Energy Independence? In Al Gore's Hypocritically Energy Wasting Dreams!

Anyway, I firmly believe that not only is energy independence possible for this country, I additionally believe we can become and energy exporter.

Solar is an upcoming method of subsidizing electrical power, and can certainly go a long way in reducing dependence on other electrical sources. But due to the vagaries of solar down here on the ground, it will never become a primary source.

Meanwhile, we can also convert our fossil fuel generating plants to alternate, renewable fuels. The state of Washington has successfully and economically converted several coal burning plants to burn waste wood. Plus both coal and oil fired plants can be converted to burn ethanol. And, of course, let's not forget nuclear power.

Forget corn and corn subsidies for ethanol. Cellulosic ethanol has far greater potential and can use waste cellulose (ie: garbage) as a significant part of its biomass resource. There is a company which is in the process of building cellulosic ethanol plants right on land fills. They not only plan to use waste brought to the landfill for biomass, but also use the heat and decomposition gasses from the landfill to help power the plant. They plan to be in business by 2010.

Additionally, biomass for cellulosic ethanol can be derived from crops which can be grown on land not currently used for food crops. So we won't be faced with the choice of energy or food. We can do both. Using both waste cellulose and crop cellulose, we still have the potential to supply our own needs and have twice as much to sell to other countries feeling the oil pinch.