trust me, if it weren't something they were fully intending to do, he would have never mentioned it. So we can effectively say, the Democrats plan to ram through another pork-laden spend-fest within the next few months, to "more immediately inject the economy" and get things going again! We will be told that if they don't do this, we will see the return of soup kitchens and bread lines... all cars will turn to jalopies and huge clouds of dust will blanket the Midwest... oh yeah, it's coming if we don't pass another trillion dollar binge of lobbyist payola at the expense of the taxpayers.

Here is the smoke they are trying to blow up our asses now.... The last SPENDulus doesn't really start kicking in until the next few years, so it does nothing to help things now! (incidentally, an argument made constantly by the opposition during the debate over this atrocity!) So, even though the last "stimulus" bill was sold to us as this huge emergency that we had to pass immediately or the nation would surely fall into a depression.... they knew that the money wouldn't make its way into the economy for years! .........And NOW.... they need to pass another "SPENDulous" to cause a more immediate effect--- or, exactly what they told us last time!
And how much are those war costing us? I would rather see our tax dollars spent here, on us, then in Iraq on war.

So, let's get rid of Iraq on our bottom line. Then close down about half of our foreign bases! That would save a helluva lot of money.
Beefy, you must not read many of my posts, because I have always maintained, when it comes to fiscal policy, the only difference between Bush and a Liberal is, Bush called himself a "Compassionate Conservative." There are numerous threads by me on this board and others, lambasting Bush for his spending, it was one of the biggest complaints most true conservatives had with Bush. To try and pretend all of a sudden, that we conservatives were "perfectly fine with it" is laughable. As opposed to the grossly negligent fiscal responsibility of the left, Bush was still better than the alternative, at least we did get a little of our money back!

Really, what will running Iraq and Afghanistan cost us? Bush didn't know fiscal responsibility when it hit him in the ass.
Froggie, I don't know how to break this to you, but G.W. Bush is not the one in charge of those decisions now. Why don't you address the current administration with these questions? That would seem the appropriate people to query, the ones in charge... ya know?
As opposed to the grossly negligent fiscal responsibility of the left, Bush was still better than the alternative, at least we did get a little of our money back!

Froggie, I don't know how to break this to you, but G.W. Bush is not the one in charge of those decisions now. Why don't you address the current administration with these questions? That would seem the appropriate people to query, the ones in charge... ya know?

Yep. When you give tax cuts while spending more than the rest of history combined, you are "getting a little back!" And "better than the alternative!"

Once the new other party administration has to clean up your mess and manage the wars you love so much, its "Bush isn't the current administration!"
and "Its your mess now!"

Partisan hack. Republicans before country. Shame on your pathetic ass.
Yep. When you give tax cuts while spending more than the rest of history combined, you are "getting a little back!" And "better than the alternative!"

Does "the rest of history combined" include the last 6 months of history under the Obama administration, because I think he has quadrupled the Bush deficits already. And yes, if the politicians are going to steal and spend your money, it's better for them to give you a little of it back. Think of it like this... If someone mugged you and stole your wallet, would it be better for them to take everything and leave you penniless, or for them to throw you a twenty for cab fare as they leave?

Once the new other party administration has to clean up your mess and manage the wars you love so much, its "Bush isn't the current administration!"
and "Its your mess now!"

Partisan hack. Republicans before country. Shame on your pathetic ass.

Manage the wars? WTF do you mean? Obama didn't campaign and run on the promise he could "better manage" the war in Iraq, he promised to bring the troops home! The left has made it abundantly clear they intend to engage rogue regimes and terrorists in negotiations, and they do not intend on aggressively pursuing the War on Terror, so I say... Bring Them Home NOW! Get our boys back home with their families where they belong, what the fuck are you waiting for? Why the fuck does the COMMANDER IN CHIEF have to "manage" a damn thing? Just bring them home! ....I can't do that, I don't have the power to do it, and Obama isn't taking MY phone calls! Why you pinheads want to bust my chops about this, I don't know!