Don't Worry... More SPENDulus Coming from Obama!

Does "the rest of history combined" include the last 6 months of history under the Obama administration, because I think he has quadrupled the Bush deficits already.

Not if your honest. Yes. it is the worst spending disaster in history, for the 9th year in a row. Obama is a disaster. Was Bush? or is there a difference?

And yes, if the politicians are going to steal and spend your money, it's better for them to give you a little of it back. Think of it like this... If someone mugged you and stole your wallet, would it be better for them to take everything and leave you penniless, or for them to throw you a twenty for cab fare as they leave?

Lets put it this way, it wouldn't prompt me to write a love-blog about te mugger.

Manage the wars? WTF do you mean? Obama didn't campaign and run on the promise he could "better manage" the war in Iraq, he promised to bring the troops home! The left has made it abundantly clear they intend to engage rogue regimes and terrorists in negotiations, and they do not intend on aggressively pursuing the War on Terror, so I say... Bring Them Home NOW! Get our boys back home with their families where they belong, what the fuck are you waiting for? Why the fuck does the COMMANDER IN CHIEF have to "manage" a damn thing? Just bring them home! ....I can't do that, I don't have the power to do it, and Obama isn't taking MY phone calls! Why you pinheads want to bust my chops about this, I don't know!

Case in point on how your perspective changed directly due to the name of the party running things.

I agree. Bring them home. Get out of this mess. Its funny how you now think so too.

Marrying political parties can be hazardous to your credibility. Didn't anyone ever warn you of that?

Dems float the idea, WH backs off from it, then it's put on front burner. Unless of course the polls tank more. Methinks his time is running out for 'letting him make clear, as he said...." Hope, change, and transparency are becoming open code words now to 'the people', save the thirtysome percent of do or die Democrats.

No matter the stir that 'it's Bush's fault' works on a messageboard, it's no longer working on a growing number of moderate democrats, nor a majority of independents and certainly not 'conservatives.'
I wish he had the balls to do what is right and pass another one, rather than bending over backward for republcitard fascists. We need at least another 300 billion to spare us from the wrath of this conservative-induced recession.

deja scru'......that feeling that you've been screwed over this way once before.....
First, spend some of the first stimulus as a test. Let's see if you use it as stimulus rather than holding it for election cycle years if it will actually stimulate something.

This is an easy thing to keep repeating Damo, but you apparently don't understand how this all works. The legislation Congress passed, doesn't put $700 billion in some room at the White House, where Obama and Co. can pick and choose how and where to distribute it! All of the money is set up on schedules and timetables, to be dispersed in a certain way and allocated for certain specific things, and this is not left to the discretion of anyone. Now we are no longer debating the structure of the first stimulus package, it has already been passed into law, and there is no more debate on how it should be structured or how we should spend the money. That's already a 'done deal' and if we want to 'immediately' stimulate the economy, well... we'll just have to let Congress pass ANOTHER bill! Do you understand where we are now?
Froggie, I don't know how to break this to you, but G.W. Bush is not the one in charge of those decisions now. Why don't you address the current administration with these questions? That would seem the appropriate people to query, the ones in charge... ya know?

I think its entirely relevant to bring up the previous administration, because it was fiscally reckless, especially concerning war. And since neither of us voted for the recklessness of Obama, the other side has the perfect right to point out that as people who voted for Bush at least once, we have mud in our eyes.

Afterall, people still bring up the Clinton and Reagan administrations to this day as legitimate case-studies.
I think its entirely relevant to bring up the previous administration, because it was fiscally reckless, especially concerning war. And since neither of us voted for the recklessness of Obama, the other side has the perfect right to point out that as people who voted for Bush at least once, we have mud in our eyes.

Afterall, people still bring up the Clinton and Reagan administrations to this day as legitimate case-studies.

Yep, the Bushclubbers have even been bringing up Carter a lot lately.

Anyone who has been on the board swith Dixie since 2000 knows that in Dixie's eyes Bush was perfect until at least around 2006.
Yep, the Bushclubbers have even been bringing up Carter a lot lately.

Anyone who has been on the board swith Dixie since 2000 knows that in Dixie's eyes Bush was perfect until at least around 2006.

Well, Carter did kind of suck. And then there was that retarded book that was being peddled on the Colbert Report.
Only a racist thowback would criticize the greatest President this world has ever seen just because he's African-American. It should be a Hate Crime.