Energy Secretary

SF, if we had a 100 billion deficit (in real dollars) every year for thirty years, our deficit would be trivial after 30 years. It's not entirely necessary to completely get rid of the deficit, but running up massive deficits like Reagan did, and especially Bush, is completely and totally unnacceptable. Clinton did a good job.

1) $3 trillion is not trivial

2) We have seen the idiots in DC raise our nations debt every year since Ike. That is unacceptable. Period.

3) If you talk of 'good job' in the sense of 'tried stick tob the budget' then I agree that Clinton did a good job in 1999 and 2000. When you look at it in context to what was happening he did not. He was given the best opportunity to lower our debt out of any President since Ike and he pissed it away.

4) To be fair to Clinton, the Rep Congress is the one who passed the budgets and spending packages that Clinton signed. So they are just as responsible. Just as Tip O'Neil and the Dems are equally responsible for the spending under Reagan.
1) $3 trillion is not trivial

2) We have seen the idiots in DC raise our nations debt every year since Ike. That is unacceptable. Period.

3) If you talk of 'good job' in the sense of 'tried stick tob the budget' then I agree that Clinton did a good job in 1999 and 2000. When you look at it in context to what was happening he did not. He was given the best opportunity to lower our debt out of any President since Ike and he pissed it away.

4) To be fair to Clinton, the Rep Congress is the one who passed the budgets and spending packages that Clinton signed. So they are just as responsible. Just as Tip O'Neil and the Dems are equally responsible for the spending under Reagan.

Thanks for ignoring all my points.
If you adjust for inflation Water you are talking about $2.4 trillion for Reagan vs $1.6 trillion for Clinton....

Reagan had to deal with the cold war, high inflation, high unemployment and had to rebuild the military. Clinton had the tech/telecom/internet/biotech booms to keep unemployment low, to provide huge GDP growth, cut the military drastically and STILL raised our debt by $1.6 trillion.

GDP growth was what, like 1% higher during the 90's?

And George Bush cut the the military, not Clinton. BTW, Reagan already had a military there, in perfect condition.

CQ Politics reported that the Obama transition team is also considering “someone really amazing” for Energy — possibly a very high-profile public figure, who would help elevate the profile of the agency and energy policy with a shot of star power. Such speculation has focused on California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger , a Republican, or former Vice President Al Gore, who is expected to meet today with Obama to discuss energy and climate change issues. Gore has indicated, however, that he has little interest in a Cabinet position.

Hmm.. Gore? Im wondering if Gore takes it only to stop the idea of new drilling on this side of the earth. This would be a big mistake ... we need to explore new Oil as well as alternatives.

CQ Politics reported that the Obama transition team is also considering “someone really amazing” for Energy — possibly a very high-profile public figure, who would help elevate the profile of the agency and energy policy with a shot of star power. Such speculation has focused on California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger , a Republican, or former Vice President Al Gore, who is expected to meet today with Obama to discuss energy and climate change issues. Gore has indicated, however, that he has little interest in a Cabinet position.

Hmm.. Gore? Im wondering if Gore takes it only to stop the idea of new drilling on this side of the earth. This would be a big mistake ... we need to explore new Oil as well as alternatives.

I agree we need to tap all of our resources, but right now off shore drilling is a moot point. As long as oil stays below $60 it is not economically viable (in most cases) to drill the deep ocean sites.

That said, Gore was meeting with Obama according to CNBC.
I agree we need to tap all of our resources, but right now off shore drilling is a moot point. As long as oil stays below $60 it is not economically viable (in most cases) to drill the deep ocean sites.

That said, Gore was meeting with Obama according to CNBC.

Gore is also behind the new ads attacking "clean coal" technology. Obama has repeatedly supported clean coal, albeit if only on a provincial level (coal is big in Illinois).

Not saying it would never happen, but I doubt it.
Gore is also behind the new ads attacking "clean coal" technology. Obama has repeatedly supported clean coal, albeit if only on a provincial level (coal is big in Illinois).

Not saying it would never happen, but I doubt it.

i doubt it too.... I think the meeting was more to get Gores opinion on who to select. Someone whose positions are between the two would be my guess. That way the selection gets Gores 'approval'. Just my opinion
i doubt it too.... I think the meeting was more to get Gores opinion on who to select. Someone whose positions are between the two would be my guess. That way the selection gets Gores 'approval'. Just my opinion

Well that's worth the same today as it was yesterday. You have successfully avoided the inflationary effect.
then the purpose of saying I avoided the inflationary effect had to do with what?

It was a joke. You said "that's just my opinion". and I said, that's worth the same today as it was yesterday. I was implying, not much, and then finishing that off with a little extra zing about the lack of inflation on the worth of your opinion.

You have ruined it all with your incessant, hounding, questions~!
It was a joke. You said "that's just my opinion". and I said, that's worth the same today as it was yesterday. I was implying, not much, and then finishing that off with a little extra zing about the lack of inflation on the worth of your opinion.

You have ruined it all with your incessant, hounding, questions~!
So, on your Grammar Page, are you going to include the proper use of the tilde?