Employers cut jobs for sixth straight month


Villified User
Employers cut jobs for sixth straight month
AP Economics Writer

Employers cut payrolls by 62,000 in June, the sixth straight month of nationwide job losses, underscoring the economy's fragile state. The unemployment rate held steady at 5.5 percent.


Hmm 6 months of job cutting, more people entering the job market, but the unemployment rate holds steady....
Employers cut jobs for sixth straight month
AP Economics Writer

Employers cut payrolls by 62,000 in June, the sixth straight month of nationwide job losses, underscoring the economy's fragile state. The unemployment rate held steady at 5.5 percent.


Hmm 6 months of job cutting, more people entering the job market, but the unemployment rate holds steady....

Probably for the same reason that a historic low in the home construction business caused only a minor blip on the unemployment radar. The illegal immigrant is not counted in the unemployment figures.
I have lost faith in the official unemployment numbers.

Trusting in the federal government is not a sign of a smart person.

If I am not mistaken, they get the numbers from who collects or file for unemployment.

If you are unemployed for longer than you get an unemployment check, are you still counted as unemployed or do they magically think you are now employed.
Sol, I have been told on here it is a survey. but I have never known of anyone who has been contacted for it.
Go here http://www.bls.gov/cps/cps_htgm.htm and you can learn directly from Bureau of Labor Statistics exactly how unemployment figures are calculated. But as Top sort of abrasively put it, 5.5% is not a crisis. Matter of fact, in a free market, it is full employment.
This is not reflection of the quality of jobs though. More jobs is not so great when you have to have five of them to feed yourself. Corporate short term vision, outsourcing, and h1b visas are destroying the lives of many americans. But what do you care? right?
Go here http://www.bls.gov/cps/cps_htgm.htm and you can learn directly from Bureau of Labor Statistics exactly how unemployment figures are calculated. But as Top sort of abrasively put it, 5.5% is not a crisis. Matter of fact, in a free market, it is full employment.

Thats true, 5.5% is pretty much full employment.

I think USC's point was that companies keep cutting jobs but the unemployment rate doesn't change.
This is not reflection of the quality of jobs though. More jobs is not so great when you have to have five of them to feed yourself. Corporate short term vision, outsourcing, and h1b visas are destroying the lives of many americans. But what do you care? right?

The h1b visas are what makes many companies able to work. If the jobs require hard labor, you can't find american citizens that will do it.

In my business we have numerous subcontractors. It is MUCH easier for them to get work and maintain work if they have americans out there digging. But I have seen them hire dozens of americans, and its very rare if the american stays a week. (about half never show up for the second day) Most of the subcontractors start their workers at $500 a week, and bump them up fairly often. About half the hispanics are making between $650 & $750 a week. But they will work hard from start to finish, and get a LOT done.

We tried to hire an in-house crew in PA. We put 30 guys thru the drug screens, and that knocked 10 out of the running. Of those, 7 never came back. The 13 that were left all got one day in the field to be shown the work. Only 4 came back after that. And two of those quit after one week. So we have a 2 man crew that can barely get anything done.

As far as labor goes, americans are a waste of skin.
Asshat I do care that people have to work so hard to stay poor. But I did several things to make sure I didn't. I joined the Army so they would pay for my undergrad degree. I did well in college and got into law school. I completed law school and I passed the bar and then I went to work. On Thursday I saw a spot on NBC news where they talked about a paper mill that had sat idle for many years. A handful of the former employees worked their ass off to keep the machinery in working order and then finally were able to pull together enough contracts to put the mill back in business. The workers get a decent wage, health insurance and they have a 401k. But they have no employer contribution at this point and they are non union. The people there are not getting what they might get in a union shop with union wages and benefits, but they do have a job and they each have an interest in make the mill more efficient and getting more contracts. If the workers had demanded Union Wages and benefits the mill would be out of business. There would be NO JOBS. This is the kind of thing that people can do for themselves. Businesses are not set up to give people jobs. Jobs are created by the business to make money for the business owners. Everyone should have the equality of opportunity to have the best job their skills and the market can bring. But none of us are entitled to jobs that will put us into the middle class or better.
Employers cut jobs for sixth straight month
AP Economics Writer

Employers cut payrolls by 62,000 in June, the sixth straight month of nationwide job losses, underscoring the economy's fragile state. The unemployment rate held steady at 5.5 percent.


Hmm 6 months of job cutting, more people entering the job market, but the unemployment rate holds steady....

So let me guess... once again you need someone to explain to you how the jobs numbers and unemployment numbers are calculated? Are you really this friggin ignorant that you cannot remember from one month to the next? Or is it truly senility.

One last time.... they are BOTH surveys. They are meant as a guage. They do NOT call up every business in America for the jobs data. They do not call up every household for the unemployment rate data.

The jobs data is focused on large companies. It does not typically get a good gauge on what is going on with small and mid size companies.

The unemployment rate is again a SURVEY. The surprise of the data today was that it did not go DOWN. Even though people expected job cuts, they expected the unemployment rate to tick down given the sharp up tick last month.

If you are not going to bother trying to learn or remember how these numbers are calculated, then the least you could do is stop posing your idiotic assertions.
Sol, I have been told on here it is a survey. but I have never known of anyone who has been contacted for it.

As stated before when you posted a similar comment to the above. The odds of a person being contacted in their entire lifetime is about 1 in 4500.

So if you personally know 4500 people, then the odds are that you should know just ONE.

Now how many of us know personally 4500.

Out of those that you do know personally.... how many have you discussed this with?
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