End Of DADT Means More Gay Rape In The Military

Another moot point.

How do you explain: "these figures suggest that homosexuals in the military are about 3x as likely to commit sexual assaults as heterosexuals are."?

That is quite simple to explain.

First of all, the genders are segregated in the military. The access is much more limited for straights, so there would be much less sexual assault.

Second, research has consistently shown that "date rape" is severly under reported, so the balance may not be nearly as skewed as is claimed.

Much of the reason for the higher numbers has more to do with the differences in the way the sexes act and the segregation.

If a group of women go out and one of them gets drunk, the others are far less likely to let her be alone in public than a group of men would be. Also, the article mentioned that many of "attacks" happen to a sleeping victim. Men rarely have access to sleeping women.

Also, being "Outted" as a homosexual is a good way to get a discharge from the military. For someone on the front lines, especially with the number of reservists we have overseas, that may be a way to get home.

When you look at the huge number of veterans coming home with serious emotional and psychological problems, it is not surprising that some would behave in ways they never would have in a normal situation.

But all in all, the report is lacking facts to back up the suppositions.
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That is quite simple to explain.

First of all, the genders are segregated in the military. The access is much more limited for straights, so there would be much less sexual assault.

Second, research has consistently shown that "date rape" is severly under reported, so the balance may not be nearly as skewed as is claimed.

Much of the reason for the higher numbers has more to do with the differences in the way the sexes act and the segregation.

If a group of women go out and one of them gets drunk, the others are far less likely to let her be alone in public than a group of men would be. Also, the article mentioned that many of "attacks" happen to a sleeping victim. Men rarely have access to sleeping women.

Also, being "Outted" as a homosexual is a good way to get a discharge from the military. For someone on the front lines, especially with the number of reservists we have overseas, that may be a way to get home.

When you look at the huge number of veterans coming home with serious emotional and psychological problems, it is not surprising that some would behave in ways they never would have in a normal situation.

But all in all, the report is lacking facts to back up the suppositions.

I'm also thinking along the lines that this may be nothing more then an attempt at a pre-emptive strike, by the Military, in anticipation of the "Don't ask - Don't tell" rule being struck down.
I'm also thinking along the lines that this may be nothing more then an attempt at a pre-emptive strike, by the Military, in anticipation of the "Don't ask - Don't tell" rule being struck down.

I would be more inclined to believe that if it didn't come from a man who has campaigned to make sodomy a criminal offense.

This is just hate speech.
Also, being "Outted" as a homosexual is a good way to get a discharge from the military. For someone on the front lines, especially with the number of reservists we have overseas, that may be a way to get home.

Do homosexuals receive a general discharge, or an other-than-honorable (or lower) discharge? This could dissuade people from outing themselves.


What about all the bottoms? Huh? We are clearly overestimating the threat of the ass bandits
All I can say is, if we have a lounge in the barracks where guys can tag each other in the ass, we damn well better have one where guys can tag girls in the ass right next door.

Is there a reason you're obsessed with gay sex?

This sounds suspiciously like it might have involved gay sex-curious conservatives who took a walk on the wild side, and then later complained that they were raped.


posted this before but it's relevant

i don't agree....violence and gender can be combined....you do a disservice by trying to convince others that this is not the case. rape is about power, control....however, to blindly say that rape has nothing to do with gender is the most stupid fucking comment ever made....

and yet you happen to win a debate round
It is exactly what you stated and one can do that to either gender, so I rest my case....not to mention your ability to debate, Beefy is gonna make toast of you! :pke:
As predicted:
"I think we're going to see the opposite direction when it comes to homosexual assaults," he said. "You've got typically a one-on-one situation and there would be tremendous political pressure placed on the victims to remain silent. It will be very similar to the situation we had with women 50 years ago when they were reluctant to come forward and report rape because they would be mislabeled."

You still don't see the problem with this guy's research?

"Sprigg said his "analysis" was military documents tracking sexual assault cases. According to his figures, 8.2% of sexual assaults reported to military authorities in fiscal 2009 were homosexual in nature.

"Yet homosexual activists themselves have admitted that less than 3% of Americans -- 2.8% of men and 1.4% of women -- are homosexual or bi-sexual," Sprigg explained."

Can you show any link at all that claims that the number of gay men in the US is proportionally the same as the number of gay men in the military?

No, you cannot. Are the proportions of different ethnic groups the same in the military as they are in the general population? Are the ratios of men to women the same?

But this entire argument is based on the premise that the ratio of gays to straights is the same in the military as in the general population.

Try and avoid the Logical Fallacies you are so fond of quoting.

This one is clearly Cum hoc ergo propter hoc.
Sorry southern girl, I still ain't buying it.

Given the physics involved with forcible sodomy, and given that men in the military are supposedly trained to physically defend themselves, I can't see any actual red-blooded heterosexual male actually being "victimized" by these alleged crimes.

Given that your own homophobic researcher says that alcohol was involved, my conclusion is that these "assaults" involved gay-curious, toe-tapping republican social conservatives who merely engaged in some of their deepest, subconcious homoerotic fantasies, and then they later cried "rape!", when they looked back on the affair with shame.
Of course, it is difficult to know the percentage of currently serving military personnel
who self-identify as homosexual or bisexual or who engage in homosexual acts, both
because surveys of the military are difficult to conduct and because current law would
give homosexuals a strong incentive to conceal such conduct. However, given the strong
terms of the law against homosexuality in the military (and even the constraints on
openness of the much weaker “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” policy), it seems logical to assume
that the percentage of military personnel who are homosexual is likely to be lower than it
is in the civilian population. It is hard to come up with even a plausible theory to suggest
how it could be higher.
Sorry southern girl, I still ain't buying it.

Given the physics involved with forcible sodomy, and given that men in the military are supposedly trained to physically defend themselves, I can't see any actual red-blooded heterosexual male actually being "victimized" by these alleged crimes.

Given that your own homophobic researcher says that alcohol was involved, my conclusion is that these "assaults" involved gay-curious, toe-tapping republican social conservatives who merely engaged in some of their deepest, subconcious homoerotic fantasies, and then they later cried "rape!", when they looked back on the affair with shame.
And the "most common type of homosexual assault" according to Sprigg? "one in which the offender fondles or performs oral sex on a sleeping victim," he said.

Odd, that you have delved so deeply into, and researched, the intimate nature of these gay encounters. I just threw up a little in my mouth....but whatever turns you on bro!

My take on it is that a gay-curious social conservative, could easily come up with the "I was sleeping!" canard, if he got a bj from another male soldier.

Here is a little tidbitthat shoots down your researcher's entire premise.

He claims that gays in the military commit sexual assaults at a rate 3 times of what would be expected by their numbers in the population.

Well, if you compare the numbers of people in the military to the numbers in the US, then compare the numbers of sexual assaults in the military with the number in the general population, the members of the military commit 4x as many sexual assaults as do the general population. So if we use the same logic Mr. Sprigg uses, the general military member is 4x more likely to commit a sexual assault. So the gays are less likely than their straight counterparts to commit these assaults.

According to the DOD, there were 2,923 sexual assault reported in 2008. So your researcher's numbers were bogus to start with. And if he claims 8% of his number were homosexual assaults, that comes to about 132 gay sexual assaults. But 132 is just 4.5% of the 2,923 sexual assaults reported. Which is obviously not supporting Mr. Sprigg's case.
Odd, that you have delved so deeply into, and researched, the intimate nature of these gay encounters. I just threw up a little in my mouth....but whatever turns you on bro!

My take on it is that a gay-curious social conservative, could easily come up with the "I was sleeping!" canard, if he got a bj from another male soldier.
Ad hom, as predicted. :)