Douglas Murray totally eviscerating a stupid interviewer regarding. Gaza

which Palestinian leader are you referring to?....

Ih, I see what you did there you stupid fuckwad. Next tell us your messiah isn’t trying to stay out of jail. Christian my ass. You are a nazi not a Christian. You’d love to see genicide. Sick fuck.
well, if what he says is true they probably WILL all be eliminated......

Don't it always seem to go
That you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone?
They paved Gaza City, put up a parking lot

A supposed Christian call for mass infanticide. Your avatar is ironic. You want to slaughter millions of children and you actually joke about it you SICK GROTESQUE FUCKING NAZI.
What are you talking about?

How are Palestinian civilians supposed to surrender? I'm all ears on that one.

This thread demonstrates the true evil in so many Americans. We have become a nation of monsters. Truly evil sick disgusting people. It makes me sick to see it.
Ih, I see what you did there you stupid fuckwad. Next tell us your messiah isn’t trying to stay out of jail. Christian my ass. You are a nazi not a Christian. You’d love to see genicide. Sick fuck.

I'm sorry your head is up your answer if you through lying, which Palestinian leader are you referring to.....
A supposed Christian call for mass infanticide. Your avatar is ironic. You want to slaughter millions of children and you actually joke about it you SICK GROTESQUE FUCKING NAZI.

sorry.....your head is still up your ass.....if you come up for air feel free to post something that isn't incredibly stupid.....
Another person advocating the totally unnecessary slaughter of thousands of children. Shame on you. Hamas is not a country that you can declare war on. Palestines have been treated horribly for decades both in Gaza and the West Bank. Palestinians ‘elected’ Hamas the same way Russians elected Putin. And Palestinians have been under heir thumb as well. Hamas does not want a two state solution. Israel is playing into their hands and radicalizing even more Palestinians. All to keep a corrupt leader, who was asleep at the wheel from going to jail. This is not asymmetrical warfare. Your analogy to WWII misses the mark by a mail. This is now the greatest humanitarian crisis in a century.

I listened to an interview the other day where the gentleman from Gaza (a journalist, not a Palistinian and not a jew) said fully 7 out of 10 Palistinians in Gaza approved of the Oct 7th attack of Israel. So roughly 70% of Gazans cheered the mass butchering of innocent Israeli's? Hamas may not want a two state solution but neither do the vast majority of Gazans. You may like to think man's brutality to man went away with WWII but you are sadly mistaken. It will return and has returned here as well as in the Ukraine and my analogy does not miss any mark. You are correct and it is a shame about the children, they are the ones truely innocent throughout this just as they are in any war. Israel will back off and given a few years the Palistinians will conduct another henious attack on Israel and the world will once again cry for the innocent Palistinians, not me.
This isn't WWII. The German comparisons are really absurd.

Palestinians can't contemplate surrender. Just an FYI.

There are dozens and dozens of wars through history where man has unmercifully butchered his own, thinking WWII was somehow the last one is incredibly naive.
This thread demonstrates the true evil in so many Americans. We have become a nation of monsters. Truly evil sick disgusting people. It makes me sick to see it.

The truly evil and sick disgusting people jumped their border and butchered about 1500 innocent human beings with no other goal in mind but to kill innocent men women and children. Your thought that "oh that wasn't the Palistinians it was Hamas" and that all those Palistinians are innocent is utter bullshit. How many times do they have to do this before someone says enough is enough? The bastards still hold over 100 hostages I suppose Israel should just back off and write them off? What IS utterly sick is this happens every few years whether it's Hezbollah in the north or Hamas in Gaza or the west Bank, then the rest of the world cries for those bastards when Israel hands them just what they deserve.
This isn't WWII. The German comparisons are really absurd.

Palestinians can't contemplate surrender. Just an FYI.

No, you would like to think those comparisons are absurd. Go look at what Russia did to the city of Mariupol in the Ukraine or what the Israelis's did in Gaza city. Thinking the atrocities in WWII won't ever happen again is dreaming.
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Another person advocating the totally unnecessary slaughter of thousands of children. Shame on you. Hamas is not a country that you can declare war on. Palestines have been treated horribly for decades both in Gaza and the West Bank. Palestinians ‘elected’ Hamas the same way Russians elected Putin. And Palestinians have been under heir thumb as well. Hamas does not want a two state solution. Israel is playing into their hands and radicalizing even more Palestinians. All to keep a corrupt leader, who was asleep at the wheel from going to jail. This is not asymmetrical warfare. Your analogy to WWII misses the mark by a mail. This is now the greatest humanitarian crisis in a century.

I disagree with your "Palistinians 'elected' Hamas the same way Russians elected Putin". They were elected with far more support than ANY president we have that I can remember.

Survey Shows Strong Palestinian Support for Hamas Despite Conflict’s Toll
A recent poll has shown a steadfast majority of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank supporting the Hamas attacks on Israel from October 7, despite international pressures and the ongoing conflict’s toll. According to the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research, 71% of respondents endorse the justifiability of these attacks, a slight decrease from December’s 72%. These figures emerge amid a backdrop of significant casualties, with the Hamas-run government in Gaza reporting over 32,000 Palestinians dead.
You are certainly entitled to your opinion, but you are comparing ancient tactics of war to modern terrorist tactics.

Hamas will not surrender because their goal was to create a global war against the West. Not simply kill 2000 Israelis.

By your logic, though, all Americans are liable for the heinous acts of trump. Solely because he was elected by less than a majority in the nation.

What the fuck are you smoking oh stupid one? What heinous acts by Trump? Port Tack's message throughout this thread is that Israel will and should wipe
Hamas off the face of the earth. If you disagree with that, then say so, and then offer your solution, if you have any at all. Even the jew guno is going
against the leaders of the dem party who together are seeking a cease fire. Bunch of cowards and bunch of anti Semites.
Another person advocating the totally unnecessary slaughter of thousands of children. Shame on you. Hamas is not a country that you can declare war on. Palestines have been treated horribly for decades both in Gaza and the West Bank. Palestinians ‘elected’ Hamas the same way Russians elected Putin. And Palestinians have been under heir thumb as well. Hamas does not want a two state solution. Israel is playing into their hands and radicalizing even more Palestinians. All to keep a corrupt leader, who was asleep at the wheel from going to jail. This is not asymmetrical warfare. Your analogy to WWII misses the mark by a mail. This is now the greatest humanitarian crisis in a century.

The greatest humanitarian crisis in a century is biden's disgraceful inaction at our southern border. We not only don't have a border anymore, but anyone across the world including terrorists, slave traders, drug cartels, mentally insane people etc. are happily entering biden's graceful welcome. And idiots like most or all of the dem voters are
willing and anxious to vote for the anti American stooge once again. That war in GAZA would have never happened if Trump was still in office, and you lefties know it. And
Russia would have never attacked the Ukraine if Trump was in office, and you lefties know it. Trump also did more for Israel and for peace in the Mideast than all our presidents combined. It's just a fact. So what Trump says and or thinks about you nuts on the left is perfectly shown in my avatar.
What the fuck are you smoking oh stupid one? What heinous acts by Trump? Port Tack's message throughout this thread is that Israel will and should wipe
Hamas off the face of the earth. If you disagree with that, then say so, and then offer your solution, if you have any at all. Even the jew guno is going
against the leaders of the dem party who together are seeking a cease fire. Bunch of cowards and bunch of anti Semites.
You are liable for every one of trump's crimes. You voted for him. End of discussion
You are liable for every one of trump's crimes. You voted for him. End of discussion

Its no surprise to any sane person (which excludes you of course) at this forum that YOU could not come up with any of Trump's crimes.
End of discussion.
Its no surprise to any sane person (which excludes you of course) at this forum that YOU could not come up with any of Trump's crimes.
End of discussion.
Watch the news. Just because trump is begging donors for help with his legal bills (rather successfully) in order to stall the process, doesn't mean that he hasn't committed myriad crimes.

NOBODY is ever able to postpone facing justice for so long, because they simply cannot afford to pay lawyers to make bogus arguments before numerous courts.

If people would stop sending trump their food stamp money, he would have been convicted long ago.