Edwards finally gets off fence

Cancel 2016.2

The Almighty
According to CNBC, John Edwards finally got tired of riding that fence post. He has apparently endorsed.... wait for it.... Obama. Wow. Thanks John. Good of you to finally choose a side now that the race is over. You would have made a great leader.
I read the announcement put out via AP. They suggested that Edwards brings with him the voters that Hillary had 'til now claimed as her own: white, working class voters.

We'll see.
According to CNBC, John Edwards finally got tired of riding that fence post. He has apparently endorsed.... wait for it.... Obama. Wow. Thanks John. Good of you to finally choose a side now that the race is over. You would have made a great leader.

That was my initial reaction to but in a way I can see why you would want to wait until the end to see how the entire race plays out. However yes he basically took zero risk doing it this way.
Ah good old John "Redistribution" Edwards. Finally took no risk and endorsed Obama. Oh well better late than never. That will probably get several more super delegates to jump on board and hopefully put an end to this thing by the end of the month. I do, however, think Obama is going to have to offer the VP to Hillary and I think she is going to be heavily pressured into taking it.
You guys hate edwards and underestimate obama.

This endorsement knocked hillary out of the news cycle on a day she was trying to build momentum after a blow out win last night.

It was defintely strategically timed.

Like we did not know he would endorse whomever was looking like the winner...typical attorney...now we will see a Obama/Edwards democrat ticket for the general...wow two half baked attorneys who prefer socialism to a democracy/republic...no biggee they will not win even over the old man John McCain...let them eat their cake...thats all they will get out of this election cycle!
Time for John to pull out the big guns and put this to rest!
I don't hate Edwards. I think he would make a great Attorney General. I don't want him to EVER be president and have made it clear as to why. I do NOT underestimate Obama and you have a very good point, this does rain on her news cycle parade.
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I don't Edwards. I think he would make a great Attorney General. I don't want him to EVER be president and have made it clear as to why. I do NOT underestimate Obama and you have a very good point, this does rain on her news cycle parade.

I luvvv him, and he is still my first pick, and he just blew the house down with his endorsement speech.

I also thougt that contrary to the pundits hoping otherwise, Obama and Edwards made a very wise and classy choice not to pressure Hillary out of the race tonight, but rather to compliment her and to reach out to her and most importantly, to her supporters.

I personally have hoped, ever since he dropped out, that Edwards would be picked for the VP slot.
That was my initial reaction to but in a way I can see why you would want to wait until the end to see how the entire race plays out. However yes he basically took zero risk doing it this way.

Similar the how the Democrats handled Iraq. OOOPS---we supported the wrong guy !!:eek:
Obama needs the hispanic vote. He's not getting much of it without either Richardson or Hillary. Edwards could bring him the middle class white voters, but so could Hillary. Basically, if Obama doesn't want to have to spend tens of millions defending California from a very hispanic friendly candidate like McCain, he's going to need one of those two.
An in play California would be the worst thing the Democrats have experienced in a while.

No way California is in play. I remember in 04 the republicans going all aroudn claiming NJ was in play, and I said, yeah tell it to some idiot.

I say the same thing about California. Don't buy into that BS, it's Republican poopaganda.
While California is definitely more of a McCain backer than a Bush backer I still don't think he has a chance here.

The Hispanics are key. An Edwards-Obama ticket would be weaker in California than any ticket in a long time - because of the Hispanic vote, and because California has been gaining in conservatism for years (a lot of our most conservative posters, in fact, come from California, like BB and Acorn). California will definitely lean Democratic but if it fell to a 5 point margin or lower the Democrats would have to spend a lot to gain a Pyrrhic victory, and that would detract from their strategy elsewhere.
The Hispanics are key. An Edwards-Obama ticket would be weaker in California than any ticket in a long time - because of the Hispanic vote, and because California has been gaining in conservatism for years (a lot of our most conservative posters, in fact, come from California, like BB and Acorn). California will definitely lean Democratic but if it fell to a 5 point margin or lower the Democrats would have to spend a lot to gain a Pyrrhic victory, and that would detract from their strategy elsewhere.

Hispanics have been trending Democratic for years, and that will continue.