Everyone Vote For Obama!

Oh wait...I thought Dems were all just poor, lazy, and on welfare. You guys really need to pick a stereotype and stick with it.

It seems to me the stereotype is that the Republicans are the wealthy ones and the Democrats are the poor ones.

Look at the areas of the South that vote Republican. Not exactly the hotbed of wealth in the U.S. But along the West Coast and Northeast you find lots of wealth and these are liberal strongholds.

I live in the middle of S.F. There are some very wealthy and rich people around. This is a city that has no elected Republicans and Ralph Nader got more votes than George W. during the 2000 election. San Francisco is like a lot of big cities where there are a lot of wealthy and a lot of poor and they all tend to vote Democratic.

This is not to say that there aren't wealthy Republicans because there obviously are. So you can stereotype it however you would like but I'm writing what I see as realty not a stereotype.
The upper-middle class is generally the strongest Republican stronghold, but it really depends more on the region than anything else.

I know the greatest amount of support the Democrats get in Mississippi is from poor people. There's just not enough of them to overcome the general conservative sentiment, and even the poor Democrats aren't socially liberal.
The upper-middle class is generally the strongest Republican stronghold, but it really depends more on the region than anything else.

I know the greatest amount of support the Democrats get in Mississippi is from poor people. There's just not enough of them to overcome the general conservative sentiment, and even the poor Democrats aren't socially liberal.

Exactly why deomcrats don't win nationally in the South. Most Southern democrats, me included (though technically I'm not from the South), will vote based on social issues over other issues.
Exactly why deomcrats don't win nationally in the South. Most Southern democrats, me included (though technically I'm not from the South), will vote based on social issues over other issues.

There is a common misconception that the Deep South is solid Republican territory.

That may be true at the national level delegates they send to Washington, but at the state level many if not most of the region have Democratic-controlled state legislatures.

The differences in Southern Democrats and Southern Republicans are generally only visible in economic issues.
There is a common misconception that the Deep South is solid Republican territory.

That may be true at the national level delegates they send to Washington, but at the state level many if not most of the region have Democratic-controlled state legislatures.

The differences in Southern Democrats and Southern Republicans are generally only visible in economic issues.

Precisely. We have a democratic governor and our legislature is split about 50/50.

Obama is merely another extreme leftist. He votes for every tax increase that comes down the pike, votes to hamstring the military, votes for government intrusion into more and more of our lives, votes for more and more Big Government, etc. Very little difference from Hillary.

How is he the "least establishment" candidate? Sounds like the most to me.

And mccain wants to destroy the borders and be in Iraq for a thousand year noahide regime.

If they're going to outsource all the jobs like the globalists want, people will need services.