Ever Wonder About This?


Verified User
I was just wondering what the major news would be on mainstream media if Bush were still President and “Fast And Furious” and the murder of a border patrol agent happened under his watch. I wonder what the news would have been if the murders of an American diplomat and x-Navy Seals in Benghazi would have been under a Bush Presidency? I wonder what the media coverage would be of the so-called “sequester” had Bush had created the idea in the White House like Obama did and had Bush signed it into law?

Anybody got a guess about that?
I was just wondering what the major news would be on mainstream media if Bush were still President and “Fast And Furious” and the murder of a border patrol agent happened under his watch. I wonder what the news would have been if the murders of an American diplomat and x-Navy Seals in Benghazi would have been under a Bush Presidency? I wonder what the media coverage would be of the so-called “sequester” had Bush had created the idea in the White House like Obama did and had Bush signed it into law?

Anybody got a guess about that?

You jumped the gun.
They've already tried to say that Fast and Furious was just another form of what Bush was doing, during his terms.
They're still working on "finding" the documents, so they can pin Benghazi and the sequestering idea on him.
I was just wondering what the major news would be on mainstream media if Bush were still President and “Fast And Furious” and the murder of a border patrol agent happened under his watch. I wonder what the news would have been if the murders of an American diplomat and x-Navy Seals in Benghazi would have been under a Bush Presidency? I wonder what the media coverage would be of the so-called “sequester” had Bush had created the idea in the White House like Obama did and had Bush signed it into law?

Anybody got a guess about that?

Good questions. Let's take a closer look. Fast and Furious: One border patrol agent plus Benghazi: one diplomat, 3 seals. That's a total of five (5) Americans.

Now, let's take look at Bush. I wonder what the news would be if Obama was responsible for an unnecessary war (Iraq) and four thousand, four hundred and nine (4,409) deaths and thirty-one thousand, nine hundred and twenty-eight (31,928) wounded ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casualties_of_the_Iraq_War#U.S._armed_forces) :whoa: I don't have to wonder what the news would be on the mainstream media.

Then we have the “sequester”. I wonder how that will compare to the near financial meltdown that happened on Bush's watch. How many Americans will lose their homes and jobs? How many banks will go under? How many gazillions of dollars will the Obama Administration cost the American citizens compared to the Bush years?

It should be interesting to see the tally, both dollars and deaths, Bush vs. Obama, in '16. If, by some fluke the Repubs win in '16 we'll probably never know.
Good questions. Let's take a closer look. Fast and Furious: One border patrol agent plus Benghazi: one diplomat, 3 seals. That's a total of five (5) Americans.

Is that suppose to be an answer to the question of “how do you think the main stream media would have reacted if the Bush administration were still in power when fast and furious and the death of a border patrol agent was murdered and what would the main stream media’s reaction have been if Bush was still in office when Benghazi happened?” You’re ignoring the question!
Good questions. Let's take a closer look. Fast and Furious: One border patrol agent plus Benghazi: one diplomat, 3 seals. That's a total of five (5) Americans.

Now, let's take look at Bush. I wonder what the news would be if Obama was responsible for an unnecessary war (Iraq) and four thousand, four hundred and nine (4,409) deaths and thirty-one thousand, nine hundred and twenty-eight (31,928) wounded ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casualties_of_the_Iraq_War#U.S._armed_forces) :whoa: I don't have to wonder what the news would be on the mainstream media.

Then we have the “sequester”. I wonder how that will compare to the near financial meltdown that happened on Bush's watch. How many Americans will lose their homes and jobs? How many banks will go under? How many gazillions of dollars will the Obama Administration cost the American citizens compared to the Bush years?

It should be interesting to see the tally, both dollars and deaths, Bush vs. Obama, in '16. If, by some fluke the Repubs win in '16 we'll probably never know.

While you're at it, history buff, you might as well mention
another asshole Democrat, LBJ

South Vietnam
195,000–430,000 civilian dead
171,331–220,357 military dead
1,170,000 wounded

United States United States
58,220 dead
303,644 wounded

South Korea South Korea
5,099 dead
10,962 wounded; 4 missing

Australia Australia
500 dead
3,129 wounded

New Zealand New Zealand
37 dead
187 wounded

Thailand Thailand
351 dead
1,358 wounded

Total dead: 430,538–714,564
Total wounded: ~1,490,000+

And why forget Obama, 2000+ US KIA in Afghanistan
Now, let's take look at Bush. I wonder what the news would be if Obama was responsible for an unnecessary war (Iraq) and four thousand, four hundred and nine (4,409) deaths and thirty-one thousand, nine hundred and twenty-eight (31,928) wounded ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casualties_of_the_Iraq_War#U.S._armed_forces) :whoa: I don't have to wonder what the news would be on the mainstream media.

In that case Fox wouldn’t be reporting it because Republicans love war as much as Democrats and MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, & NBC wouldn’t be reporting it because they’re the Democrats “Cover Their Asses” media and they love wars when Democrats are in charge of the government they only hate wars when the Republicans are in charge of the government.
Then we have the “sequester”. I wonder how that will compare to the near financial meltdown that happened on Bush's watch. How many Americans will lose their homes and jobs? How many banks will go under? How many gazillions of dollars will the Obama Administration cost the American citizens compared to the Bush years?

It should be interesting to see the tally, both dollars and deaths, Bush vs. Obama, in '16. If, by some fluke the Repubs win in '16 we'll probably never know.

But didn’t Bush have a Democrat controlled Congress for much of his watch? Wasn’t it the CLINTON administration that first came up with the idea of SUB-PRIME MORTGAGES to encourage more home ownership? Isn’t it Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac, (the government operated mortgage lender), that bought up more sub-prime mortgages than even the BIG banks? Isn’t Fannie & Freddie still in deep financial shit? Wasn’t it the Democrat Barney Frank that was saying Fannie & Freddie were in great shape right before the financial collapse?

Bush ran up the national debt 6 trillion $ in 8 years. Obama has added 6 trillion more $ to the national debt in 4 years. Obama has kept the Bush wars going for 4 years. Obama has kept Bush’s Gitmo open for 4 years. Bush messed with healthcare with his “Prescription Drugs For Seniors” program, Obama messed with healthcare with his Obama-Care program. What’s the difference between Bush and Obama aside from the mainstream media’s treatment of them?

I would just like to know where the leftist media’s outrage is for the Obama administration and wondered what they would be reporting if Bush were still the President., especially about “Fast & Furious” and the “Benghazi Incident.”
Is that suppose to be an answer to the question of “how do you think the main stream media would have reacted if the Bush administration were still in power when fast and furious and the death of a border patrol agent was murdered and what would the main stream media’s reaction have been if Bush was still in office when Benghazi happened?” You’re ignoring the question!

I'm not ignoring the question. There have been "committees" looking into this. Remember all the bull about Hillary trying to avoid Congress? As to what the media would have done under Bush there probably would have been even less said because there were so many other things to say about Bush; things like a 10 year war, things like being completely unaware of the looming financial crisis
I'm not ignoring the question. There have been "committees" looking into this. Remember all the bull about Hillary trying to avoid Congress? As to what the media would have done under Bush there probably would have been even less said because there were so many other things to say about Bush; things like a 10 year war, things like being completely unaware of the looming financial crisis

You mean that 6 year war that Obama turned into a now 11 year war that most all Democrats in Congress voted for with that resolution that gave the duty and authority of Congress to declare war to a President by unconstitutional proxy?

Actually I think that if the Bush administration had been responsible for loosing track of thousands of guns on our southern border and a border agent had been murdered by one of them and 4 dedicated Americans had been killed in Benghazi because the Secretary Of State hadn’t provided near enough security for them and along with the President didn’t even bother to try to help them when they were being attacked and then had a stooge lie about what caused the attack even days after everybody knew it was a terrorist attack. NBC, CNBC, CBS, ABC & CNN would have it headline news for weeks and would have been calling for the impeachment of Bush and rightfully so. But that’s not what happened. Those TV so-called “news” channels hardly mentioned any of the facts and covered for the Obama administration like a blanket as best they could when Fox and the Republicans were making a stink out of it.
You mean that 6 year war that Obama turned into a now 11 year war that most all Democrats in Congress voted for with that resolution that gave the duty and authority of Congress to declare war to a President by unconstitutional proxy?

Actually I think that if the Bush administration had been responsible for loosing track of thousands of guns on our southern border and a border agent had been murdered by one of them and 4 dedicated Americans had been killed in Benghazi because the Secretary Of State hadn’t provided near enough security for them and along with the President didn’t even bother to try to help them when they were being attacked and then had a stooge lie about what caused the attack even days after everybody knew it was a terrorist attack. NBC, CNBC, CBS, ABC & CNN would have it headline news for weeks and would have been calling for the impeachment of Bush and rightfully so. But that’s not what happened. Those TV so-called “news” channels hardly mentioned any of the facts and covered for the Obama administration like a blanket as best they could when Fox and the Republicans were making a stink out of it.

Bush was responsible for infinitely more ill than you are laying at Obama's feet. War crimes alone, nevermind bankrupting the country and the world. The Patriot Act, Dept. of Homeland Security, letters of National Security, jailing american citizens without due process, speedy trials, or access to lawyers and family. What did the media report on those injustices?

Your whining over the death of a border patrol agent and 4 security guards is petty and immature. Grow the fuck up. Bush killed millions in his corporate promulgated wars for oil.
He controlled the media to keep the public from knowing the horrors of his wars.

Obama's single biggest failure is in not prosecuting Wu, Wolfowitz, Cheney and Rumsfeld, thereby leaving the door open to future unpunished traitorous acts.
Bush was responsible for infinitely more ill than you are laying at Obama's feet. War crimes alone, nevermind bankrupting the country and the world. The Patriot Act, Dept. of Homeland Security, letters of National Security, jailing american citizens without due process, speedy trials, or access to lawyers and family. What did the media report on those injustices?

Your whining over the death of a border patrol agent and 4 security guards is petty and immature. Grow the fuck up. Bush killed millions in his corporate promulgated wars for oil.
He controlled the media to keep the public from knowing the horrors of his wars.

Obama's single biggest failure is in not prosecuting Wu, Wolfowitz, Cheney and Rumsfeld, thereby leaving the door open to future unpunished traitorous acts.

I don’t have the same biased problem you do, I was never a Bush supporter so I can be honest and leave the bullshit talking points and partisan propaganda rhetoric to y’all partisans.

The truth and facts are that everything that Bush did had support of the congressional Democrats. They voted in majority for the unconstitutional resolution that gave Bush the congressional proxy to start his unconstitutional wars.

The housing bubble that wrecked the economy began back in the CLINTON administration with the repeal of Glass/Segal and government instigation of sub-prime mortgages and the instigation of Fannie & Freddie to buy them up to promote more home ownership by lower income people.

No Child Left Behind was a contrived alliance between Bush and Teddy Kennedy.

During the last rears of the Bush administration, the Congress was controlled by the Democrats and they, nor Bush, did nothing to defund/end the wars or fix the housing bubble.

During Obama’s first two years there was a Democrat controlled Congress that did nothing to end the wars. Obama did nothing to end the wars. Obama continued the Bush doctrine with both wars and the Wall Street bailouts and added in the Auto Bailouts.

Bush ran up the National Debt by 6 trillion $ in 8 years. Obama has run up the National Debt 6 trillion $ in 4 years.

Both Democrat and Republican controlled Congresses had opportunities to end both unconstitutional wars and fix the housing crisis before the bubble burst and neither did anything.

The major media CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN, MSNBC and Obama and every Democrat in America are still blaming Bush for all of America’s ills while they ignore the fact that Obama and the Democrats in Congress allied themselves with the Bush Doctrine and Obama has put it on steroids. To top it off the leftist media I mention have near totally ignored “Fast & Furious” and “Benghazi.” It’s fucking pathetic!! They should have their licenses revoked for fraud and somebody should sue them for impersonating NEWS OUTLETS.

And those are the truthful facts!!!!
I don’t have the same biased problem you do, I was never a Bush supporter so I can be honest and leave the bullshit talking points and partisan propaganda rhetoric to y’all partisans.

The truth and facts are that everything that Bush did had support of the congressional Democrats. They voted in majority for the unconstitutional resolution that gave Bush the congressional proxy to start his unconstitutional wars.


And the bush administration passed along phony, trumped-up info to Congress in order to get approval for the war. Damned traitor should have been hanged.

"Bush wanted to remove Saddam, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD. But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy. The NSC had no patience with the UN route, and no enthusiasm for publishing material on the Iraqi regime's record. There was little discussion in Washington of the aftermath after military action."


And the bush administration passed along phony, trumped-up info to Congress in order to get approval for the war. Damned traitor should have been hanged.

"Bush wanted to remove Saddam, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD. But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy. The NSC had no patience with the UN route, and no enthusiasm for publishing material on the Iraqi regime's record. There was little discussion in Washington of the aftermath after military action."


Members of the congressional Armed Services Committee have access to the same intelligence information that the President does. Furthermore, every member of Congress should know that a resolution that gives the duty and authority of Congress by proxy to declare war to any President, is not constitutional and thereby by that fact alone no member of Congress should have voted for the resolution had they been loyal to their oath of office, i. e. sworn to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution.
Members of the congressional Armed Services Committee have access to the same intelligence information that the President does.

Can you somehow prove this claim? Don't forget, in your search for proof, that Cheney was manipulating everything and everybody he could.
I don’t have the same biased problem you do, I was never a Bush supporter so I can be honest and leave the bullshit talking points and partisan propaganda rhetoric to y’all partisans.
Please show which statements I made are "bullshit talking points".
The truth and facts are that everything that Bush did had support of the congressional Democrats. They voted in majority for the unconstitutional resolution that gave Bush the congressional proxy to start his unconstitutional wars.
I assume this is an example of a "bullshit talking point"? Everything Bush did had the support of the congressional democrats? Again, prove this allegation or expect yourself to no longer be taken seriously.
In fact, nearly everything Bush II did during his 8 years was met by (not enough) resistance by congressional democrats. Your statement couldn't possibly be more untrue.
The housing bubble that wrecked the economy began back in the CLINTON administration with the repeal of Glass/Segal and government instigation of sub-prime mortgages and the instigation of Fannie & Freddie to buy them up to promote more home ownership by lower income people.
Read up on Phil Graham.
No Child Left Behind was a contrived alliance between Bush and Teddy Kennedy.
So? pointless point is pointless
During the last rears of the Bush administration, the Congress was controlled by the Democrats and they, nor Bush, did nothing to defund/end the wars or fix the housing bubble.
Yes, the Military Industrial Complex is a heavy burden for this country at this time. Combined with Corruption and K Street, we will be fortunate to survive as a country
During Obama’s first two years there was a Democrat controlled Congress that did nothing to end the wars. Obama did nothing to end the wars. Obama continued the Bush doctrine with both wars and the Wall Street bailouts and added in the Auto Bailouts.
Clearly Obama, as a corporatist, is no better than Bush.
Bush ran up the National Debt by 6 trillion $ in 8 years. Obama has run up the National Debt 6 trillion $ in 4 years.
In fairness to Obama, much of that was an attempt (successful) to prevent world wide depression.
Both Democrat and Republican controlled Congresses had opportunities to end both unconstitutional wars and fix the housing crisis before the bubble burst and neither did anything.
Hard to stop such profitable business, don't you think?
The major media CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN, MSNBC and Obama and every Democrat in America are still blaming Bush for all of America’s ills while they ignore the fact that Obama and the Democrats in Congress allied themselves with the Bush Doctrine and Obama has put it on steroids. To top it off the leftist media I mention have near totally ignored “Fast & Furious” and “Benghazi.” It’s fucking pathetic!! They should have their licenses revoked for fraud and somebody should sue them for impersonating NEWS OUTLETS.

And those are the truthful facts!!!!
Bush did grave damage to the nation, do you deny this? Benghazi is a joke. Seriously, were you this concerned over the loss of 200 marines under Reagan? Stop whining.
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Can you somehow prove this claim? Don't forget, in your search for proof, that Cheney was manipulating everything and everybody he could.

Concerning intelligence, I don’t have to prove what is basic general knowledge, that being that both the congressional Armed Services and the Intelligence committees are subject to the same intelligence information that the President is. If you disagree, you prove they’re not!

Concerning Dick Cheney, that will be the day when Dick Cheney, (who Democrats hate), can manipulate a fucking Democrat. If Cheney was the lap-dog instigator of faulty/fraudulent intelligence that fucking Democrats claim he was, every Democrat in Congress would have come out of the woodwork to disprove the lying bastard and smear him all over the leftist media. The reason the majority of Democrats in Congress voted for the unconstitutional resolution was because they were getting the same intelligence information as Bush and Cheney were and the British were also publically reporting that Saddam had WMD. It was all public common knowledge. Even Colon Powell, (who voted for Obama twice), has said on several occasions that the intelligence everybody was getting was from both British and American intelligence agencies.

So much for blaming Dick Cheney, huh? Fucking Democrats love to blame their sins on Republicans!

Please show which statements I made are "bullshit talking points".

“Cheney was manipulating everything and everybody he could” {quote Rune)

How’s that just for starters. Nearly everything you say is leftist bullshit talking points and propaganda.

I assume this is an example of a "bullshit talking point"? Everything Bush did had the support of the congressional democrats? Again, prove this allegation or expect yourself to no longer be taken seriously.

That’s not a “partisan talking point” because I’m not a “partisan” I don’t support or vote for any particular party candidates or agenda. I dislike Bush and his wars as much as I dislike the Democrats that supported the Bush/Obama unconstitutional wars. If you disagree with my statements the onus is on you to prove them wrong.

In fact, nearly everything Bush II did during his 8 years was met by (not enough) resistance by congressional democrats. Your statement couldn't possibly be more untrue.

Did the majority of congressional Democrats vote in favor of the resolution that allowed Bush to unconstitutionally start the Iraq war? How about the Afghanistan war? If Democrats didn’t support both wars, how come they allowed Obama to continue them to this day when they could have simply defunded them and forced an end to them when they had total control of Congress in the last years of the Bush administration and the first 2 years of the Obama administration like Ron Paul was urging them to do? The proof is in the pudding friend, like it or not!

Can you or will you ever address the fact that both wars are unconstitutional to begin with? Where’s the constitutional authority for Congress to hand any President a fucking resolution that gives the proxy of the duty and authority of Congress to declare war? Where can we find that in the Constitution?
Concerning intelligence, I don’t have to prove what is basic general knowledge, that being that both the congressional Armed Services and the Intelligence committees are subject to the same intelligence information that the President is. If you disagree, you prove they’re not!
Thanks for admitting you can't prove your lie.
Concerning Dick Cheney, that will be the day when Dick Cheney, (who Democrats hate), can manipulate a fucking Democrat. If Cheney was the lap-dog instigator of faulty/fraudulent intelligence that fucking Democrats claim he was, every Democrat in Congress would have come out of the woodwork to disprove the lying bastard and smear him all over the leftist media. The reason the majority of Democrats in Congress voted for the unconstitutional resolution was because they were getting the same intelligence information as Bush and Cheney were and the British were also publically reporting that Saddam had WMD. It was all public common knowledge. Even Colon Powell, (who voted for Obama twice), has said on several occasions that the intelligence everybody was getting was from both British and American intelligence agencies.
Anyone can manipulate anything. Didn't say he manipulated dems though, said he manipulated info.
So much for blaming Dick Cheney, huh? Fucking Democrats love to blame their sins on Republicans!
Credit where credit (or blame) is due.
“Cheney was manipulating everything and everybody he could” {quote Rune)

How’s that just for starters. Nearly everything you say is leftist bullshit talking points and propaganda.
Not good. I asked for "talking points" I was acused of using in the prior post. Total fail on your part.
That’s not a “partisan talking point” because I’m not a “partisan” I don’t support or vote for any particular party candidates or agenda. I dislike Bush and his wars as much as I dislike the Democrats that supported the Bush/Obama unconstitutional wars. If you disagree with my statements the onus is on you to prove them wrong.
Still don't see how this works, huh? So sorry, but you made the statement, the onus is indeed upon you, and you only, to provide proof of YOUR statement.
Did the majority of congressional Democrats vote in favor of the resolution that allowed Bush to unconstitutionally start the Iraq war? How about the Afghanistan war? If Democrats didn’t support both wars, how come they allowed Obama to continue them to this day when they could have simply defunded them and forced an end to them when they had total control of Congress in the last years of the Bush administration and the first 2 years of the Obama administration like Ron Paul was urging them to do? The proof is in the pudding friend, like it or not!
Repeated for the comprehension disabled; The Military Industrial Complex. Both sides do the bidding of their (same) masters.
Can you or will you ever address the fact that both wars are unconstitutional to begin with? Where’s the constitutional authority for Congress to hand any President a fucking resolution that gives the proxy of the duty and authority of Congress to declare war? Where can we find that in the Constitution?

No need to address it, I agree with you completely. Pull your head out of your ass and wipe the shit out of your eyes, so you can see the truth.
I'm not ignoring the question. There have been "committees" looking into this. Remember all the bull about Hillary trying to avoid Congress? As to what the media would have done under Bush there probably would have been even less said because there were so many other things to say about Bush; things like a 10 year war, things like being completely unaware of the looming financial crisis

things like being completely unaware of the looming financial crisis ?
Really ? Completely unaware, YET he warned Congress starting in 2003, that this economic [financial] crisis was coming if something was not done.
How do you explain that ?
You see it with your own eyes and will still deny it....why the hell is that ?

This video clearly shows that George Bush warned Congress starting in 2003, that this economic [financial] crisis was coming if something was not done. But Congress refused to listen, along with the arrogant Congressman, Barney Frank. This video says it all. The liberal media reportedly did not want this video on You Tube; it was taken off. This link is of the same video, but is routed through Canada . Everyone in America needs to see this before it is yanked off the Internet again!

Barney Frank and Maxine Waters both testified that Fannie and Freddie are "in great shape". Given their proven stupidity, isn't time to kick them off any committee of importance?

Living in you fantasy world might bring you some serenity, but it makes you sound and look as stupid as all the other pinheads that refuse to face the truth of this matter.
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things like being completely unaware of the looming financial crisis ?
Really ? Completely unaware, YET he warned Congress starting in 2003, that this economic [financial] crisis was coming if something was not done.
How do you explain that ?
You see it with your own eyes and will still deny it....why the hell is that ?

This video clearly shows that George Bush warned Congress starting in 2003, that this economic [financial] crisis was coming if something was not done. But Congress refused to listen, along with the arrogant Congressman, Barney Frank. This video says it all. The liberal media reportedly did not want this video on You Tube; it was taken off. This link is of the same video, but is routed through Canada . Everyone in America needs to see this before it is yanked off the Internet again!

Barney Frank and Maxine Waters both testified that Fannie and Freddie are "in great shape". Given their proven stupidity, isn't time to kick them off any committee of importance?

Living in you fantasy world might bring you some serenity, but it makes you sound and look as stupid as all the other pinheads that refuse to face the truth of this matter.

I guess Bush didn't lead Congress to do something about it, then he didn't do anything to rectify the situation, just like Obama's Holder. No prosecutions because they are too big, too above the law.