Drop the D!

Not at all. The snippets posted were pulled from within the reports, not the lead-in. It actually proves my point. Go back and re-read what I posted to begin the thread, and perhaps you will fully understand, I never stated that the MSM didn't mention Blago was a Democrat, that is absurd. However, Grind is correct, MSNBC didn't mention it, and neither did CBS on their report during the nightly news.
It's like watching a story where some dude hit somebody with their vehicle.

If it is an SUV, 7 times of 10 it won't mention that anybody at all was driving.

"SUV runs light kills mother and child!" or "SUV goes out of control and kills 20"...

If it was a normal car you wouldn't hear about the car other than it was a 'vehicle' at all. It would be, "John Martin ran a red light and killed a mother and her baby... he is facing 30 years... blah." or "Bob Jones lost control of his vehicle when the brakes went out running into a crowd of drunken Halloween celebrants killing 20..."
Damo Accelerators only seem to stick on cars where the driver is over 65.
Yes, but if he was in an SUV, it would be the SUV's fault and you wouldn't even know it was somebody older than 65. As far as I know nobody actually drives them, they just run rampant and kill people.
For the record Oncie, here's how it played out...

Dixie post a thread about liberal bias in the media by pointing out how the MSM will bury the fact someone involved in scandal is a Democrat, while just the opposite happens when it's a Republican.

Pinhead #1 posts a list of snippets from various stories, where the article does mention the person is a Democrat further into the story. (This proves the point Dixie made.)

Pinhead #2 Declares victory over Dixie in the name of Pinhead #1.

Dixie points out, he never said the MSM didn't mention they were Democrats at all, just that they didn't lead-in with this fact, the way they will when it's a Republican.

Pinhead #3 Chimes in on how Dixie was pwned.

Grind points out, as absurd as it may be, there were news reports that didn't mention Blago's party affiliation at all.

Pinhead #2 Marvels at how Dixie was embarrassed.

Pinhead #3 Chime in to agree with Pinhead #2.

Pinhead #4 Jumps on the pile and declares Dixie incompetent.

And that is where we stand at this point.

If you pinheads want to jerk each other off, go get a room! The point of this thread stands irrefutable.
I have noticed lately if i dont know who the corrupt politician is already I have to look them up to see what party they are in.
LoL! After years of fake news from faux, years of propaganda defaming and demonizing every Democrat that was brave enough to take on the talking heads, years of cherry picking, controlling what news we see, distorting the truth and not allowing dissenting opinions to surface and years of not allowing the Democratic party to participate in governing this country, you decide NOW that you're getting a raw deal from the media!

Where's my violin? Someone get the neo cons a crying towel.

Republicons have no room to bitch about anything. In the words of Sgt. Barns in Platoon..."Take the fucking pain!"
LoL! After years of fake news from faux, years of propaganda defaming and demonizing every Democrat that was brave enough to take on the talking heads, years of cherry picking, controlling what news we see, distorting the truth and not allowing dissenting opinions to surface and years of not allowing the Democratic party to participate in governing this country, you decide NOW that you're getting a raw deal from the media!

Where's my violin? Someone get the neo cons a crying towel.

Republicons have no room to bitch about anything. In the words of Sgt. Barns in Platoon..."Take the fucking pain!"

I know. They are such a bunch of pissypants.
LoL! After years of fake news from faux, years of propaganda defaming and demonizing every Democrat that was brave enough to take on the talking heads, years of cherry picking, controlling what news we see, distorting the truth and not allowing dissenting opinions to surface and years of not allowing the Democratic party to participate in governing this country, you decide NOW that you're getting a raw deal from the media!

Where's my violin? Someone get the neo cons a crying towel.

Republicons have no room to bitch about anything. In the words of Sgt. Barns in Platoon..."Take the fucking pain!"

I don't know what world you are living in, but Fox News has NEVER faked the news on the scale of Dan Rather, or controlled what news yous see on the scale of MSNBC,and the Democrat party has been in power 54 of the last 60 years in this country.

No need for a violin, but we could stand a few musings from the voice of Winston Smith, the main protagonist in George Orwell's 1984. Because, that is precisely what we now have with the liberal mainstream media. Apparently, you and Dulah are happy with that, it suits you just fine. I wonder how you will feel about it in 20 years, when we can't believe ANY of the news we hear, and outlets like Fox News are completely dismantled? How about when the political pendulum swings the other way, and all we hear is what the right-wing wants us to hear? Will you be laughing and joking about it then? It's the standard you are setting, and you best believe, political views will not always remain to the left in this country, they never have.

This goes to the heart of what is the defining difference between the left and right, in my opinion. The right maintains some degree of credibility and ethical principle, while the left is content with scandal, corruption, lies, distortion, propaganda, and dishonesty, as long as it favors the left.
"This goes to the heart of what is the defining difference between the left and right, in my opinion. The right maintains some degree of credibility and ethical principle, while the left is content with scandal, corruption, lies, distortion, propaganda, and dishonesty, as long as it favors the left. "

Very objective analysis, o' King of all Hacks...
"This goes to the heart of what is the defining difference between the left and right, in my opinion. The right maintains some degree of credibility and ethical principle, while the left is content with scandal, corruption, lies, distortion, propaganda, and dishonesty, as long as it favors the left. "

Very objective analysis, o' King of all Hacks...

Well just look at it objectively... Republicans involved in scandal go away, never to be heard from again... Democrats get cabinet positions in the next administration. Republicans promptly resign their seats, Democrats have to be drug kicking and screaming from office... then run for re-election!
Well just look at it objectively... Republicans involved in scandal go away, never to be heard from again... Democrats get cabinet positions in the next administration. Republicans promptly resign their seats, Democrats have to be drug kicking and screaming from office... then run for re-election!

Kind of a generalization. Did Larry Craig go away on his own? Did Ted Stevens? How about David Vitter?

See, that's how we define "hack", Dixie. We also define it by anyone who says "I'm going to bash everything this person does, simply because of their party."

Kind of a generalization. Did Larry Craig go away on his own? Did Ted Stevens? How about David Vitter?

See, that's how we define "hack", Dixie. We also define it by anyone who says "I'm going to bash everything this person does, simply because of their party."


No, hacks will make up quotes that never existed and claim that is what someone said, in order to make their point. Like you have done here!
No, hacks will make up quotes that never existed and claim that is what someone said, in order to make their point. Like you have done here!

Are you really denying that you said that you'd bash everything Obama does, regardless?

Just wanted to confirm...
This is becoming the common rule of journalism in America. When a story of political corruption moves across the wires to the journalistic news desks, the written version will almost always bury the fact the corrupt politician is a Democrat, while playing up the fact they are Republican, if that is the case.

In the recent scandal involving Illinois governor Blagojevich, the New York Times doesn't mention he is a Democrat until the fourth paragraph. While the scandal involving Minnesota Senator Coleman, mentions he is a Republican in the second sentence. We see this pattern time and time again, yet we are supposed to believe the media is unbiased and fair?

This is part of a greater campaign to paint the Republican party as the party of corruption and scandal, while maintaining the illusion of the Democrat party as the party of hope, change, and a new era in American politics. We sheeple in the general public, are supposed to believe any scandal involving a Republican, is a direct reflection on the Republican party and Conservative movement, while the same kind of scandal and corruption involving Democrats is swept under the rug, played down, and NEVER connected to the party in any way. In most cases, it was the poor Democrat who was the victim of circumstance, or worse yet, the victim of the vast right-wing conspiracy. Watch and see, this latest Blago scandal will be 'spun' into a right-wing witch hunt, perpetrated completely by neocons who want to tarnish the image of Obama!

Democrats have learned, in a profoundly stupid society, perception is everything! As long as they can 'spin' these scandals and corruption into the fault of Republicans, and connect all scandal to Republicans, while minimizing the fault of Democrats involved in scandal, they will do so! It is apparent this has become the standard in print media, and we wonder why newspapers across the country are in such financial trouble?

Are you really denying that you said that you'd bash everything Obama does, regardless?

Just wanted to confirm...

I am denying ever making the quote you attributed to me above. If you would like to retract that lie and post what I actually said, you may do so now, along with an apology for lying about what I said. That would be the un-hackish thing to do here, but being you are a hack, I don't expect that from you.
I don't know what world you are living in, but Fox News has NEVER faked the news on the scale of Dan Rather, or controlled what news yous see on the scale of MSNBC,and the Democrat party has been in power 54 of the last 60 years in this country.
You forgot about NBC using a bomb to prove GM vehicles blow up!