Edwards finally gets off fence

It's just like in Mississippi... the black vote me be strongly Democratic, but if I campaigned on legalizing gay marriage I'd lose the black vote just as strongly as the white.
According to CNBC, John Edwards finally got tired of riding that fence post. He has apparently endorsed.... wait for it.... Obama. Wow. Thanks John. Good of you to finally choose a side now that the race is over. You would have made a great leader.

so true
Darla, Hispanics are liberals. They're populists. And populists are just as likely to swing right as left.

Interestingly, I think the same could be said about blacks if you think about it.

Most of them are opposed just as to homosexuality as the most zealous white evangelical. They are extremely religious, and indeed organized through a system of churches similar to the Religious Right.

They are consistently supportive of government intervention in the economy, but also religious and to some degree socially conservative.

Of course there are individuals like blackascoal who don't follow this description, but I don't think even he would argue with the statement that most African-Americans are extremely devout and somewhat suspicious of nontraditional lifestyles like homosexuality.

I don't think they would be put into play a as a demographic unless some particularly nasty political event puts them there. They seem very comfortable on the Democratic side and they seem unlikely to change, but I think they certainly have the potential to.
I luvvv him, and he is still my first pick, and he just blew the house down with his endorsement speech.

I also thougt that contrary to the pundits hoping otherwise, Obama and Edwards made a very wise and classy choice not to pressure Hillary out of the race tonight, but rather to compliment her and to reach out to her and most importantly, to her supporters.

I personally have hoped, ever since he dropped out, that Edwards would be picked for the VP slot.


If we had a vomiting smiley face I would put it here.

Edwards induces a nausea in me like few other politicians are capable of.

Put him in the position of Attorney-General and we will see him fighting to protect the civil liberties of Americans, but by God don't let that class-warfare inciting phony into the White House.
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(I was temped to put "again" after the edwards tag.)

In an amazing study of the mundane and expected John Edwards "bravely endorsed" the winner of the Democratic primaries today. In a speech that would have moved a jury like the channeling of dead babies he stated that he would now support the guy who already won. Those who luuuuv him decided he made all the difference, to the rest of humanity it was a moment of time they desperately wanted back.

Thankfully I have a foam rubber brick and a pause button on the remote, I paused the television and threw a brick at the image for the same amount of time it took me to hear the speech. This caused a reversal of the waste of time continuum and brought a smile to my face... The time wasted was averted by a fun pastime that the whole family could enjoy!


(I thought I'd write my own article... ;) )
Don't answer yet. My "article" isn't finished... I'm enjoying myself.

LOL. Now I'm done...
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You guys hate edwards and underestimate obama.

This endorsement knocked hillary out of the news cycle on a day she was trying to build momentum after a blow out win last night.

It was defintely strategically timed.

You should listen to your precious little trial lawyer as he made the announcement. Quite sexist of him.
Don't answer yet. My "article" isn't finished... I'm enjoying myself.

LOL. Now I'm done...

you know... you forgot to mention how many times precious brave little Edwards stated "there is only one MAN" in his endorsement of Obama. Obviously he is a sexist pig. :eek:
you know... you forgot to mention how many times precious brave little Edwards stated "there is only one MAN" in his endorsement of Obama. Obviously he is a sexist pig. :eek:
LOL. It's a fun night.

For the record I am on beer 5... And still able to spell... as far as I can tell.
I still find it amusing though, that Cypress tries to press up the old myth that his state is liberal.

It was amusing to hear him once talking about how backwards Mississippi was and how the executed everyone, and how California only sparingly uses the death penalty, whenever California has 600 people on death row and Mississippi has executed 8 people since Foreman. Even with the 10 to 1 population difference it doesn't stack at all.

In short, Cypress is a hack.

I'm sure this statement surprises all of you.
LOL> Even Edwards admits that Obama already won in his speech...

"We are here tonight because the Democratic voters have made their choice, and (now) so have I..."
Anyone else ever notice...most of the Democrat men politicians running for President look and act like wusses..And Hillary looks and actls like the man??:eek:
I luvvv him, and he is still my first pick, and he just blew the house down with his endorsement speech.

I also thougt that contrary to the pundits hoping otherwise, Obama and Edwards made a very wise and classy choice not to pressure Hillary out of the race tonight, but rather to compliment her and to reach out to her and most importantly, to her supporters.

I personally have hoped, ever since he dropped out, that Edwards would be picked for the VP slot.

Yeah I had planned to vote for Edwrds next week, but he won't be on the ballot....Hillary is just too sexy for mr, so I will have to vote for Obama.