EIA Projects World Energy Use to Grow 50% by 2030

blow me coldcaller.
That said I agree with most of what you said in your normal post.
congress rejected credits for homeonwners on solar (wtf).
Solar is about 1% now Hopefully it can double every 2yrs that's optimistic
Biodiesel could be a huge answer, need more plants and more automakers to sell diesels here. Hydrogen is more than a decade away, who's going to build the fueling stations the automakers?

1) Solar has the capability to expand far faster than that. Obviously it will take a commitment to educating property owners on the current short term payback. But once the benefits are shown, I think you will see a flight to solar by commercial property owners. As it allows them to proclaim themselves more "green". Hell, even the coal producing plants can become cleaner by complementing their power with solar, wind and as mentioned yesterday, they can also use the algae plants to even reduce their emissions further. The tech to run to 20% is there top. (again talking energy use, not just oil).

2) I don't think fuel cells will take that long. The infrastructure can be added to existing stations.... and unless they are extremely short sighted (like Exxon) then that is exactly what the oil companies will do. No, most of the auto makers will not build infrastructure for this.
It'll take homeowners getting credits for solar. I hope your right, cause I'll make a ton on solar.
I don't see oil companies doing hydrogen just like you are hard pressed to find an ethonal pump outside the midwest.
It'll take homeowners getting credits for solar. I hope your right, cause I'll make a ton on solar.
I don't see oil companies doing hydrogen just like you are hard pressed to find an ethonal pump outside the midwest.

Shell will.... as will every other oil company that invests in alt energy. If the infrastructure is going to be built regardless, they would be foolish not to take part .... ESPECIALLY since they will have the lowest cost structure outlook of anyone to do so. They already have the stations. The conversion of portions to hydrogen will be less difficult for them than someone trying to develop brand new locations. Plus, they can profit from the hydrogen.

Plus, didn't you just get done saying that YOUR company owns part of a fuel cell company?
I did, and we will. But you know we are not going to rush to displace oil.
the exact same card could be laid out for ethonal. I don't know how Colorodo is but you can't find any E85 pump in Metro Nawlins if your life depended on it.
The industry you love & worship spends too much time & cash keeping new ideas down. It's criminal, really.

I love the idea that we live in one of the most innovative times in history, when our entire population is able to move from phones & faxes to mass use of the internet in a matter of a few years and many industries have seen changes in the past decade or 2 that it wouldn't be a stretch to describe as revolutionary, but when it comes to big oil, we're helpless. We just can't think of a way to get off it; we're not even close.

The fix is in. Something about that just doesn't sit right.

Spoken like someone who doesn’t owe his entire livelihood to Chevron. It’s easy for you to say, but what about Top?
Your responses are so predictable. You were the one who asked how we get off the oil tit; look at the article you just posted.

Is anything that you mentioned even remotely close to reducing our dependence? The article talks about our oil consumption increasing in a huge way. Did you even read it before you posted, you brain-dead imbecile?

Pretty chick-ish of you. Very feminine.

I can almost smell the Chanel No 5 wafting off his posts lately!