Energy Secretary


Will be a key appointment. IMHO .. Energy is one of the single most important issues facing this next President. It will be most important to the future of our Economic, Security and Environmental well being. I believe the next Energy Secretary needs to have influence, presence, a visionary and be charismatic ability to hold the attention of this Presidents ear.

Chuck Hagel understands the need for Alternatives such as Solar, Wind and Biosfuels. He also understands the need for clean coal, nuclear energy and geothermal energy. He understands that Oil is going to be around for a long time so we must expand drilling on this side of the planet, and we must refine it. He also understands that energy plays a big part in the health of this Nations Economy... that it must remain affordable.. enough so people do not have to make choices whether to eat, pay the mortgage or heat the home.

Going green is good ... but utilizing all of our energy resources is vital to our future. We need someone with a vision that will bring all our resources together.
Would somebody please explain the constant talk about "clean coal"?

Thats like discussing virginal hookers.

Coal is dirty when you take it out of the ground and dirty when you burn it. Some coal might burn slightly less nastily than other coal, but its all a dirty source of energy.
Don't hate Super, celebrate!

I am celebrating.... Oregon States pending trip to the Rose Bowl... such a weak team, yet they apparently had little competition in that pathetic division. They should drop that entire division to I-AA or the non-worthy bowl sub division or whatever nonsense they are calling that division these days.... seriously... what was wrong with calling them 1A and 1AA?
I am celebrating.... Oregon States pending trip to the Rose Bowl... such a weak team, yet they apparently had little competition in that pathetic division. They should drop that entire division to I-AA or the non-worthy bowl sub division or whatever nonsense they are calling that division these days.... seriously... what was wrong with calling them 1A and 1AA?

I hope Oregon St goes to the Rose Bowl. It's getting old beating up on Big Ten teams. The mighty Trojans will be going to the Fiesta Bowl where they can beat up on Texas and Cawacko will be there to witness.
I hope Oregon St goes to the Rose Bowl. It's getting old beating up on Big Ten teams. The mighty Trojans will be going to the Fiesta Bowl where they can beat up on Texas and Cawacko will be there to witness.

1) Penn State would beat the crap out of USC this year

2) If it does end up TX vs. USC, then TX will beat the crap out of USC this year.

Either way, not to promising for the broken condoms.

Their best bet is to lose this weekend, which would knock them out of the BCS picture. Then they could play maybe the eigth or ninth best team from the Big Twelve or SEC and have a legitimate shot at winning their bowl game.
1) Penn State would beat the crap out of USC this year

2) If it does end up TX vs. USC, then TX will beat the crap out of USC this year.

Either way, not to promising for the broken condoms.

Their best bet is to lose this weekend, which would knock them out of the BCS picture. Then they could play maybe the eigth or ninth best team from the Big Twelve or SEC and have a legitimate shot at winning their bowl game.

When they talk about the Rocky Mountain High were they referring to your current condition because you must be high to write what you just did with a straight face.
When they talk about the Rocky Mountain High were they referring to your current condition because you must be high to write what you just did with a straight face.

Not really, all three are quite true. Penn State and Texas would easily knock off the trojans and the trojans would indeed have a legit shot at knocking off one of the lower ranked SEC or Big Twelve teams.
Not really, all three are quite true. Penn State and Texas would easily knock off the trojans and the trojans would indeed have a legit shot at knocking off one of the lower ranked SEC or Big Twelve teams.

do you and uscitizen come from the same family tree?