Dow down 300+ points

Oil prices did not spike on this idiots statement.

They spiked because of the European stance (especially the UK) that they were poised to raise rates to fight inflation rather than lower rates to fight recession. This caused the dollar to tank against the Euro and Pound. This was the primary driver of oil prices today.
Superfreak said that this is bad reporting and there is some other, really long explanation for the spike in oil prices.

And, it still has nothing to do with two oil men running the country.

He can explain it.

It wasn't THAT long an explanation. Though I do understand reading and comprehending more than a sentence at a time can be challenging for most liberals.

Must suck being a liberal AND a writer. You get two lines into your line of thought and BAM... train derails.

Bush is such a doofus; they just announced that he's considering more measures to stimulate the economy, after the wildly successful stimulus checks.

He's a reactive, band aid guy. You are a good steward of the economy by fostering good policies BEFORE anything happens; oh, maybe like not cutting taxes across-the-board during a time of war.

He's so damned clueless....
Bush is such a doofus; they just announced that he's considering more measures to stimulate the economy, after the wildly successful stimulus checks.

He's a reactive, band aid guy. You are a good steward of the economy by fostering good policies BEFORE anything happens; oh, maybe like not cutting taxes across-the-board during a time of war.

He's so damned clueless....

how did the tax cuts hurt the economy?
Obama secures nomination, Clinton concedes, Dow down 300+ points

Oh Christ. I hope Onceler beats your ass now! I don’t have time because I have to get out of here. Have a good weekend, stupid! :p

Abbott: Hey, didn't you go to school stupid?
Costello: Yeah, and I came out the same way.
The dow mght be down but the price of oil is up and so is unemployment, which means labor costs are down. :clink:
It wasn't THAT long an explanation. Though I do understand reading and comprehending more than a sentence at a time can be challenging for most liberals.

Must suck being a liberal AND a writer. You get two lines into your line of thought and BAM... train derails.


the market is still overprice quick Desh what is the P/E of the market. Darla and Oncelor don't even bother. I couldn't stand laughing that hard.