End Of DADT Means More Gay Rape In The Military


Loyal to the end
"We are today releasing an analysis of publicly available documents which show that homosexuals in the military are three times more likely to commit sexual assaults than heterosexuals are relative to their numbers," Sprigg said. "We believe this problem would only increase if the current law against homosexuality...were to be repealed."

Sprigg said his "analysis" was military documents tracking sexual assault cases. According to his figures, 8.2% of sexual assaults reported to military authorities in fiscal 2009 were homosexual in nature.

"Yet homosexual activists themselves have admitted that less than 3% of Americans -- 2.8% of men and 1.4% of women -- are homosexual or bi-sexual," Sprigg explained.

"Taken together," he continued, "these figures suggest that homosexuals in the military are about 3x as likely to commit sexual assaults as heterosexuals are."

And the "most common type of homosexual assault" according to Sprigg? "one in which the offender fondles or performs oral sex on a sleeping victim," he said.

Ipso facto:

"If open homosexuality was permitted in the military, these numbers can only increase," Sprigg said. "The number of homosexuals would grow, the threat of discharge for homosexual behavior would be eliminated and protected class status for homosexuals would make victims hesitant to report assaults and make commanders hesitant to punish them for fear of appearing homophobic."

The end result is obvious, according to the men on the call today: recruitment will be tougher and retaining straight servicemembers will be harder too.

On the call, I asked Sprigg to elaborate -- was he really saying that non-consensual same-sex assaults would go unreported if Don't Ask, Don't Tell was repealed?

"In a number of these cases the victim was sleeping or intoxicated," he replied. "Under those circumstances, their memory may be clouded and so the evidence may not be strong enough to stand up in a court-martial and actually prove guilt on a charge of forcible sodomy for example. Nevertheless, something inappropriate may have happened...and the victim will think twice about coming forth."
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Hmmmm if I remember correctly from my rat psychology classes that an irrational fear of being butt fucked was a diagnostic sign of latent homosexuality. Just saying.
"We are today releasing an analysis of publicly available documents which show that homosexuals in the military are three times more likely to commit sexual assaults than heterosexuals are relative to their numbers," Sprigg said. "We believe this problem would only increase if the current law against homosexuality...were to be repealed."

Sprigg said his "analysis" was military documents tracking sexual assault cases. According to his figures, 8.2% of sexual assaults reported to military authorities in fiscal 2009 were homosexual in nature.

"Yet homosexual activists themselves have admitted that less than 3% of Americans -- 2.8% of men and 1.4% of women -- are homosexual or bi-sexual," Sprigg explained.

"Taken together," he continued, "these figures suggest that homosexuals in the military are about 3x as likely to commit sexual assaults as heterosexuals are."

And the "most common type of homosexual assault" according to Sprigg? "one in which the offender fondles or performs oral sex on a sleeping victim," he said.

Ipso facto:

"If open homosexuality was permitted in the military, these numbers can only increase," Sprigg said. "The number of homosexuals would grow, the threat of discharge for homosexual behavior would be eliminated and protected class status for homosexuals would make victims hesitant to report assaults and make commanders hesitant to punish them for fear of appearing homophobic."

The end result is obvious, according to the men on the call today: recruitment will be tougher and retaining straight servicemembers will be harder too.

On the call, I asked Sprigg to elaborate -- was he really saying that non-consensual same-sex assaults would go unreported if Don't Ask, Don't Tell was repealed?

"In a number of these cases the victim was sleeping or intoxicated," he replied. "Under those circumstances, their memory may be clouded and so the evidence may not be strong enough to stand up in a court-martial and actually prove guilt on a charge of forcible sodomy for example. Nevertheless, something inappropriate may have happened...and the victim will think twice about coming forth."

So basically they think something may have happened; but they're not really sure something happened.
And because they think something may have happened, it means that something really did happen.

Was that pretty much the gist of why the article was formulated.
Is there a reason you're obsessed with gay sex?

"In a number of these cases the victim was sleeping or intoxicated," he replied. "Under those circumstances, their memory may be clouded and so the evidence may not be strong enough to stand up in a court-martial and actually prove guilt on a charge of forcible sodomy for example.

This sounds suspiciously like it might have involved gay sex-curious conservatives who took a walk on the wild side, and then later complained that they were raped.

SM, way to be a fucking retard. :good4u:

Mott, though I can't say I have a fear of being buttfucked, I find that lesson to be bullshit. If the theory comes from the psychodynamic school, then it 100% is, otherwise, it just sounds idiotic...
SM, way to be a fucking retard. :good4u:

Mott, though I can't say I have a fear of being buttfucked, I find that lesson to be bullshit. If the theory comes from the psychodynamic school, then it 100% is, otherwise, it just sounds idiotic...
3D, if I have to explain the joke to you, then it isn't funny which, in your case is a moot point, be that as it may, you need to work on this sense of humor thing dude! :p

I'm saying I really don't give a rats ass about SM's sexual phobias.
Is there a reason you're obsessed with gay sex?

This sounds suspiciously like it might have involved gay sex-curious conservatives who took a walk on the wild side, and then later complained that they were raped.

Maybe we should all pitch in and buy SM a butt plug he can use to prevent gay rape in case a gay soldier happens to be in his neighborhood and, shall we say, is in the mood?

He should be able to sleep peacefully knowing his purity has been protected!
Peter Sprigg? The guy is a nutcase.

"On Tuesday's episode of Hardball, Family Research Council spokesperson and board member Peter Sprigg said that he believes that Lawrence vs. Texas (the Supreme Court decision that struck down the sodomy laws) was "wrongly decided" and that "gay behavior" should be criminalized."

from: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/alvin-mcewen/frcs-peter-sprigg-support_b_446854.html

And yes, I am attacking the source. The man offered no actual research. He took estimated numbers and tried to extrapolate them into bigger numbers. Pure nonsense.
homosexuality is legal in civilian society...is there any correlating stats to an increase in homosexual rape in civilian society? to just ASSume there would be an increase is stupid, i see no correlation. those that rape people won't change whether the policy is open homosexuality or not.
3D, if I have to explain the joke to you, then it isn't funny which, in your case is a moot point, be that as it may, you need to work on this sense of humor thing dude! :p

I'm saying I really don't give a rats ass about SM's sexual phobias.

I just fucking hate pop-psychology with such fierce intensity, that I can't laugh at these jokes when the source material is a fucking joke.

Carry on...
I just fucking hate pop-psychology with such fierce intensity, that I can't laugh at these jokes when the source material is a fucking joke.

Carry on...

i was a psych/ed major for two quarters in college...FUCK the psych part

don't get me wrong, some of it is valuable, but much of the "modern" thinking is so flawed and based not on science or hard data but rather "feelings"...

i admit to having to see a shrink in junior high because i was a rabble rouser, single mom, handicap brother blah blah....i went through 3 guys and i burned them bad, they didn't want to see me ever again...the fourth guy, he didn't say anything to me, then asked if i wanted to take a walk to get a soda...he sort of acted like a dad....

stayed with him for a while and thanked him for letting me see things in a different way...hmmm...see the simpleness of that
homosexuality is legal in civilian society...is there any correlating stats to an increase in homosexual rape in civilian society? to just ASSume there would be an increase is stupid, i see no correlation. those that rape people won't change whether the policy is open homosexuality or not.
Agreed. SM also is making the mistake of considering rape a sexual act when it is in fact an act of violence that has nothing to do with gender.
i was a psych/ed major for two quarters in college...FUCK the psych part

don't get me wrong, some of it is valuable, but much of the "modern" thinking is so flawed and based not on science or hard data but rather "feelings"...

i admit to having to see a shrink in junior high because i was a rabble rouser, single mom, handicap brother blah blah....i went through 3 guys and i burned them bad, they didn't want to see me ever again...the fourth guy, he didn't say anything to me, then asked if i wanted to take a walk to get a soda...he sort of acted like a dad....

stayed with him for a while and thanked him for letting me see things in a different way...hmmm...see the simpleness of that
That's pretty bad Yurt. You drove 3 Shriks nuts? I wonder what the fuck that says about us here at JPP in that you dont' really bother us. :ILUM:
Agreed. SM also is making the mistake of considering rape a sexual act when it is in fact an act of violence that has nothing to do with gender.

i don't agree....violence and gender can be combined....you do a disservice by trying to convince others that this is not the case. rape is about power, control....however, to blindly say that rape has nothing to do with gender is the most stupid fucking comment ever made....

and yet you happen to win a debate round
Agreed. SM also is making the mistake of considering rape a sexual act when it is in fact an act of violence that has nothing to do with gender.

I've never really agreed with this conclusion. I have to sit through this argument many times at sexual assault awareness briefings, college seminars, psych classes, and what not, and I've never bought it. Not everyone can afford hookers, you know...
3D, if I have to explain the joke to you, then it isn't funny which, in your case is a moot point, be that as it may, you need to work on this sense of humor thing dude! :p

I'm saying I really don't give a rats ass about SM's sexual phobias.
I don't have a phobia 15ppMoot. I just have a desire for the truth. :)
Agreed. SM also is making the mistake of considering rape a sexual act when it is in fact an act of violence that has nothing to do with gender.
Another moot point.

How do you explain: "these figures suggest that homosexuals in the military are about 3x as likely to commit sexual assaults as heterosexuals are."?