Everyone is terrified of a far-right return in Germany.


Verified User
Other writers are horrified that Germany’s centre-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU) is suddenly concentrating its national firepower on, of all people, the Greens. Are Germany’s Tories copying all those former centrist conservatives of recent years (take a bow, Boris Johnson) and adopting the attack tactics of rightwing populists? That’s the firewall that really matters, and if that goes…

Everyone is terrified?

I'm someone and my concern can be measured in micro give a shits.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Other writers are horrified that Germany’s centre-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU) is suddenly concentrating its national firepower on, of all people, the Greens. Are Germany’s Tories copying all those former centrist conservatives of recent years (take a bow, Boris Johnson) and adopting the attack tactics of rightwing populists? That’s the firewall that really matters, and if that goes…

The AfD isn’t far right. At all. Merkel was CDU and that was as left as Bernie sanders.
If you did some reading you would learn Germany is experiencing a surge of Right wing extremism and the AfD is in middle of it.
There is ample coverage of this in the press and online.
"Mind your own business."

The Valor Thief
Pretty easy to stop them, just do what the majority of Germans want, which is shut down mass immigration from Islamic shitholes.
Other writers are horrified that Germany’s centre-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU) is suddenly concentrating its national firepower on, of all people, the Greens. Are Germany’s Tories copying all those former centrist conservatives of recent years (take a bow, Boris Johnson) and adopting the attack tactics of rightwing populists? That’s the firewall that really matters, and if that goes…

Nothing good has ever come of a RW takeover.
If you did some reading you would learn Germany is experiencing a surge of Right wing extremism and the AfD is in middle of it.
There is ample coverage of this in the press and online.
and the right seems to want to do the same thing in the USA.
I hope they watch what is going on in Germany and see if that is really what this country to do.
Have a nice day
Here, there and everywhere democracy is on the defense.
Well the MAGA / right wing people are doing their best to destroy it in the USA.
I can't understand why.
Why would anybody want to elect a person who has come out and said he wants to be a dictator?
How stupid can you be to vote for a person that has come out and said HE doesn't give a SHIT about YOU he only wants your vote and your money, to become a king or Dictator?
that is what trump is all about, Trump IS ONLY out for Trump.
all I can say to them is watch out what you wish for because once you get it and it comes back and bites you in the ass it is WAY too LATE to go back.
Have a nice day
If you did some reading you would learn Germany is experiencing a surge of Right wing extremism and the AfD is in middle of it.
There is ample coverage of this in the press and online.
Read!?!? Read what? Your state approved propaganda? I visit Sachsen at least once a year to visit my family. I have friends from the Leipzig area I play golf with. My son in law votes AfD as well as at least one of the golfers. They are not “far right” by any means.
Read!?!? Read what? Your state approved propaganda? I visit Sachsen at least once a year to visit my family. I have friends from the Leipzig area I play golf with. My son in law votes AfD as well as at least one of the golfers. They are not “far right” by any means.
Before joining this site I had assumed Americans with your wildly political-driven opinions of reality itself were just media caricatures.
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Germany has been far right ever since it deposed Merkel. Schulz is a philosemitic Nazi.
You should visit Frankfurt, Hamburg, Leipzig or any decent sized city in Germany and see how the Muslims have FUBAR’d that once unblemished country.
They ALL smell, very very few bother to learn the language, most don’t work yet take advantage of free healthcare and free living quarters.
But of course that’s what you consider valuable attributes to society. Germans don’t have that mentality.