Every time Donald Trump has invoked Hitler and the Nazis

Guno צְבִי

Am Yisrael Chai
A spokesperson for former President Donald Trump said Wednesday the president did not realize, at first, that a campaign ad shared from his Truth Social account included a reference to a “unified Reich.” The post was eventually deleted, but not before Trump’s critics seized on it to argue that his reelection would lead to a dictatorship reminiscent of Hitler’s Third Reich.

Trump’s ex-wife Ivana claimed in 1990 that he kept a book of Hitler’s collected speeches, My New Order, in his bedside cabinet. Of course, Trump was just a tabloid celebrity at the time. As a politician, Trump has sometimes used rhetoric similar to that once used by Hitler to describe what he perceives as American social ills; he has privately compared himself to Hitler on multiple occasions; and he has even praised Hitler for his economic policy.

trumps history.........

A spokesperson for former President Donald Trump said Wednesday the president did not realize, at first, that a campaign ad shared from his Truth Social account included a reference to a “unified Reich.”
This never happened. You are maintaining a 100% dishonesty quotient.

The post was eventually deleted,
No such video ever existed.

Trump’s ex-wife Ivana claimed in 1990 that he kept a book of Hitler’s collected speeches,
So did I at one point. Know thine enemy.
As you look at this thread think back to all the times Trump has been called the next Hitler over the last 7 years.
Good trick being able to delete a video you never posted, but then Trump is good at tricks.
There was never any such video. The entire world records everything Trump says or writes, so as to scrutinize it and to use it against him. If such a video had existed, it would have been posted millions of times on half the internet sites.

Where is that video?
As you look at this thread think back to all the times Trump has been called the next Hitler over the last 7 years.
Every President has been called Hitler.
Every President has been associated with the Mark of the Beast (666).
Every President has been called Satan.

Every President has been called Hitler.
Every President has been associated with the Mark of the Beast (666).
Every President has been called Satan.

The regressive narrative warriors constantly call people Hitler and Chamberlain....it is pro forma.....that was the point that I made poorly.
The regressive narrative warriors constantly call people Hitler and Chamberlain....it is pro forma.....that was the point that I made poorly.
Leftists hurl the slur "Nazi" and "Fascist" because they are so undereducated that they think that fascists are "right wing ideologues" and never learned that fascists are socialists, i.e. leftists such as them.
Leftists hurl the slur "Nazi" and "Fascist" because they are so undereducated that they think that fascists are "right wing ideologues" and never learned that fascists are socialists, i.e. leftists such as them.
The entire elite class is illiterate as Andrei Martyanov points out constantly....they have for their entire lives refused to learn.....in a universe where stupid hurts.

So ignorant that they have no idea of how ignorant they are....and they are abusive fucks too.....some of the worst people that have ever been.

Buckle Up.
So I party into the apocalypse as I attempt to wake people up.....a lost cause.....if Americans were going to measure up in time it would have happened a long time ago.
It is a combo of an advanced degree, making over 150K a year, and being admitted to the halls of power.....knowing the project of the Death Cult.

At least 2 of 3.