Douglas Murray totally eviscerating a stupid interviewer regarding. Gaza

Who is that cunt!? Never heard of Douglas Murray but he destroyed her.

Wow, I'm really surprised that you've never heard of Douglas Murray, you need to get up to speed immediately. As for that obnoxious woman interviewer he chopped her up into small pieces!

I tried to get Bartender to tell me why only Israel is ever targeted, naturally the fool couldn't answer. Here is our Dougie putting the boot in, come on McMoonshi'ite and Goat step up the plate and be counted!!

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Wow, I'm really surprised that you've never heard of Douglas Murray, you need to get up to speed immediately. As for that obnoxious woman interviewer he chopped her up into small pieces!

I tried to get Bartender to tell me why only Israel is ever targeted, naturally the fool couldn't answer. Here is our Dougie putting the boot in, come on McMoonshi'ite and Goat step up the plate and be counted!!

Japan killed approximately 2400 at Pearl harbor so we declared war against them and killed roughly 2 million military and another 1 million civilians before they surrendered. We would have kept on killing until they did surrender.

Hamas invaded Israel and killed about 1500 civilians (with no reason or goal) so Israel rightfully declared war on them. Has Hamas surrendered yet? They have not even released the hostages they took for Christ's sake! The Palistinians elected Hamas to rule 18 years ago so the civilians there are no more innocent than the civilians we killed carpet bombing Tokyo. We used an additional 2 atomic bombs to kill hundreds of thousands more civilians until Japan surrendered. Were we committing genocide? No, we were kicking their asses until we won regardless of who was killed in the process.

Now Israel is at war with the Palistinians in Gaza until they surrender and they get their hostages back. There is no separating Hamas from the Palistinians just like we did not separate the japanese in Tokyo, Hiroshima or Nagasaki from their emperor. Until Hamas comes out with a white flag and their hands raised returning ALL of the hostages, Israel should carpet bomb the bastards until they do. This talk of Palistinians being "innocent" or Israel committing "genocide" is utter bullshit. You don't want your homes demolished and be bombed and forced to flee then don't put assholes like Hamas in power. I would bet if during WWII if some other country was sending a ship with humanitarian aid to Tokyo we would have sunk the fucking thing, rightfully.
The death toll of civilians in Gaza is put at about 30,000. The death toll from our bombing of German cities like Dresden and Hamburg cost the lives of about 67,000 civilians. If you start a fucking war don't expect an "enough is enough" policy until the other side is either anniliated or completely surrenders. I have heard nothing about Hamas or the Palistinians contemplating surrender.
The death toll of civilians in Gaza is put at about 30,000. The death toll from our bombing of German cities like Dresden and Hamburg cost the lives of about 67,000 civilians. If you start a fucking war don't expect an "enough is enough" policy until the other side is either anniliated or completely surrenders. I have heard nothing about Hamas or the Palistinians contemplating surrender.
You are certainly entitled to your opinion, but you are comparing ancient tactics of war to modern terrorist tactics.

Hamas will not surrender because their goal was to create a global war against the West. Not simply kill 2000 Israelis.

By your logic, though, all Americans are liable for the heinous acts of trump. Solely because he was elected by less than a majority in the nation.
You are certainly entitled to your opinion, but you are comparing ancient tactics of war to modern terrorist tactics.
Ancient is like thousands of years ago, WWII is like yesterday.

Hamas will not surrender because their goal was to create a global war against the West. Not simply kill 2000 Israelis.
Fine, kill them all and let god sort them out.

By your logic, though, all Americans are liable for the heinous acts of trump. Solely because he was elected by less than a majority in the nation.
That is correct, a good reason to not elect the worthless shithead again.
Ancient is like thousands of years ago, WWII is like yesterday.
LOL. Computers made 20 years ago ancient history.
That is correct, a good reason to not elect the worthless shithead again. deserve to be murdered even though you didn't vote for trump?

I don't understand the logic.
Japan killed approximately 2400 at Pearl harbor so we declared war against them and killed roughly 2 million military and another 1 million civilians before they surrendered. We would have kept on killing until they did surrender.

Hamas invaded Israel and killed about 1500 civilians (with no reason or goal) so Israel rightfully declared war on them. Has Hamas surrendered yet? They have not even released the hostages they took for Christ's sake! The Palistinians elected Hamas to rule 18 years ago so the civilians there are no more innocent than the civilians we killed carpet bombing Tokyo. We used an additional 2 atomic bombs to kill hundreds of thousands more civilians until Japan surrendered. Were we committing genocide? No, we were kicking their asses until we won regardless of who was killed in the process.

Now Israel is at war with the Palistinians in Gaza until they surrender and they get their hostages back. There is no separating Hamas from the Palistinians just like we did not separate the japanese in Tokyo, Hiroshima or Nagasaki from their emperor. Until Hamas comes out with a white flag and their hands raised returning ALL of the hostages, Israel should carpet bomb the bastards until they do. This talk of Palistinians being "innocent" or Israel committing "genocide" is utter bullshit. You don't want your homes demolished and be bombed and forced to flee then don't put assholes like Hamas in power. I would bet if during WWII if some other country was sending a ship with humanitarian aid to Tokyo we would have sunk the fucking thing, rightfully.

Another person advocating the totally unnecessary slaughter of thousands of children. Shame on you. Hamas is not a country that you can declare war on. Palestines have been treated horribly for decades both in Gaza and the West Bank. Palestinians ‘elected’ Hamas the same way Russians elected Putin. And Palestinians have been under heir thumb as well. Hamas does not want a two state solution. Israel is playing into their hands and radicalizing even more Palestinians. All to keep a corrupt leader, who was asleep at the wheel from going to jail. This is not asymmetrical warfare. Your analogy to WWII misses the mark by a mail. This is now the greatest humanitarian crisis in a century.
The death toll of civilians in Gaza is put at about 30,000. The death toll from our bombing of German cities like Dresden and Hamburg cost the lives of about 67,000 civilians. If you start a fucking war don't expect an "enough is enough" policy until the other side is either anniliated or completely surrenders. I have heard nothing about Hamas or the Palistinians contemplating surrender.

This isn't WWII. The German comparisons are really absurd.

Palestinians can't contemplate surrender. Just an FYI.
If what he says is true then they must all be eliminated.

well, if what he says is true they probably WILL all be eliminated......

Don't it always seem to go
That you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone?
They paved Gaza City, put up a parking lot