Dr. King


This morning I heard Scarborough say "the arc of history". Well, those are the words I have been using, not because i heard them somewhere, but because during the D convention, I saw that arc in my mind, when they showed the tape of Dr. King, and there was representative Lewis talking about those days, but what struck me most was not the speech you see in a lot of places today, the I have a dream speech, but rather these words that Dr. King spoke 40 years ago, in the year 1968, the same year that Bobby Kennedy said that he believed you could see a "negro" president in "40 years". And see, there is that arc. It's chilling, almost as if it were pre-destined. I don't know.

"Like anybody, I would like to live a long life. Longevity has its place. But I'm not concerned about that now. I just want to do God's will. And He's allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I've looked over. And I've seen the Promised Land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the promised land"
I was in the second grade in 1968 when they desegregated the public schools in Tuscaloosa Alabama. I remember all the hand-wringing and talk of the world being ruined.

Now I sit here and read about a man of color in the whitehouse.

I am moved by the change that has occurred in my lifetime.
I cry every time i read those words. I'm just so amazed, because it's almost as if he really did reach the mountain top and look into the future. I'm so moved by world reaction. For the first time in a very long time, and I guess this will offend some, but it's honest - I feel really good about being American.
I cry every time i read those words. I'm just so amazed, because it's almost as if he really did reach the mountain top and look into the future. I'm so moved by world reaction. For the first time in a very long time, and I guess this will offend some, but it's honest - I feel really good about being American.

No one should take offense. The pride you feel is a long time in coming. The little triumphs have been there. But this is such a huge step forward, it SHOULD make you proud.

We just have to make sure this feeling of pride isn't lost. We have to make sure the changes don't get discarded in the politics.
It's really not the height of human development to have a black president. . You people are fools in your shallow and idiotic value system.
It's really not the height of human development to have a black president. . You people are fools in your shallow and idiotic value system.

No one said it was the height of human development. Don't be an ass.

We are simply celebrating a milestone in a nation where segregation and denying of basic human rights was common just a few decades ago.

Crowds of civil rights marchers were greeted with attack dogs and fire hoses within my lifetime. Medgar Evers was murdered for his work against segregation in my lifetime. The march from Selma to Montgomery happened in my lifetime.

To see a minority in the whitehouse is a MAJOR milestone.

It may not be the height of human development. But only an idiot would suggest that we not celebrate the steps toward the top. Only a fool would suggest that we only celebrate the height of human development, and ignore the milestones that get us there.
I'm glad everyone is finally admitting that the reason we elected him is because he was black. That's all I heard on msnbc last night.
I'm glad everyone is finally admitting that the reason we elected him is because he was black. That's all I heard on msnbc last night.

I think that was the reason for many voters. I also think the republicans shot themselves in the foot.

Either way, he is going to be the president.
I'm glad everyone is finally admitting that the reason we elected him is because he was black. That's all I heard on msnbc last night.

Don't be an ass Grind. I said no such thing. We elected him because he was the best candidate. That we have elected a black President is history.

What is wrong with some of you people?
I don't think anyone can deny that some of the voters picked Obama because of his race. Just like there were voters who voted against him because of his race.

But if color were the only reason, Al Sharpton would have had better showings when he ran.
No one said it was the height of human development. Don't be an ass.

We are simply celebrating a milestone in a nation where segregation and denying of basic human rights was common just a few decades ago.

Crowds of civil rights marchers were greeted with attack dogs and fire hoses within my lifetime. Medgar Evers was murdered for his work against segregation in my lifetime. The march from Selma to Montgomery happened in my lifetime.

To see a minority in the whitehouse is a MAJOR milestone.

It may not be the height of human development. But only an idiot would suggest that we not celebrate the steps toward the top. Only a fool would suggest that we only celebrate the height of human development, and ignore the milestones that get us there.

It's symbolism, or tokenism. We're still an oppressive fascistic society with an insanely huge prison population of young black men living the american dream.

Don't be an ass Grind. I said no such thing. We elected him because he was the best candidate. That we have elected a black President is history.

What is wrong with some of you people?

i was not necessarily saying you darla.
Being black can not be separated from Barak Obama, so yes we did elect him because he is black.

But hes also Irish and that can not be separated from Barak O'Bama so we elected him because hes Irish.

But hes also a first class intellect and that can not be separated from Barak Obama so we elected him because hes a first class intellect.

But hes also a first class temperment and that can not be separated from Barak Obama so we elected him because he is a first class temperment.

When you suggest a person is only color and nothing else can be fused into that being you show how completetly you misunderstand human beings of any color.

Im so VERY PROUD of my country right now and am basking in the warmth of the realization that most Americans get it , you may not grind, but they truely get it.
Don't be an ass Grind. I said no such thing. We elected him because he was the best candidate. That we have elected a black President is history.

What is wrong with some of you people?

16 years of vitriolic hatred is not going to be easy to turn off... that is something we all need to work on. Myself included.

Friggin Clintons. :)
America is still a dumbshit nation.

Prop B looks like its going to pass in CA.

that is one of the dumbshit decisions...

another is in AR where they voted to ban gay couples from adopting kids.

hmm... leave kids in foster homes or allow a loving couple to adopt them... yeah good call AR.
I'm glad everyone is finally admitting that the reason we elected him is because he was black. That's all I heard on msnbc last night.

No... the reason he was elected is because the Man has amazing charisma and a rare ability to motivate people... Reagan had it, JFK had it, FDR had it, Teddy Roosevelt Had it.... thats why their Presidency's... love em or hate em... were historically meaningful... they trail-blazed ...

If it was simply because he is black... Jesse Jackson would have been President...