"Everybody wanted it"

So if you think abortion is killing babies, how do you feel about trump wanting it to be legal in most states? Or wanting it to be legal in Florida?
I asked you a question. Asking me a different one is not how you conduct a discussion.
No. A strong economy would have more debt, because it would be investing in more stuff. Building often requires debt.

I always hate explaining macroeconomics with microeconomics, but I will this time. A collapsing company will have trouble getting loans, and will often end owing little, but having less. An expanding company will take out ever bigger loans as it expands its revolving credit, and capital investment loans. Paying down debts is seen as not having anything better to do with the money, and therefore an incredibly bad sign. If a company tells you that there is nothing in their business that they can make money off of investing in, so here is your money back, get far away from that company.

There needs to be huge jobs reductions to get inflation under control. We would expect that to be so bad that there would be a severe recession. The reason there is not a severe recession is that the number of job openings was twice the number of unemployed. In aggregate, the job losses are actually jobs that were not filled.

As for layoffs in tech, from my experience, if a tech worker is halfway competent, he will get a higher paying job almost immediately. For instance, almost all the programmers at Twitter were hired within a week of being laid off, and usually for far more than they were paid at Twitter.

There is a real problem for non-tech workers at tech companies, but even many of them are better off for being laid off. Tech companies have poor work/life balances, and their pay is often not that great either. They depend on workers wanting to be part of "something big", and hoping to get rich one day off stock options.
1. Countries are supposed to reduce their debt during a strong economy.
2. Stock buybacks is job security for the CEO because investment is risky.
3. Companies hire during a strong economy, yet they're laying off.
4. Government keeps telling us not to worry because tech will save our economy.
5. A zombie company should be allowed to die, so why does the fed keep them alive?
1. Countries are supposed to reduce their debt during a strong economy.
Everyone is usually very happy if the deficit is reduced in a strong economy, or at least the deficit to GDP is reduced. No one really expects the debt to be reduced. The only President to actually reduce the debt during any of our lifetimes was Clinton. That was bizarre. I still remember the debt clock going backwards. It was literally a once in a lifetime experience.
2. Stock buybacks is job security for the CEO because investment is risky.
Dividends is the normal way profits are doled out. They are at record lows these days, because any CEO who admits that investors are better off investing the profits somewhere else is a CEO who will likely be fired. Maybe he can survive in some legacy industries, but in the big companies of today, it is a bad admission.

At one point Tesla was worth more than all the other car companies on Earth. It produced far less than 1% of the cars on Earth, so investors were hoping for a bright future. They continue to invest, thinking that Tesla will grow rapidly in the future, and just needs more investment. If Musk started paying dividends, saying there was nothing more to invest in, and that production will not be getting better, Tesla stocks would be near worthless.

Or speaking of debt, not stocks, if Tim Cook started using his war chest to pay down the bonds that Apple owes that are under 3%... He would be admitting that Apple would be looking at below inflation growth, and he would be quickly fired.

3. Companies hire during a strong economy, yet they're laying off.
More companies are hiring than are laying off. The economy was weakened to get rid of inflation, but we did not go into recession. No one is saying this is the strongest economy ever, but it does appear to be the strongest economy ever to vanquish inflation. It is truly amazing to watch.

Meanwhile, trump entered recession in February of 2020, right before Covid hit. Even without inflationary pressures, he crashed the economy. We will never know how bad the recession would have been without Covid, because Covid happened. But a recession is worse than not a recession.

4. Government keeps telling us not to worry because tech will save our economy.
It is not just "government", but almost everyone thinks that increasing productivity through technological improvements is the long term answer. trump, and his supporters, are unusual in thinking the solution is going back in time to lower productivity. The rest of us are trying to figure out what technology will increase productivity the most, and making sure that everyone's lives are improved through increased productivity.

5. A zombie company should be allowed to die, so why does the fed keep them alive?
During the pandemic, when trump was president, there was a real attempt to keep any company from going bankrupt. It became nearly impossible to go bankrupt. That kept good companies from being unfairly destroyed by Covid, but did cause inflation.

Those protections have been withdrawn. Bankruptcies have shot up, though they are still below average. The zombie companies being kept alive 4 years ago are dying, and being replaced by better companies.

What makes recessions good is they get rid of the deadwood of the economy. The companies that should be put out of business are put out of business. It was felt that the last recession was unfair, being so bad because of Covid, which was beyond reasonable business parameters. Therefore, when trump was president, the government prevented the deadwood from getting cleared out. Slowly the deadwood is being cleared out.

I almost, but not quite, wish there had been a recession.

You speak of tech workers being laid off at non-profitable companies. Well, I am here to tell you that they are being hired by very profitable companies. This is a move from less productive to more productive.

From the fintech point of view the Twitter layoffs were like a shark feeding frenzy. We were hiring people we did not even need immediately, for fear someone else would hire them first. Musk dropped a huge whale carcass of computer programmers into a large group of hungry sharks willing to pay them two to ten times what Twitter was willing to pay them. Musk is never rebuilding Twitter.
I'm an independent. It isn't "my" party.
Yes, but you hate us liberals and minorities- SO THEY ARE THE ONLY PARTY LEFT FOR YOU.

You will vote for Trump out of your hate for US!

I am asking you to help your COUNTRY AND NOT VOTE FOR Donnie!

Our country needs to get past Donnie- so please help!
Yes, but you hate us liberals- SO THEY ARE THE ONLY PARTY LEFT FOR YOU.

You will vote for Trump out of your hate for US!

I am asking you to help your COUNTRY AND NOT VOTE FOR Donnie!

Our country needs to get past Donnie- so please help!
"Liberals?" No. Leftists and Progressives? Yes. If you are a Leftist and Progressive, you have every reason to be despised and hated. Leftists and Progressives have done more harm than war, poverty, pestilence, and disease have ever done--at least if you don't count all the wars started by the Left (most of them).

Why the hell would anyone vote themselves into destitution, privation, and misery? The Left will do it to you every time.
No they didn't. We all know trump is lying.
That's all he can do...just ride with the lie until he dies. Unfortunately for him and his cult following, that is not the case:

Trump’s False Claim About Roe​

In a video statement outlining his position on abortion, former President Donald Trump falsely claimed that “all legal scholars, both sides, wanted and in fact demanded” that Roe v. Wade “be ended.” Legal scholars told us that was “utter nonsense” and “patently absurd.

Everyone is usually very happy if the deficit is reduced in a strong economy, or at least the deficit to GDP is reduced. No one really expects the debt to be reduced. The only President to actually reduce the debt during any of our lifetimes was Clinton. That was bizarre. I still remember the debt clock going backwards. It was literally a once in a lifetime experience.

Dividends is the normal way profits are doled out. They are at record lows these days, because any CEO who admits that investors are better off investing the profits somewhere else is a CEO who will likely be fired. Maybe he can survive in some legacy industries, but in the big companies of today, it is a bad admission.

At one point Tesla was worth more than all the other car companies on Earth. It produced far less than 1% of the cars on Earth, so investors were hoping for a bright future. They continue to invest, thinking that Tesla will grow rapidly in the future, and just needs more investment. If Musk started paying dividends, saying there was nothing more to invest in, and that production will not be getting better, Tesla stocks would be near worthless.

Or speaking of debt, not stocks, if Tim Cook started using his war chest to pay down the bonds that Apple owes that are under 3%... He would be admitting that Apple would be looking at below inflation growth, and he would be quickly fired.

More companies are hiring than are laying off. The economy was weakened to get rid of inflation, but we did not go into recession. No one is saying this is the strongest economy ever, but it does appear to be the strongest economy ever to vanquish inflation. It is truly amazing to watch.

Meanwhile, trump entered recession in February of 2020, right before Covid hit. Even without inflationary pressures, he crashed the economy. We will never know how bad the recession would have been without Covid, because Covid happened. But a recession is worse than not a recession.

It is not just "government", but almost everyone thinks that increasing productivity through technological improvements is the long term answer. trump, and his supporters, are unusual in thinking the solution is going back in time to lower productivity. The rest of us are trying to figure out what technology will increase productivity the most, and making sure that everyone's lives are improved through increased productivity.

During the pandemic, when trump was president, there was a real attempt to keep any company from going bankrupt. It became nearly impossible to go bankrupt. That kept good companies from being unfairly destroyed by Covid, but did cause inflation.

Those protections have been withdrawn. Bankruptcies have shot up, though they are still below average. The zombie companies being kept alive 4 years ago are dying, and being replaced by better companies.

What makes recessions good is they get rid of the deadwood of the economy. The companies that should be put out of business are put out of business. It was felt that the last recession was unfair, being so bad because of Covid, which was beyond reasonable business parameters. Therefore, when trump was president, the government prevented the deadwood from getting cleared out. Slowly the deadwood is being cleared out.

I almost, but not quite, wish there had been a recession.

You speak of tech workers being laid off at non-profitable companies. Well, I am here to tell you that they are being hired by very profitable companies. This is a move from less productive to more productive.

From the fintech point of view the Twitter layoffs were like a shark feeding frenzy. We were hiring people we did not even need immediately, for fear someone else would hire them first. Musk dropped a huge whale carcass of computer programmers into a large group of hungry sharks willing to pay them two to ten times what Twitter was willing to pay them. Musk is never rebuilding Twitter.
BRICS countries have 35% of world GDP with 3.6% growth
Brazil ________ Egypt ________ Venezuela?
Russia _______ Ethiopia ______ Türkiye?
India _________ Iran __________ Mongolian?
China ________ Saudi Arabia _ Thailand?
South Africa _ UAE

G7 countries in decline have 30% of world GDP with 1% growth
Canada ______ Japan
France _______ United Kingdom
Germany ____ United States