Equal smilies for liberals/democrarts

Am I correct?

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Oracle Of JPP 714

nazi/racist hunter
I notice that all of the insult genre smilies are insult to democrats, eg, hillary, clinton, etc. You even haveone of trump dancing that flatters the douchebag. I wanna see some insults for some republicans such as mitch McConnel (turtle), paul ryan, Nunes, rudy, Cohen, etc.It's all about fairness and the list needs to be fair and balanced.Thank you very much.
examples of democrat smilie insults

I didn't understand what it was about in the poll.

I want more republican oriented insult in the "more smilies" list. Here's a example of a democrat insult there. stand by.:clintontard::ownbama::clintontard:

You have to push "go advanced button, then "(more)" to get there.
There are just too may of them there.

then there's this suck up pro trump one that is revolting to me.

you just posted the ownbama gif which is a pro-liberal meme. also the thanks obama cheetos gif is a light hearted jest at people blaming obama for everything.

liberals here don't have a sense of humor so I am deprived of content. Find good gifs and I will upload them for you.
you just posted the ownbama gif which is a pro-liberal meme. also the thanks obama cheetos gif is a light hearted jest at people blaming obama for everything.

liberals here don't have a sense of humor so I am deprived of content. Find good gifs and I will upload them for you.

Not liberal, but this seems interesting.


you just posted the ownbama gif which is a pro-liberal meme. also the thanks obama cheetos gif is a light hearted jest at people blaming obama for everything.

liberals here don't have a sense of humor so I am deprived of content. Find good gifs and I will upload them for you.

Cons don't understand sarcasm or satire. They see it as an obama insult.